
Cho Chang

In the tenth century, Hogwarts was not known enough to attract International students. And while in the latter parts of the tenth century it did gain quite the fame thanks to it's four founders –the International student body in the school was almost non-existent.

So, when Sebastian saw the girl sitting on the ground –thanks to him– he decided it was best to help her.

He might not be a gentleman, but he knew how to own up to his mistakes.

"Let me help."

Without wasting a second, he picked up the book that nearly busted his head.

The girl looked at him, unsure of who he was.

"Thank you."

She tried to get up on her own, but she saw an extended hand towards her.


It was a common courtesy but most students felt they were too above them to lend a helping hand.

Most of the interactions she had till now had been with stuck up kids from ancient and powerful families who would much less blame her for the fall than to apologize.

"I was in a rush," He explained, "But I should still have been more aware of my surroundings."

He should have, she knew –but so did she.

Manners went both ways.

"I should have not had the book in front of my face." She said, a bit embarrassed. "I would have seen you otherwise."

She was aware that she was just as much at fault as him.

She at first thought that the boy was from either a weak family or was a muggleborn.

But when she noticed his fancy robe, his speaking skills and his confidence –she knew it was not the case.

Getting off the ground with his help, she gave him a smile.

"I am Cho Chang," She introduced. "Second year from Ravenclaw."

She could have gone without giving an introduction, but she was curious about the guy and wanted to know who he was.

"Sebastian S–" He wanted to say his full name but paused mid-sentence, "You can call me Sebastian. I am a new student."

Cho noticed his reluctantance to give out his family name and in a way that affirmed her very firsr assumption.

'He is a muggleborn.'

Most muggles were intimidated by the purebloods thanks to a few who preached of blood superiority.

Cho didn't care about that, but she also wasn't going to be the one to explain it to him.

Or well, that was at least what she believed.

She wasn't aware of Sebastian's family name. And even if she did learn about it, there was not a high chance of her believing him.

"Aren't you a little late for a new student?" She said, confusing Sebastian. "The sorting ceremony ended quite a long time ago and considering you were not a part of it, I assume you missed it?"

Cho was there at the sorting ceremony, welcoming new students to her house.

And she knew that the name Sebastian was not in the many dozen students that joined.

'Wait no–'

She paused and recalled that there was one boy named Sebastian but he looked nothing like the one in front of her.

Sebastian nodded, "I did miss it. But the headmaster said that my sorting ceremony will be done in a day or two and I will be able to join as a regular student from next week."

Another shocker for Cho.

The headmaster was making an exception and allowing a student to join after the official sorting ceremony?

Not only that, he was also hosting a sorting ceremony for the boy alone?

Cho felt her head aching from trying to understand the situation.

In one way, she believed that the boy was nothing special and belonged to a muggle family.

But on the other, the fact that the headmaster was willing to go to such lengths instead of letting the boy join another school of magic told her that he wasn't an average kid.

Despite the interest, she decided not to pry further.

She just met him, that too in an accident. And it would be rude to ask so many questions from the get go.

"That's nice." Hiding her curiosity, she gave the boy another smile. "So, where are you headed to?"

The boy was clearly in a rush, which surprised her that he was willing to talk to her despite his rush.

"To the library." He said, "There's something that I need to find."

Now Cho was interested.

A boy that just joined and was willing to go to the library.

'Ravenclaw?' She felt a sense of joy, 'He is definitely going to be sorted into Ravenclaw.'

It always felt good when a house got more students –especially if that house happened to be the same as one's own.

Her face glowed with the expectation of a new student, "Are you going to look for materials for the school curriculum?"

Cho was an extremely outgoing girl, which in a way was quite contradictory to her being a Ravenclaw.

And this enthusiasm amazed Sebastian.

"Errr… Yes." He wasn't sure how to answer her, so, he ended up lying.

But maybe, it was a mistake.

"Great!" She expressed, "If you want suggestions, I would be happy to help! I already went through the subjects that you are about to take, so you can ask me anything."

Her interest felt overwhelming, almost suffocating. Sebastian didn't mind questions but Cho's questions were unending.

"I…" He knew that he had to do something to get away from this situation, "I have to meet the headmaster after my trip to the library." He was on a timer, and so he had to get out of the situation as quick as he could. "Were you out to do something?"

And well, she was.

"Oh no!"

Her eyes went at the realization.

"Professor Flitwick asked me to deliver him this charms book ages ago!" She was horrified, "I have to go!"

He nearly jumped away.

"I-Err… Sorry," She said, a bit embarrassed. "And thank you!"

Sebastian wasn't sure what the thank you was for but he nodded nonetheless.

"My name is Cho Chang," She said, "Don't forget it. You can find me at the Ravenclaw table, so feel free to talk whenever you want."

Sebastian smiled, "Of course."

The girl's presence was overwhelming and well, Sebastian didn't hate that.

"I will."

The moment he said that, the girl nearly bolted away from the place –leaving a very intrigued Sebastian behind, alone with his thoughts.

"Cho Chang, huh?" Sebastian stood confused, "She is… quite the person."

"Professor Snape is the worst!"

The two boys jerked up as they heard the outburst of the girl.

"He deducted ten points from the house! Not individual points but house points!" She was furious, "Just because one person fell asleep in his class!"

"Snape only likes students of his house." sighed the ginger, "My brothers hate him and I can see why."

Seeing the girl's anger and the ginger's disinterest, Harry couldn't help but wonder.

"Is that allowed?" He asked, "Can't we complain to the headmaster about this bias treatment?"

Hermione wanted to agree but was immediately discouraged by Ron's words.

"And what will happen then?" The ginger asked, "They will definitely not remove him from the class as Snape is one of the school's best staff."

This statement was both true and false, depending in whom you asked.

"At best they will ask him politely to be more fair or maybe a warning." He frowned, "And what about after that? Once he comes to know that it was us that ratted him out –our school life would be hell and you can forget about passing his class."

"So is there nothing we can do?" Hermoine frowned and Ron shook his head.

"For now, nothing. Maybe not make any mistakes in class?" He realized immediately how ridiculous he sounded. As even if Harry managed to ace the tests, he would never be able to do that.

Hermione didn't fall into that equation as she was already a top student –Ron figured that out in the first class.

"Oh really?" Hermoine said, semi-mockingly.

Ron scowled but didn't say anything further. "Nevermind."

Trying to change the mood of the ones around him, he decided to ask an interesting question.

"By the way, have you heard that there is a new student joining our class?"

This intrigued both Harry and Hermoine.

"Didn't we just have the sorting ceremony?" Harry asked, confused as to how someone could join after the end of the sorting ceremony.

Ron looked around, trying to see if there was anyone nearby.

Noticing that it was just the three of them, he signaled them to come closer.

The two Griffindors were confused but they came forward nonetheless.

Lowering their necks, they leaned to listen to the sitting Ron.

"I heard… this person is from a noble family."

This confused Hermoine, "How is that any surprising? We already have a lot of such students, Harry can be considered a noble if you are talking about it."

Ron immediately shook his head.

"This person…"

He took a deep breath, "This person is different."

"How so?" Harry asked.

But the answer that they got wasn't something either Harry or Hermoine expected.

"There is news that this person… that this person is from an ancient and extinct pureblood house."

Ron stared directly at Harry.

"Maybe even more powerful than the Potters."

A statement that held complete truth. Yet the kids just weren't aware of just how much of a difference there was between the House of Potter and the House that they were referring to.

Something that they were going to learn through visuals.


[[A/N: Read 100+ Advanced Chapters (summation of all stories) ahead of WN on Patreon.

25 Advanced Chapters for Harry Potter on https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog

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