
Chapter 1: [Whispers of Peverell: The Boy Who Awoke.]

In the grandeur of the luxurious room, a young boy of about 10 lies asleep on the king-size bed. His crimson red hair fans out on the pillow, adding a touch of innocence to his peaceful, cute expression.

He awakens with a stretch, leaving the comfort of dreams behind. His eyes, as green as precious emeralds, capture the first light of day. 'After so many days, I finally had a good sleep,' he murmurs to himself. Surveying the room with a sense of awe, he can't help but think, 'Perhaps I'm still in the midst of a dream,' as he speaks his thoughts into the silence.

With a soft 'pop', a small creature materializes in front of the boy. It's a house-elf. The boy is taken aback as the house-elf has appeared out of nowhere, offering a deep bow in front of him.

Without any hesitation, the boy begins to ask questions.



"Who are you, and what is this place? Did you bring me here?" I question the house-elf.

"Master Hadrian, my name is Whisk, and I am the Head House-elf of House Peverell.I did not bring you here, Master Hadrian. I found you asleep on the bed. How you came here, I do not know." the house-elf, Whisk, states.

"How do you know my name, and wasn't House Peverell extinct many years ago? How are you still alive?" I asked.Because a house-elf requires a bond to properly use magic, and it's beneficial for their life and health as well.

"My bond is with Peverell Manor, preserved by Family Magic, Master Hadrian. And the last member of House Peverell still lives, who is the new lord of the house," Whisk says.

I looked at Whisk and questioned, "So where is your Lord?" wondering if he had brought me here.

Whisk gazes at me and says, "You are the new Lord."

I tell Whisk, "My name is Hadrian James Potter, and people also know me as Harry James Potter. I have no connection to the Peverell Family, so how did I become Lord Peverell?"

I halted, the words I intended to speak evaporating as I stared at my hands—so small, so delicate. A mix of confusion and wonder washed over me. My eyes then caught sight of a full-body mirror. Drawing closer, the image that confronted me was astounding. I was small again, yet there was a healthy glow about me. And my hair—it was the color of crimson red, the same shade as my mother's. The sight was so startling, I could hardly believe it.

I urged Whisk, a sense of urgency in my voice, "Take me to the tapestry room. I need to see if the name 'Hadrian James Potter' is there, or if it's something else entirely."

"Of course, Master," Whisk replied with a nod, understanding the gravity of what Harry was about to discover.

POV End.


Harry, accompanied by Whisk, entered the tapestry room, where the walls boasted a myriad of branches, each inscribed with names and visages from the past. His attention was drawn to a distinct branch that carried an unexpected name: 'Hadrian Ignotus Peverell,' not the 'Hadrian James Potter' he knew himself to be. The inscription below, 'direct descendant of Ignotus Peverell,' sent a shock through him. He stood motionless, a tide of bewilderment washing over him. The mysteries piled up—his arrival at this mansion, his inexplicable reduction in size, his newfound lordship of an unfamiliar house, and the alteration of his very name—all of it was overwhelming.


Whisk's POV (1st POV)

I, whisk, I've been the head house-elf of Peverell House for centuries, waiting for a master to return. It's as if time has stood still for me, preserving my health and life. I recall the Masters Antioch, Cadmus, and Ignotus once mentioning that if the family line ended, Lady Magic, or sometimes Lady Fate, would choose a new Lord for the House. But for Peverell House, it is Lady Death who chooses. Perhaps the family magic has kept me alive to guide the next Lord because my masters taught me much to assist the future Lords. This morning, while cleaning, I sensed a magic that felt familiar yet purer than Master Ignotus's. Considering Master Ignotus has been gone for many years, whose magic could this be? Who could enter the manor without Peverell blood? The wards, created by my masters, are potent; anyone without Lord Peverell's permission would perish. So who was this? I went to where I felt the magic, the master bedroom, and saw a boy, about 10 or 11 years old, sleeping. I knew then he was my new master, the new Lord of House Peverell. To fully confirm, I went to the tapestry room and saw a new name appear: "Hadrian Ignotus Peverell," labeled as the direct descendant of Ignotus Peverell. He is the descendant of my Master Ignotus. Today is a day of immense joy for me; it marks a new beginning for House Peverell in the Wizarding World. Now, I wait for Master Hadrian to awaken.

Whisk's POV End.


[A/N: Donate Stone Please]

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