
How to Tame Your Demon Prince

In an attempt to summon a strong familiar, Rubisviel Fyaril, Witch of The Dark Forest, created a spell to bring forth an other worldly entity only to end up summoning a Demon Prince with no memories of his past. She managed to convince the demon to leave however they parted after he gave her an oddly familiar kiss. When she finally thought that her life was going back to its witchy normality, her visitor returned only to claim that he's going to reside with her due to a master-servant curse that bound them on his summoning. Ruby was forced to live with a very flirtatious demon who seemed to want to bed her so she tried finding a way to break their curse. But what if his presence only attracts trouble? And what if he's actually part of the past she wanted to forger? After striking a deal with her friend's nemesis for a potent love potion in exchange for her mother's sword, Ruby found her life in greater danger and her past catching up to her. Watch out little witch you're not the only one brewing evil in her pot. A Demon Queen you've once vanquished is rising from her grave to get back to you and when she does you better sharpen you weapons and kiss your demon for the long nights about to come.

Mischievous_Her · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 1: Summoning

Deep in the thickets of the forest stood a lonely cottage bathing under the silvery light of the full pearly moon. The cottage is small and bore not many decorations but it is lovely and peaceful, though it is not as grand as the extravagant houses down the village it has a homely feel to it and child-like charms making it radiate a comfortable aura.

Inside the small home deep in the basement, certain oddities can be found littering about such as humanoid hands, blinking eyeballs, petrified pixies, and many more equally grotesque specimens all contained in pickle jars. Perhaps the most noteworthy thing in the room is the crimson glowing circle with symbols and letters long forgotten by time which lies in the middle of the room. It was crafted with perfect geometry and well-drawn glyphs that all seem to bare ominous yet omnipotent powers making the air itself vibrate with a dreadful aura, however, it is not yet complete as a petite girl knelt before it applying vibrantly scarlet blood on the ground to complete her pictograph.

The girl appears to be in the bloom of her adolescence given by her average-sized bust that is still under development as well as her small stature however the elegant way with which her hips curve gave her a beautiful womanly look. The girl had gentle features that one would label as cute or even beautiful.

She had a shining pair of golden eyes with the left one obscured by a blue and purple butterfly that matches well with her clothes. Her skin is milky white like the petals of a lily and just as soft while her hair is the color of the silver moonlight that curls in beautiful hoops.

In contrast with her light features are the dark garments that accentuate her beauty. The girl wore a short black gothic dress with purple and golden accents as well as white frills. The sleeves were black and gold that blooms like a flower. Golden armlets with glowing sapphire stones decorated her sleeves to add glamor to her style while two gradient turquoise dress tails protrude from the top part of her skirt adding to the aesthetics of her Gothic dress. Her perfectly serene doll-like look was ruined however by the tired scowl which decorates her face.

Rubisviel Fyaril, the Orchid Butterfly Witch of the Dark Forest wipes the sweat from her brow and huffed after completing a drawing of a Cthulhu symbol inside her circle. Thick black bags hang under her tired golden eyes and her face was paler than usual. Her head hurts like a battle-ax was splitting it open and her shoulders and legs are aching after prolonged hours of sitting on the ground and focusing on drawing the symbols.

She stood from her seat to get a better view of her complete pictograph and forced her lips to produce a proud smile at a job well done. An odd creature that seems to be a hybrid of a black cat and a bat flew towards her also inspecting the work. The small creature was ill-proportioned having a head too big for its body and limbs too small to support its weight however it seems to be in perfect physiological and physical functioning.

The creature nodded like a teacher approving of a mathematics problem done by an average student as if to say "It will have to do though it could be better". Ruby ignored her familiar to wipe her hand on a dirty rag and immediately retrieved a brown leather book from a nearby table. She flipped through the decaying pages of the book until she found the page she was looking for.

"I'm very nervous about this Manticat. My whole fate depends on the hero we will summon. I wish we could summon a Swordmaster or a Spearwarrior. Boy, that would really make all the difference but since we don't have many resources to get a decent relic of a real hero we can't be too picky. Can you get the relic Manticat while I start the chant?" The said creature only nodded and fluttered away.

"I have a bad feeling about this but I can't back down now. My freedom depends on this. If I succeed in this, I'll finally have a chance at leaving this place." Ruby smiled reassuring herself.

Manticat soon returned carrying a red gem and placed it in the middle of the circle. " Mreow, merow, meeeeeerow. '' the familiar said to its master.

"Of course I'm sure of this. Now let's begin." Ruby held her palm out over the glowing circle and closed her eyes.

"Pour, pour, pour, pour, pour.

Let the Ritual of the Seven Chalices of the Coven begin

I offer my blood to the cup,

I give my fate to the Gods of the old and the new faith

So let wine and iron be the essence.

