
Howl At the Moon

Special. That's what he is, or at least that's what his new father calls him. But Allen knew he's not. He's nothing but a below average person trying to live a normal life as he could despite his fuzzy past. To top it all, he's gay which made him the laughingstock of the jocks. He is trying to live with that until he felt a sudden pull that led him to lay his eyes on Kendrick Immanuel Hayes. And that very moment, his below average world changed swiftly as his blurry past vividly unfolds before him that led him to the realization of who he really is. However, there seems to be a problem, a voice inside him says "Kendrick, my mate..."

YourJoniverse · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

The moon is already high the moment I walked out of my room of our new house. Well, it was the house of my father before he left Ravenwoods to take care of me.

"Are you ready?" My father asked as he descended on the stairs.

I nodded.

"The cloak suits you." He said referring to the bearskin that he gave me.

"Yeah. Thanks." I said.

He then tousled my hair which made me groaned. He chuckled and walked ahead.

I followed him.

Later I found myself walking along with the mob. I found out that Ravenwoods hosts five hundred or so werewolf families. So basically, I'm walking with a large crowd. I could hear laughter. Some were even singing.

I don't exactly know where we are heading but my father told me that it was one of the sacred places of Ravenwoods. After a few minutes of walking, I heard the sound of water splashing.

Then just a few steps, I saw a waterfall with its waters gleaming under the moonlight. I later found out that under the cascading waters was an entrance to a cave where the ritual is going to happen.

So, thankfully I had my cloak because the water would be so cold. But there are others especially the male ones who doesn't even bother if they get wet when they entered.

Then I realized, they're werewolves. Things like that is not an issue.

We entered the innermost part of the cave and I was surprised to see how beautiful it is. There were several pools of crystal-clear water. And since the people had gone silent when they entered, I could hear the droplets of water falling from the stalactites on the pools.

In the middle was a large pool of water. Above it was a circular opening that allows the rays of the moon to enter. The cave glows pale blue because of the reflection of the water. And one thing that really took my attention were the crystals on the walls and the cave floors that somehow glows.

Then, standing on the edge of each of the smaller pools were the youngsters who will have their first shift.

They were only twelve years old but I think their bodies are fitter than mine. Ugh.

There were seven boys and five girls and one by one, they jumped on their pools. And later the calm waters in the large pool rippled and slowly, one wolf emerged followed by another one then another until twelve were standing in the edge of the pool.

Then they howled together looking at the moon.

And hearing them do it was one of the best sounds I ever heard. I never thought I would feel that way especially before when I get the willies whenever I hear a distant howl.

I actually felt warm. And the wolves were so cute. They were so cuddly with their furs. If only I could touch one of them. I chuckled at the thought.

The Alpha spoke for a moment, giving his recognition to the new wolves. A few moments later, we went back into the large lawn of the Manor, as what they called the Alpha's house and I was surrounded by a joyous celebration.

There was a banquet and the area were filled with laughter, songs and dances.

And because I'm not quite used to the mood, I chose to isolate myself into a discreet place, it was actually a low-lying branch of a certain tree. But of course, I have food with me.

I darted my eyes to the crowd, and I still can't believe that I am now a part of this wonderful community. I took a deep breath and I was about to have a bite of my roasted chicken thighs when my eyes landed on a group of males seated in a log surrounding a bonfire just as the others. They were wearing the usual cargo shorts, but they have a thin piece of black, sleeveless shirt as their tops.

But the person who really caught my eye, aside from the white shirt and faded jeans he was wearing, was Kendrick. It was as if the firelight is dancing in his face. Every movement of his lips as he talks seems inviting to me given with the fact that it forms a half smile every now and then.

He was squatted on the log with his forearms rested on his knees. And his white shirt outlines his perfect body underneath given with the fact that I have laid my eyes on it yesterday.

Overall, the sight of him is somewhat stimulating. Because honestly, after I saw him half naked, I couldn't take his stature out of my mind and it makes my imagination run wild.

Dang. What am I thinking?

I was staring at him and sort of imagining naughty things when he suddenly tilted his head and stared at my direction.

Look away, look away. I ordered myself. But too late, our eyes locked.

I was in an out of earshot distance, but he caught me. And I fully knew that werewolves have excellent eyesight.


His expression changed. His lips were pressed in a thin line and his brows are starting to resemble a frown.

What to do? What to do? Damn. Look away Allen! I cried inside but my scumbag head won't follow.

My heart is already racing, and I could feel sweat forming.

