

They followed Snape to his office in the dungeons in complete silence. James still glared at him aggressively. Orion really wondered why children had so much energy to hate each other, besides he started it why would he blame him? The way to the dungeons was very long and they walked for over 10 minutes.

Soon Snape led them into an emty classroom in the dungeons. From the looks of it it is one of the potion-classrooms. On the shelves were several potion ingredients and the tables all had a small fireplace. Snape let them enter first and slammed the door shut behind them. Then he started angrily shouting at them.

"You really are a disgrace for Slytherin. You fight with your fists in front of all the students and teachers. And this all happend barely 5 minutes after you were sorted. If you need to fight, at least use your wands! Now can you please tell my what was so important that you did that?"

Snape hissed still very angry "there's a rule in Slytherin...whatever conflicts you have, you solve them in Slytherin. To everyone else you are united and support each other. But you two just fought in front of the whole school like two Griffindors!"

"Professor it's not my fault, he started it. I just asked him to be my friend and he punched me all of a sudden" James said in panic. He looked at the ground in shame intimidated by the angry professor Snape.

Orion looked at James like he was an idiot.

"So demanding to be your house elf in the school and looking down on me because I'm a half blood is asking to be your friend to you?" Orion retorted.

"Professor, there's actually a very easy way to solve this conflict "Orion said and looked at professor Snape. The professor just sneered and raised an eyebrow. It was actually very funny how Snape managed to do this at the same time.

"He just needs to agree to a wizard duel" Orion said and without waiting for Snapes approval slapped James face with a white glove in revenge for framing him. He had the glove out of his subspace ring.

Wizard duels are a sacred ceremony for wizards. Once agreed a contract binds you and you have to duel if you don't want to loose your magic.

"Okay I'll duel with you" James said in anger from beeing slapped with the glove.

Between the two a glowing blood-red string appeared connecting Orion and James.

"How dare you two! A wizard duel?" Snape said even more angry. The impudence of this kid really made him speechless.

"You two are already in trouble, now you want to cause even more trouble in front of me? If I could decide what to do with you, then I would throw you retarded brats out of Slytherin. Mabye you would do better in Griffindor the house which is full of brainless retarded idiots! You are a shame to Slytherin!".

At this moment Dumbledore entered the classroom.

"Hello to both of you. You made quite a ruckus in the great hall...but I am sure, that once you get to know each other you will get along just fine" he said in his grandfatherly voice.

"I belive after dention with our caretaker Finch, they won't do something like that again" Dumbedore said to the very angry Snape trying to calm him down.

Dumbledore knew Snapes temper and didn't want things to escalate.

He looked at Orion and James with a thoughtful gaze as if contemplating what to do with these troublemakers.

His piercing blue eyes seemed to see straight into the soul of whoever looked at it. But at least Dumbledore seemed to have his principles as he didn't launch a leglimens attak at Orion or James to see through them.

He just hoped, that they wouldn't be as annoying as the Weasley twins.

Snape stared at Dumbledore still very angy " I think this isn't something that can be solved with a few dentions anymore" he said weakly.

"Oh what did they do now?" Dumbledore said in a playful tone. What big trouble could little kids cause? It was likely to be a prank or something like that.

"Albus...they agreed to a wizard duel" Snape said.

Dumbedore looked at Orion and James "I want you to know, that violence is never a good way to solve conflicts. It will only lead to more violence and there are only loosers at the end" he berated them. "Violence only brings despair to everyone I know that better than anybody else" he said "but since we already have no choice, we need to allow it Severus. However you will still get dention with finch on every saturday".

"You can host the duel in two days in the evening at the great hall. I belive it will be a great entertainment for Filius. He is a former duellist champion and will be the referee of your match" Dumbledore said "I also need to tell you, that you are not allowed to enter the forbidden forrest or the third-floor corridor. This is for your own safety and I hope you won't ignore it. Now go to bed it's late".

With that professor Snape wordlessly took them out of the gloomy potions classrom and showed them the way to the Slytherin dormitory. They walked in absolute silence for about 5 minutes, then Snape stopped in front of a wall.

"Green silver" he spoke and a small entrance appeared which led to the common room under the black lake. Now at night the glass wall under the lake looks like pitch black obsidian. The common room was a big circular stone chamber with several small pillars with a green fire at the top. The green fire provided the room with enough lighting to see the whole room. There where several metall snakes as decoration and the carpets and the wall were painted green. In the middle, there were a few couches and small tables with chairs to do your homework or to play games. All in all Orion was really statisfied with the common room.

"The sleeping rooms of the girl are on the right side here while the boys rooms are ln the left. You will find name plates on the door of your room and your luggage is already in your rooms. The password changes every week and you can see the new one at the board. Make sure you know it or you would not be able to enter" Snape said in a flat voice and left through the entrance. His robe fluttered like a bat due to his fast steps. Orion glanced at James and thought 'just great, Professor Snape already doesn't like me on the first day because of some idiot who can't afford a house elf'.

"You just wait, in the wizard duel I'll beat you up until you can't walk anymore in front of the whole shool" James said.

"We'll see" Orion said and walked in the room with his name plate.

The room didn't have much, there was just a king-sized bed, a cupboard for his clothes a small table with a chair and another small bathroom. On top of the table, there was his timetable.

~Hey Nyx wake up~ Orion spoke in parseltongue.

The lifelike tatoo started to move and turned into a black snake. The snake looked around curiously.

~Aaaah, it's so boring just watching you, can't you let me stay outside?~ Nyx asked.

~No, it's not allowed to bring a snake to Hogwarts, the other students would be afraid of you...I could ask the headmaster, but I don't think he'll allow it. But I can let you out inside here or the forbidden forest~

~Well at least something~ Nyx said and curled up on the bed.

Orion also washed himself, changed his clothes to his pyjama and lied down on the bed next to Nyx.

He was fast asleep and woke up at 6am in the morning like everyday.

Next chapter