
Unexperienced Situation

Alexander was feeling full of energy, magic was flowing in his body very smoothly, the moment he teleported to a building that is the Cairo museum, a place where the car will arrive at any moment, he can feel that it was much simpler than before, especially the feeling of being complete.

'Very well, that was all I was craving, a much greater power, good thing I did all this in complete secrecy as I was in a moment of weakness in the midst of purification, a moment in which anyone who wanted my harm can take advantage of.' In the midst of his thoughts he hears the sound of the car, and as he predicted it was coming this far.

And so when the car turns the corner, the people in question, Rick, Jonathan Terrence Bay the museum curator and also Ardeth Bay, the apparent leader of the Medjai, who somehow managed to get out of that tomb alive, very intriguing.

The most intriguing thing is that Evelyn was missing, so it is quite possible that she has already been taken by Imhotep, and he now being with the book of the dead in hand would be one of the most dangerous people in the world, a pity that the key is with Alexander, and has no means of being opened by any other means without it.

And when they were arriving in front of the museum they saw someone who was missing, Jonathan's strange friend, he even seems to be waiting for them.

And so Jonathan stops the car in front of the museum, and everyone gets out quickly, because he has a lot of things to plan, and not long ago they were being chased by seemingly zombie-like people resounding Imhotep's name like a mantra.

Rick is the first to talk to his apparent traveling friend, who looks a little different, but he can't quite figure out what he is. "Alexander where have you been all this time, the town is in chaos, people are looking like zombies, and we have a seemingly immortal mummy walking around, and on top of that he took Evelyn for something." He said this all at once, in a single breath, showing his frustration with the situation.

"I had left town for a while, I had some things to do, but when I was leaving all the liquid from my stuff started turning to blood, so I decided to go back to town, and I find this place like this, so apparently it was that mummy you said you killed." In the end Rick gets a little embarrassed, because he declared vehemently that he had really killed the mummy.

Without letting him speak, Ardeth speaks quickly. "Exactly what I said, no mortal tool can kill him, even my friends with some things we think would have killed him were not possible, so we have to find some way, so we can finish with this walking calamity. But before that we have to get into the building and come up with a plausible plan." He says rushing the people, because the more time talking here the more chances of that horde of people find them.

This way they quickly enter the museum, and close off any available entrances thus gaining temporary shelter, and being able to think calmly about the situation at hand.


Away from Cairo which was being the center of the mummy's curse, the united kingdom was beginning to face the first stages of the plague, the waters turned to blood, and the population was beginning to despair, especially the no-Magic, as this was an occurrence never seen before. And situations like this were described in the Bible that might hint at the beginning of the apocalypse, so many minds were thinking rational things and others not so rational.

The magic side was having an equal problem, but they knew this was a curse, and a very powerful one at that.

Hogwarst the prestigious school even with its millennium of defensive formations was having many problems too, and at that moment Albus was talking to the current headmaster Armando Dippet. "Armando this that is happening and the most powerful curse I have witnessed, so we should not let anyone have contact with the water, because we do not know what can occur if they have contact, and in the worst case can be ingested can lead to death, or even worse contract some curse that can pass to subsequent lineages. Says Albus, for besides being very powerful, he also has much knowledge in many areas.

Armando comtemplates, everything that Albus says to him, everything is true, and very intriguing for the so director, because he is more experienced than Albus having lived for almost three hundred years, he has a frightened knowledge, and even so he uses his weak appearance to have many opportunities, therefore he knows how much to be manipulative in the right amount, and a never before seen situation was happening at this moment.

"You're right Albus, especially the children they can't get near the water, because they are the future of the magical world, we need to alert everyone, and have some way to have clean water, so until then we find out the root of all this, and if possible eliminate it." This last part was very eager, because this was affecting the school in which he put so much effort.

Just as Albus was beginning to speak someone enters the headmaster's office, the person in question being the castle caretaker taking with him the current Minister of Magic, who at this point seems to be very stressed.

"The two people I was wanting to see. The situation is getting desperate, you must have noticed, so we have to solve this fast, we may be able to control things on the magic side, but on the no magic side and different, people are dying, the prime minister thinks it was us, we need to find the culprit and end it. Said Hector the minister, he was in despair, being pressed from many sides, and as a future minister he was a coward, and so was seeking help from the people he knows that can solve this somehow.

This situation may trigger a war that he does not want to have, especially in his mandate, where he may end up losing his job, and even being taken to Azkaban as a scapegoat, being pushed to the slaughterhouse in every sense of the word.

"Calm down Hector, first we have to have a way to stabilize the situation and then look for the person who did this, but you can be sure that we will be doing as much as possible, this has never been seen, a curse of such a large scale, and for someone to do this he has to be immensely powerful, one way or another many people will die." He says with a serious look, because the situation was beyond his control and his power, and a person that could help a lot would be Albus' old mentor.

"Albus I need you to ask Flamel for help, he may even be able to get some solution to this, we need all the help we can get."

"You can leave it to me Armando, I was already ready to convince him to help us, in his time of life he may have encountered some unexpected situations, and therefore have some way around it." He finishing speaking was leaving the room, with hurried steps, and many thoughts, hoping that whoever has done this is not his beloved friend, for something on that scale is far from easy to reverse.

And just like in the UK many people were desperate because the unknown does this to human beings, many places that were close to Egypt were already experiencing the second wave of plagues, and desperation was being spread, riots happening, people taking advantage of these situations, and this and only the beginning of Imhotep's presence with the Hom Dai curse.

I am coming to the end of the first arc, so I am trying to do this in more detail, showing the consequences of the mummy's existence. Alexander is an intelligent person but he is not omniscient, so a lot of things will be out of control, even though he knows certain aspects of the future because his presence is already changing it.

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