
Ch 13 pt 1

Gilderoy watched as the Hogwarts Express disappeared down the tracks. The students, at least those going home for the holidays, were finally out of his way. He had a busy set of hols ahead, and having constantly to dodge inquisitive children would be problematic. And the staff would be wrapped up in end-of-term paperwork and watching for problems on the train, especially the Headmaster.

By tomorrow, the parents would hear about the Chamber of Secrets monster being a Basilisk. By Wednesday, the word would spread to their friends. They would think their children had exaggerated the situation, but the story would linger as gossip. Christmas would interfere a bit in that dissemination of news, but after Boxing Day, he believed the public would be more receptive to the revelation of his exploits. Yes, it was a perfect plan — the children unknowingly providing the groundwork for his headlines. Next Monday would provide a perfect headline to end the year. Everyone would be talking about Lockhart and the Basilisk at all the New Year's Parties. He expected invitations to many of those parties.

But in the meantime, he had work to do. He returned to the Castle.

"Mr. Potter," he said, catching the boy as he left the Great Hall after a late breakfast. Harry and Hermione, the only ones in Gryffindor staying for the holidays, had slept late, taking advantage of the fact the rest of the students were in a hurry to go home.

Fortunately, Ginny's situation had called for the entire Weasley family to return home for the hols, even Charlie and Bill from overseas. Harry/Gilderoy had insisted, not so subtly, that Arthur take the generous bag of galleons he had forced into Wizard's hands and use it to have the best Christmas they had ever had. "This," he had said, "is merely a down payment on what the school owes you for your daughter's suffering and healing." He paused watching the man's reaction. "Mr. Weasley, if you are hurt on the job, does not the Ministry pay the Healer's bills for you as well as your regular salary even though you cannot work?" The man nodded frowning. "Well, consider this to be the same thing for your daughter. It is not charity, but the least that Hogwarts can do to apologize for the Headmaster's failure to protect your child." Reluctantly, the Weasley patriarch had agreed. So, Ginny, Ron, Fred, George, and Percy were all absent this Christmas.

"Come with me Harry, I have need of your special talents," Gilderoy said.

Harry looked at Hermione, shrugged, and said, "Sure."

"Excellent!" Gilderoy smiled happily. "With your help, we're going to see something that few have ever seen before and lived to tell the tale. Walk this way!" He turned and jauntily started walking. The two children followed him with justifiably worried expressions.

He stopped. "No, Harry," he said, faking exasperation with his hands elegantly on his hips, "Walk this way!" He demonstrated his jaunty confident walk and drilled the poor boy until he had it down right. Hermione watched with wide eyes, her fear of point's loss or a detention all that prevented her from laughing aloud at her friend's predicament, and Professor Lockhart. Gilderoy grinned widely as Harry attempted to stop himself from rolling his eyes at each repetition.

Once Gilderoy was satisfied with Harry's confident appearance, he turned to Hermione. "Now it's your turn, my dear." She stared at him like a deer caught in a Lorry's headlamps. It was Harry's turn to suppress his laughter as the Professor put her through the paces.

He told her, "I once asked my mum why she swayed so as she walked when others didn't. She told me, 'Honey, if your wrist doesn't hit your hip as you walk, you aren't walking right!' So, my dear, let's see you do it right!"

As she took a few steps, he said, "You'll feel horribly self-conscious, at first, thinking you look absolutely ridiculous, but after you make it a habit it will look quite gracious indeed!" He made her practice it for several minutes, walking up and down the corridor. It was difficult, really it was, not to burst out laughing at the two kids as they tried to follow his directions.

Finally, he led them on a circuitous route through the Castle, nattering on about his books and popularity, pausing when they were no longer in sight of paintings, sculptures, or armours. First, he cast a quick detection spell, explaining what it was and how it worked, and then removed all the tracking and listening charms on the two students. Both were suitably outraged at him finding the charms — he didn't mention that one on each of them was his. He not so subtly suggested Hermione learn the detection charms and begin a regular regimen of removing what they found. Second, he cast a disillusionment charm on both and had them follow him to their destination, admonishing them to keep practicing their walks even though none could see them. One wanted the way they walked to be an unconscious habit, didn't one?

When he stopped outside Moaning Myrtle's First Floor Toilets, Gilderoy could almost feel their sudden panic. Was he about to reveal their Polyjuice Potion and demand answers?

He swept inside and halted in front of the very stall in which the cauldron was simmering. Dobby was keeping an eye on it behind the scenes to make sure the potion turned out properly. There was even a supply in Lockhart's office to switch out the contents of the cauldron in case Hermione's potion was substandard. So far, it was nearly perfect.

He dismissed the disillusionment charm and frowned down at them, increasing their obvious agitation. Both Gryffindors were staring at him, pale and wide-eyed, anticipating a severe dressing down.

He smiled at them, and turned to face the sink. "Have you discussed with Moaning Myrtle how she died?" He had hinted enough times during Harry's detentions that they should have managed to do that by now. He would be so disappointed if they hadn't. He watched them from the corners of his eyes as they relaxed ever so slightly.

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Then you know that I'd like you to say 'open' in Parseltongue, right Mr. Potter?"

The boy started sweating and turned to stare at the sink. He wet his lips with his tongue. "Um, I need to see a snake."

"Look closely at the tap," Gilderoy said, "I think you'll see one embossed on it. If that is insufficient, close your eyes and picture a snake in your mind's eye." He tapped the special crystal in his pocket, recording what Harry said. Now that he, as Gilderoy Lockhart, officially couldn't speak or understand Parseltongue, he needed another way to gain entry whenever he wanted in. The recording crystal would hide his Parseltongue ability. That it could record vibrations as well as sound made it perfect for his needs.

Moments later, the sink and wall had moved to reveal the entrance. A rank musty odor wafted out at them.

"This, my dears, is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets." He looked into the inky blackness of the long tunnel. He pointed his wand inside and said, "SCOURGIFY!" A bright light swept down the pipe before them, leaving a gleaming clean surface. "There now, that's better." He didn't want to get his clothes messed up with that gunk lining the pipe. He pulled three small items out of his pocket and restored them to their normal size — brooms. He handed one to each of them.

"Follow my lead, we're not in a real hurry here. Don't worry about the Basilisk. I, Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League, five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award, and your beloved Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor shall ensure you are at all times safe and secure!" He could see them trying to prevent themselves from rolling their eyes. "Besides, I'm sure it's asleep right now." He watched as they got on their brooms, Harry confidently and Hermione gingerly, and slowly followed him into the pipe. He started down, his wand lit with lumos to light their way. "At least, I hope it is," he said loudly before plummeting down. He thought he heard a panicked "Eep!" from Hermione as his Follow-Me spell dragged their brooms behind him.