"So, I finally found you." I heard someone spoke behind me and I just felt the branch wiggle when someone sat on it beside me.

This caused me to break the eye contact and I saw Drake smiling before me. "Hi." He greeted.

"Hi." I muttered. Silently saying thank you.

"Why are you here alone?" He asked.

"I'm not used to large crowds like this." I admitted.

He chuckled. "Since you are already a part of this clan, you have to train yourself for celebrations like this. There will always be a large crowd." He muttered.

"Is it really necessary?" I asked.

"Yes." He said.

I sighed.

"You know what? Come with me." He said and took my hand.

"What? Where?" I said as I almost trip after I jumped from the branch.

"There." He pointed on the group of males where Kendrick is located.

"What? No." I said pulling my hand away from his grasp.

"Why not? They're my friends. Let me introduce them to you." Drake said.

"Ahm. I'm waiting for Loraine." I said.

"She won't be able to see you tonight because it's her pack's schedule to do the rounds." He explained.

"Okay. But still I won't go there." I said.

He chuckled. "Come on Allen, you have to start mingling now."

"But." I decided not to argue further because it will be pointless as he was pulling me towards the group.

When we're only a few steps away, I realized Kendrick wasn't there anymore. A part of me was happy but a larger part of me was disappointed and I don't know why.

"Guys, this is Allen." Drake introduced.

The studs stopped talking and darted their eyes toward me and it kind of made me feel self-conscious.

"Hi. I'm Chris." The guy with a scar on his left brow said and extended his hand.

I awkwardly took it but before I could really touch it, he pulled his hand away and asked. "Wait. Are you gay?"

Oh god. Here we go again.

I nodded and they exchanged look with each other, then, in a fraction of second, they snickered then laughed boisterously.

"Come on guys." Drake stopped them. "Enough with the teasing."

"I'm sorry." Chris muttered with a hint of laughter in his face.

I really wanted to walk away now. This is so infuriating.

I took a deep breath. "I have to excuse myself." I said and walked away without looking back. I could hear Drake calling me, but I just rolled my eyes.

I head straight home.


The air was misty as the sun rose from the east. The lush greens of Ravenwoods are dripping with morning dews. The crisp, chilly air is filled with the aroma of brewed coffee shared by the Alpha and the Beta as they resumed their usual morning routine before the Beta went to take care of Allen.

"The Seer has spoken." Michael announced as he took a sip of coffee.

"What is it about?" Marcus asked.

"Allen." Michael paused. "She had seen his mark. It was the mark of the fallen."

Marcus nodded. "So our future depends on him." And he took another sip of coffee.

"And his mate." Michael added.

"But the question is who?" Marcus looked sideways gazing at the sunrays run accross the lawn of the Manor as the sun slowly ascends from the horizon.

"His mate will also bear the mark of the fallen." Michael answered and took another sip of his coffee.

"And one thing's certain, the mate resides in Ravenwoods." Marcus said and Michael nodded in agreement.


I woke up from a wonderful sleep though the previous night wasn't that good. I stretched up and groomed myself.

When I descended the stairs, I was surprised to see Drake waiting for me.

"Allen." He called.

"Good morning." I greeted him. "What brought you here?" I asked.

He ran a hand at the back of his head. And I forgot to mention that he was only wearing a cargo short. Though it does not affect me that much anymore, but I still feel awkward about it.

"I just want to apologize about last night."

"Nah. Don't mind it. It's fine. I'm used to it anyway." I said.

"You don't feel any grudge?" He asked.

"Why would I? It's not going to change after all."


"It's okay. You don't have to worry about it." I smiled.

"That's good to hear." He said and smiled.

"Would you mind if I ask something?"

"No. Not at all. What is it?" He asked.

"Why are you half naked at this time of day?"

He chuckled. "My pack are doing our usual morning rounds."

"Are you always half naked when you do the rounds."

He nodded. "It's to make shifting easier."

"I see." I muttered.

"So. I have to go. I'll have to catch up with them." He said. "See you later." He waved his hand.

"Bye." I muttered and I saw him shift as he went inside the woods.

I smiled. Drake is such a good person.

But I wonder why I haven't shifted yet. I'm already eighteen for goodness' sake!

"Allen, you will go to the Manor grounds when the horn is blown." My father said as we ate breakfast.

"Sure. Why?" I asked.

"You will be assigned to your pack today." He stated.

"Really?" I asked excitedly and hoping that I will be with Loraine because that would be great.

He nodded.