
How to Tame Your Demon Prince

In an attempt to summon a strong familiar, Rubisviel Fyaril, Witch of The Dark Forest, created a spell to bring forth an other worldly entity only to end up summoning a Demon Prince with no memories of his past. She managed to convince the demon to leave however they parted after he gave her an oddly familiar kiss. When she finally thought that her life was going back to its witchy normality, her visitor returned only to claim that he's going to reside with her due to a master-servant curse that bound them on his summoning. Ruby was forced to live with a very flirtatious demon who seemed to want to bed her so she tried finding a way to break their curse. But what if his presence only attracts trouble? And what if he's actually part of the past she wanted to forger? After striking a deal with her friend's nemesis for a potent love potion in exchange for her mother's sword, Ruby found her life in greater danger and her past catching up to her. Watch out little witch you're not the only one brewing evil in her pot. A Demon Queen you've once vanquished is rising from her grave to get back to you and when she does you better sharpen you weapons and kiss your demon for the long nights about to come.

Mischievous_Her · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 46: The Beauty

Aurelius led his horse through the lush thickets of the woods, passing by beautiful natural sceneries that made him feel like he entered another world entirely. He rode through hills of vibrant fields of flowers, stopped by enchanting waterfalls where pastel skinned nymphs tried flirting with him, and skipped through shallow rivers where colorful fishes swam about peacefully.

The forest sang with a peaceful tune all around him as he passed by the woods where the golden rays of sunlight pierced through the leaves. Rainbow colored shards protrude through the soil once in a while along with the odd-looking big mushrooms. Butterflies fluttered playfully in the air as if they were joyfully dancing and celebrating the exploits of life. This forest is truly marvelous and fantastic however Aurelius didn't come here to have a tour.

The Prince of Light hasn't found any monsters so far. He's been wandering around the forest for quite some time now but he hasn't spotted a single monster. It was quite disappointing because he expected beowolves to be swarming him by now but so far he hasn't even seen as much as their shadow. The only dangerous thing he encountered was a low lying branch that nearly knocked him off his horse and slapped him on his face.

Perhaps she's taking care of them. He thought suddenly.

He remembered meeting a girl 2 years ago in this same forest during wintertime. He was playing in the snow with his sister and their entourage then he decided to play hide and seek. He ran around deep in this woods until he saw something that piqued his interest. The first thing he saw was a sea of crimson. Pools of blood seeped into the silvery-white snow, then he noticed a pretty blonde girl wearing a bright red hood all alone in the middle of it all like a blooming rose in a sea of death. Something tugged at his heart stings due to the sight and he can't help but walk up to her.

"What is... A pretty girl like you, doing here crying?" he remembered asking the cute blonde girl weeping in the middle of the forest surrounded by dead monsters.

He didn't notice the pile of bodies stretching around her nor the putrid odor radiating from the masses. He didn't notice the dirt and blood coating her body. He didn't notice the large bloody scythe laying beside her. He only noticed her. And the sad look on her pretty face that sent something sad in his heart. Her eyes are really beautiful and alluring as he gazed at her, like bright emerald gems that he wants to possess. Maybe she's a fairy or a goddess even.

"Who-who are you?" she asked whimpering away from him.

"Don't be scared I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just Aurelius. I was out playing and then I stumbled upon you. Are you okay? Are you injured?" he knelt before to meet her eye to eye so that she won't be intimidated.

"I... I don't know. Are you-?" her words were cut off when they heard the voice of his sister calling for him.

"Aurelius! Where are you, brother?" Sylvia yelled from the distance. The girl gasped and picked up her scythe before running away from him.

"Hey wait!" he called but the girl didn't stop until she was out of sight. She tripped a little on the corpses but she got away fast. His brows furrowed in disappointment.

"I didn't even get your name." he remembered his younger self mumbling as he looked at her disappearing form.

"Could she... Still, be here?" he mumbled as he stared into the distance.

