
ch 1 Beginning of the end

*"after 4 months of finishing their middle school all friends was supposed to ve gathered"*


"Where is that a**hole ,dont he cares about his friends ", said zarr azezel


"He said he is here" ,said zimeng wan while turning his phone off


Zimeng is most smartest out of all 4 friends he has black spkiey hair . And is roughly 5feet 7 inchess tall.


"he is here " said hoku barokemp while pointing at a guy who was staring at a school


hoku barokemp is fighter who He constantly strives and trains to be the greatest warrior possible is kind hearted but is very dabgerous when he gets angry


"wtf is he doing there",said zarr azezel


zarr azezel was a completly friendly and positive guy but he becames very depressed after his crush commited,sucide a week before their meetup


"Hii there ,srry for being late was uploading a video on my weebtube ,said yoshito hibari


(main character :

.koru shin is commonly referred to as a loser, he is an ordinary middle school student best known in school as "a loser "

due to his poor grades, wimpy attitude, bad luck, and lack of athleticism, facts that Tsuna freely admits. He often doubts himself and quits easily, skipping or ditching his classes, though he will becomes more confident of himself and mellows out later in the series.")


"What were you thinking " said hoku

"Nothing... Just remembering our old memories ",said koru

"wanna visit "



*then hoku ,zimeng,and koru was starring at school and kala was runing around the playground*


*Suddenly an black hoke like thing pop up in middle of a ground*


A masked man comes out of the portal *in an instant he teleports toward zarr azezel and grab his neck from back*


Hoku rushed towards his in full speed but he opened another portal and entered it


Hoku somehow manage to grab zarr shoes and then zimeng and koru tried to pull out zarr but the maked man was about to,throw a beam at them so kala throw his shoe which hoku was trying to pull when this happen they were inside the portal and thus they entered a new world

(To be continued .....())