
HP: Ronan's Journey

Ronan Johanson, a normal orphan living in Little Whinging when he realized that he had transmigrated, was pleased. With the knowledge of a 35-year-old stock broker, who hand transmigrated into 1991, he realized that he would be able to become a billionaire if he played his cards right. Transmigrated with the gift of photographic memory and minor telekinesis he thought that his life would be awesome. But when a squat little old woman, calling herself Professor Sporut comes knocking at his door, he realizes that his life is not going to be as easy as he thought it to be. __________________________________ Please note the following things:- >MC would be a villain. But, keep in mind that this is not the kind of novel where the MC acts like a psychopath from day one. He will walk on the path slowly. >MC won't remember the full extent of the story of movies. >For the first few chapters, the story would follow canon, but variation would start taking place soon when MC would enter the second year. >This is not a harem fic. I have not thought about the love interest, if anyone has any suggestions then feel free to comment. ____________________________________ The book will be updated every Monday to Friday.  To read chapter ahead of public release and to support me, consider becoming a patron on: patreon.com/Yash_Vardhan One can chat with me on my Discord: https://discord.gg/kb7jehGPFX

YashVardhan_OG · Book&Literature
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81 Chs

Chaprter-34: Malfoy Manor

I will be honest here... I technically forgot to post the chapter yesterday, even though it was ready. 

Sorry about that.



Adorned in the fancy suit, Ronan looked himself in the mirror. He looked good. He was wearing a purple robe and trousers, with a white shirt underneath. When Kreacher saw him getting ready, that elf went to the house and some corner found broach. That silver thing had insignia of the Black family etched on it, and from intricate design and weight, it looked quite expensive as well.

"Oh." Kreacher started bawling out of his eyes, "Oh how mistress would be proud of the master… if she could see the young master…"

"Not happening Kreacher." He strictly said. From the day he had accidentally used magic, his grandmother's portrait wanted to talk to him. He didnt know what she was cooking, but he was simply not interested to know. Kreacher always urges him to go and talk to her, but he simply doesn't want to.

With everything set, he took the wrapped gift and went to the fireplace of the house. He had read about the floo network, so he had some idea how to operate the thing. But truth to be told, he was a little bit afraid. But it was the step that he had to take somehow, and in some way. Hardening his resolve, he took some of the floo powder in his hand and stepped into the fireplace.

With a deep breath, he yelled, "MALFOY MANOR!" And then threw the powder on his feet. A green fire engulfed him, and he found himself in a well-lit hall…

To say that Draco's house was a mansion would be an understatement. The correct word for it would be a palace, a very old and elegant-looking palace. When Ronan stepped out of the fire he found himself in a rather big hall. Candles were floating all around the place, illuminating the place. There were several flying plates, serving all kinds of snacks and drinks to the people.

While the guests there that night were something on its own. He spotted several wizards adorned in vibrant colors but wearing unusual dresses. From their attire alone, it was evident that these were foreign wizards. Seeing wizards from foreign countries was although a very informative experience, it was a little weird as well. After all, this was supposed to be the birthday party of a 12-year-old boy, so how this small party had become an international wizard convention was beyond him..

"Ahem," he looked to his right, a small elf with a crooked nose and tennis ball-like eyes was standing beside him. For some reason, all the elf's fingers were covered in bandages, looking as if someone had tortured the poor thing recently, "I can take the gift from your hands sir," he spoke.

"Sure," he then passed the elf the gift. "Thanks, mate,"

It was as though someone had offered the elf a free candy, the elf suppressed the smile blooming on his face, "Dobby doesn't deserve thanks sire. But dobby do appreciate it,"

"Ronan," a voice came to his left, cutting the conversation with the elf short. Blaise came running towards him.

"I am glad I found you," Blaise said, "Come, let me introduce you to some people."

Blaise then took him around the party and introduced him to some important people. He went Crabbe and Goyle Senior, who like their sons looked like trolls and probably possessed brains like trolls as well. Blaise introduced him to his mother as well, which was he very delighted by.

"It is nice to meet a friend of Blaise," Blaise's mother Katrina spoke. And like her name, she was a wild cat. She had pitch-black hair, blue eyes enchanting eyes, and olive-brown skin just like Blaise. She was wearing this purple enchanted dree, which was glimmering as if it was made of stars. Around her neck, she had this very heavy necklace, that covered almost her neck and it had rubies sticking out it.

"It is nice to meet you as well Mrs. Zabini," Ronan said courteously.

"It's Miss Zabini, my dear boy," she said with her sexy mature voice, "I have heard a lot of things about you. Especially how you are the strongest wizard of your year." Katrina said.

Ronan smiled at her words, "That is just ghost talk.. I just try my best to use the opportunity at hand,"

"He is jesting Mother," Blaise said, "You should see him at school. He is top of every class and is reading advanced stuff as well. From what I know, he is currently reading a third-year course."

"Is that so?" Katrina said, visibly impressed.

"Yes," Blaise said enthusiastically. "He is that good."