He ordered his horse to stop as he felt the need to relieve himself. He dismounted the stallion before walking to a nearby tree and doing some business there.

When he was finished and zipping up his pants, Aurelius heard a rustling from the bushes quite a few meters away from him. He smirked and prepared to fight off whatever monster there is, pumping up adrenaline in his blood. The shaking of the bush intensified and he taunted the thing to come out already to give him a good fight.

He was quite disappointed when rabbits came out instead, hopping frantically away from him. His shoulders slumped in dejection. Perhaps he wasted his time for nothing. He didn't even get to see anything exciting or grotesque. What a disappointment.

He sighed before going back to his horse. He mounted the stallion before leading him back to the path where they came from. His mind wandered back to the blonde girl he met years ago. She's probably a lady now about the same age as him. With her pretty face, he can deduce that she'll be the most beautiful girl in her town as she reaches maidenhood. It's such a shame that he'll never get to meet her again. He wanted to be friends with her that day but she left. He's starting to wonder if what he saw even was true or not.

Something fast-moving caught his peripheral vision. His eyes widened as he saw a three-headed beast running towards him. He didn't have time to gasp as he whipped his stead to run but before the stallion could take a single step forward, the beast already slammed into them like a bulldozer. Aurelius was sent flying backward as he watched his horse be eaten alive. His back slammed against a tree and he groaned as he tried to get up.

He looked over at the monster and saw him tearing through his horse's flesh, eating its innards and breaking its bones. The stallion can only whine and try to kick the beast away with its hooves but that seemed as effective as pushing a boulder with a spoon. The beast was so grotesque and deformed it was far from anything he could imagine. Aurelius can only watch dumbfounded as the beast butchered his stead. His horse gazed up at him begging for help but the shock and fear that suddenly gripped his heart kept him petrified in his place.

It didn't take long for the ill-proportioned beast to finish ravaging the horse since it has three very hungry mouths to feed and when it did, it finally noticed him.

Even though he went here for a fight his survival instincts kicked it first so he bolted. He ran with all his might like he had when escaping the demons of the Chasm. Cuts were made into his skin and his expensive clothes were torn here and there due to the sharp tree branches but those were the least of his worries. He made his way around the thickets with an aimless path, unsure where every step was leading him but as long as he kept a distance from that thing anywhere is better.

He was nearly out of breath but he heard thundering footsteps following after him so the only best option he has isclimbing up a tall tree. He did his best to push himself up against the branches and reach a high altitude with his shaking hands and exhausted limbs. When he was finally settled on a tall branch the monster came prowling in.

The lion head of the beast sniffed the air while it's other heads looked around trying to find him. Aurelius held his breath and did his best to stay still while his heart hammered loudly inside his chest. It was a torturous minute as he prayed for the beast to not spot him and it seems that the Lord of Light favored him because it soon turned on its heel and went away to the opposite direction it came from.

The beast was about to leave but then a squirrel suddenly landed on his head making him yelp in shock. The creature turned and roared as it found him. It prowled back and around the tree trying to think of a way on how to get him. The snakehead hissed at him and whispered something to the lion head. The lion seemed to consider this before agreeing to the snake's words. Sharp claws popped out of the lion's paw and he sank them to the tree bark and made his ascent.

Aurelius prepared to strike him with his magic but found himself unable to do so because the monster was shaking the tree so hard that he can't get a decent footing to propel his blast. Even though he was slow, the monster eventually got near him and its snake head tried snapping him so he automatically moved back to get away but his foot slipped from the bark sending him falling to his death.

He braced his back for the incoming impact, preparing for the tremendous pain about to crush his spine and most likely kill him. He prayed that it does because if he doesn't die then he'll suffer being torn apart by that wretched beast.

Surprisingly, he felt nibble arms catching his body and landing gracefully through an arch descent until the person's feet touch the ground with the lightness of a falling petal. He opened his eyes to find himself in the arms of a beautiful maiden with shining golden hair and lush green eyes. She carried him as if he weighed nothing.

For what felt like hours he only stared at her face, tracing every curve and memorizing every single detail about her smooth doll-like face.

He recognized her. She's the same girl he met years ago in the forest and now she's a lady. A beautiful lady.

Their eyes finally met and he felt his heart skip a beat due to the care in her worried face.

"Are you alright?" she asked in her pretty bell-like voice.

"You're so gorgeous. Can we be friends?" he replied. The girl smiled and raised a brow.

"That's not really relevant to my question."


Ruby ran very fast to track down the monster. It wasn't very hard to follow considering all its heavy footsteps and the destruction that it left behind. It seems that the beast is quite hungry since it left a few trails of corpses . Luckily the forest had always been feared by the people therefore they most often avoid going in at all cost. Thankfully, there won't be any pitiful human going to be victimized by the beast because they're so deep in the forest. Or so she thought.

She finally found the Chimera. She thought that it was odd that the beast was climbing a tree until she saw the boy it was trying to reach. Her heart leaped from her chest when she saw the snakehead try to bite the boy who instead toppled over and fell. Her instincts quickly kicked in and without further thought, she leaped for the boy and caught him gently in her arms. She landed lightly on her feet and gazed down at the boy's handsome face to check if he was fine. He looked disoriented, a few scrapes and bruises here and there but he seemed generally fine.

"Are you okay?" she asked in confirmation. His eyes opened and looked at her with confusion, recognition, and then... admiration?

"You're so gorgeous. Can we be friends?" She giggled due to his adorable face. His amethyst eyes shined with childish want.

"That's not really relevant to my question. But perhaps later if we manage to live long enough to survive."

"Okay." he simply answered as he ogled at her.

"I'm going to put you down now. Will you be able to stand on your own?"

"Ohhh yesss." he answered in a weird way as if he was enchanted. Ruby let him gently on his feet before pulling out her weapon holstered on her back.

"Go straight there and you will find a path that leads to Rubenberg. Flee as fast as you can. This beast is really dangerous." she instructed with worry.

"No way I'm going to leave you here. I may look like a prince charming but I'm actually the dragon. If you're fighting that thing then I will accompany you to it. I'm not bailing on you. Especially since I've been itching for a good fight." Ruby was a bit astounded by his words. He no longer seemed disoriented therefore his words are probably sincere. He even seemed excited about fighting that thing and he doesn't look like the guy who would just abandon someone when things get tough.

The beast roared, gaining their attention. Ruby prepared her scythe and stood protectively in front of her companion. The Chimera circled them threateningly, displaying his power over them and looking at them as if they were merely fleas on his paw.

Ruby didn't waver nor showed the slightest hint of fear and intimidation. She glared at its lion head to show the beast that she is unfazed by him. Her companion soon stood beside her in a battle stance, two circular golden weapons spun in his wrist and ankle. He seemed to have collected his bearings and put on his game face as his amethyst eyes followed the creature's every move. Ruby slightly turned her eyes at him to calculate his persona. She knew nothing about him but if he is willing to fight alongside her to defeat this monster then she can give him her respect.

"Names Aurelius." He introduced, his eyes never leaving the monster. "So what type of enemy are we facing?"

"Chimera. Mythical rank, with Divinity C. One of the 10 Great beasts and even though this one's just a Counterfeit, it still holds true to its reputation. Snakehead shoots out poison, goathead can shoot lightning, and the lion body is almost invincible. Its belly is its greatest weakness. A pleasure meeting you, by the way, I'm Ruby." she replied without batting him an eye.

A look of shock crossed Aurelius' face but it soon vanished. "Sounds formidable." He voiced beside her.

A smirk soon stretched across his lips as he gave her a side glance gaining her attention. "I like it. Sadly I don't have a game plan but I have a magic spell that can blast him to bits. The only problem is how to keep him down and expose his stomach."

Ruby turned her gaze back to the monster and smirked.

"I think I have an idea."