"Not only intelligent but also have power of House Black behind your back.." Katrina said. "You must have gotten a lot of money from the old House Black, in your inheritance I mean.."

It was then Ronan felt something weird, it was like someone tried to drill a hole in his head. But they retreated as soon as they felt resistance.

"Mother," Blaise looked visibly offended at her statement. Katrina who looked stumped for a moment, regained her composure soon.

Ronan waved his hand, "It's nothing, Blaise." He smiled, "Anyway where are Daphne and others?"

Blaise then started looking around, "They were here a moment ago…" The boy started looking around when Katrina turned around and started walking away.

'Not so fast bitch,' Ronan thought. His eyes were looking in the other direction than Katrina, but he could sense her. More specifically he could sense her neck. Ronan wanted to strangle her, as she tried to use Legilimency against him. That was unforgivable. UN. FORGIVABLE.

With all the might he could muster, he started pressing the walls of her neck, from all directions. Katrina, who had just taken two steps away from the boys abruptly stopped. She could feel a small grip around her neck, her neck started aching, it was suffocating.

Her hands went to her necklace's strap, trying to loosen up the string. But as her hands touched the strap, the grip around her neck tightened, it started getting tighter and tighter as the moment passed by. She couldnt take it anymore, she tried speaking, but no air came out of her mouth. Katrina took a step, trying to ask anyone for help, with just one more step her step faltered and she fell on the ground, gathering the attention of everyone around them.

"Mother?" Blaise turned around and went by his mother. Most of the men around them went to help Katrina, but none of them could understand what was happening to her. Till then the grip around Katrina's neck had got to such an extent that with a little more pressure he would have broken her windpipe. Or if he had stayed put on the act a little bit longer, she would have passed away due to lack of oxygen.

It was then he decided that it was enough, he immediately stopped putting pressure on her. And she became normal. Till then Katrina had gathered the attention of most of the people in the party. As she got up, she started making excuses that she must have tripped and fallen. People could see from her red face and neck that something was up with her. But she didnt comment anything about her situation.

Ronan stepped away from the crowd, when he heard, "What happened over here?" Draco who had come to stand beside him asked. He simply said, "Happy birthday mate,"

Draco nodded, "Thanks.. But what happened here?" He asked as he looked at the crowd of men around Miss Zabini.

He simply replied, "Miss. Zabini fell down."

"That woman," the man beside Ronan mumbled, he turned to see a adult copy of what Draco would look like standing beside him.

"You must be Draco's father," Ronan said, "It is a pleasure to meet you sir." Ronan then put his hand forward.

The man stared at him for a second, with his eyes finally coming to a stop at his broach. And only then did the man shake his hand, "You must be Ronan Johanson. Draco's friend. I am Lucious Malfoy."

"That I am," he said.

"Father, should we do something?" Draco said with venom in his voice. Ronan understood that the boy did not like the attention that the woman was getting.

With that Lucius went through the crowd, and managed to disperse it in a matter of seconds. Soon Daphne and Tracy joined Draco and him. Blaise did turn up a few minutes later, saying that his mother was feeling unwell and she went back home. No one missed her.

As they chatted, they met with the Slytherin quidditch team as well. Along with them, he saw Melinda Bobbin as well. She was in the same year as them and was in Hufflepuff. Pancy told him in discretion that the only reason she was invited was that her family owned a huge chain of Apothecaries around Europe.

With Pancy and Daphne at his side, Ronan started getting news and information from everyone at the party. Both of them liked gossiping a lot, and from them, he got all the information that he might need. As the night progressed, things only became more insane. The elf from earlier soon brought out this insane looked looking 5 story birthday cake, which looked more like someone's wedding cake.

And came the turn of gifts. Showing off to the world, Draco opened a few selective gifts. The Minister of Magic, who couldnt be there, sent a Horning Bird, it was a bluebird that seemed to have had this blue hue around it. Draco's father gifted his son seven Nimbus 2001, in celebration of him getting selected as the seeker for the Slytherin team.

Hearing the news, he immediately looked at Daphne. Who was expecting his reaction, "Do you think that it is a coincidence that all the Slytherin Team is here? Draco's father is buying them off."

Soon came the time for dinner, the food was delicious and exquisite. After that, some magical band started playing some music for the guests, and it became a party. But none of Ronan's friends danced, including Draco and his two goons. They all were hurdled up together excitedly chatting about how they will destroy Gryffindor that year. Ronan participated in the conversation, and truly he was interested as well. Surely these brooms gave his team a very huge advantage. They surely couldnt lose, right?


On 1st September, Ronan packed his trunk and clothes well. Put his owl, Raphael in the cage. While his turtle, Donatello, who was sleeping silently in his shell, he safely put him in his pocket. Before he could leave the house, he turned towards Kreacher, "Make sure you take care of the house. Clean it from time to time. And make sure you take care of yourself as well. You are an old thing,"

"Ye.. Yes, master," Kreacher bowed.

With that, he exited the house and called a knight bus. Within a few minutes, he arrived at the London Station, ready to start his second year at Hogwarts.