Let the stars and Yama judge our contracts

Let red the color I pay tribute to

Let the Wall of Chalk rise against the tempest that shall fall

Let the 12 gates of the 13 Circles of Inferno close

Let the paths from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate."

Unbeknownst to the witch, the crimson gem her familiar placed in the middle of the circle started releasing vein-like purple tendrils that started crawling all over the circle like a poison slowly creeping up the nervous system and corrupting the body with only the thought of doing something sinister.

"I command you!

With the chains of the 7 Chalices,

Your body shall serve under me.

Your sword shall weave my fate

Your shield shall defend my pride

And your spear shall split the heavens for my will

Answer the call of the Divine Powers

If you accept my desire and reason…Then answer!" The once crimson circle turned into a foreboding violet. The symbols that Ruby inscribed started changing into different runes of a different language. Dreadful icons were added to her pictograph completely changing her work while she continued with her chant, ignorant of the changes.

"An oath shall be sworn here witnessed by Themis, Goddess of the Scale

I shall attain all principles of Etheria

And be the mistress of all evils of the 13 Hells!

From the Seventh Palace, attended to by three great heralds of power,

Come forth from the Throne of Slumber,

Answer to the name of Rubisviel Althreya Fyaril, Orchid Butterfly Witch of the Dark Forest!"

The ground bearing the circle released a turret of purplish-black light and the sheer force of the power sent the witch flying to the ground. Her familiar tumbled with her but she luckily caught him before he could hit the wall and attain any serious damage. She groaned and looked at her work. Her eyes widen at the displeasing result.

She followed the incantation, drew the circle exactly according to the picture but this clearly isn't right. Something or someone is messing with her spell as she doesn't need logic to tell her that something is coming out of that turret. Fear gripped her heart in anticipation of what might come. Her hands are shaking and her spine feels like it wants to shoot out of her back. It wasn't supposed to be like this! What the hell is happening?

The black light started to slowly fade until it completely disappeared into nothingness leaving behind someone that nearly terrified the witch to her death. A sudden cry erupted from her lips as she felt something burning over the flesh of her chest. She looked down upon her bosom and saw an odd symbol burning a vibrant violet hue just above her breast. Her attention was snapped from her chest and back to the circle where a dark figure now stood.

She saw a man, or at least a creature with the built of a young man complete with robust arms and a pretty stomach lined with incredible abs but his other qualities made the witch think otherwise. A glowing crimson gem on his chest intrigued her but his overall look astounded her. The boy seemed to be about the same age as her with a very lethally handsome sharp face that can enchant even the heartless corpses living under thousand-year-old tombs. His skin, however, is a light shade of purple removing the thought of him being human. His otherworldly characteristics are the large curving horns that protrude from his head as well as the massive dragon-like wings hanging behind his back. His appearance enchanted her but it also terrified her. He's just...

"Mystifying..." she whispered under her breath. The demon's eyes finally met hers and a tingling sensation went up to her spine due to his intensely penetrating gaze.

"You look familiar." the demon trailed gazing at her with inquisitive eyes.

"Like something I used to care for. Tell me... have I played with you in hell?"

"I, I... Who are you?" the witch managed to say as her jaw trembled due to fear.

"I don't remember my real name or who I truly was a few thousand years ago but my minions call me Shedu, Asmodeus, Lucifer, Satan, Samael, Hades, and many more but I don't feel like I'm any of them. I am the Prince of the 7th Circle of Infierno, Ruler of 3 races of Demons living in the Seventh and I'm finally free from that shit hole from which I've been imprisoned for a long long time thanks to your spell. All I needed to do was hitchhike on it and then now I'm finally free."

OH No, No, No, NO! This can't be happening! This wasn't supposed to happen. Of all the things in the universe she could call fort, why had she summoned the most forbidden of all familiars in the whole magical world? It's like opening Pandora's box but letting only the worst of them escape. The Ministry of the Sabbath Order is surely going to have her head over and over again in an endless death.

After the demise of Lucius, the King of Maltrathis and the strongest Warlock to exist who nearly conquered the whole world, demons have been forbidden to be summoned because the warlock summoned the 7 Princes of Infierno who wreaked havoc across the land, destroying everything their evil shadows could land upon. Therefore whoever summons a demon shall be executed without trial in an endless death or sent directly to the first door of the 13 Circles of Inferno.

"Rubisviel Fyaril, Butterfly Witch of the Dark Forest, right?"

"Y-yes, that's correct." she responded a little bit shaky.

"Since you are the one who summoned me then you have the right to name me to give me a new identity for this world that I shall conquer. What name shall you give me? You better make it good or else I will have that pretty head of yours mounted on a spike." the demon grinned at her making her gulp in fear.

"Yes, of course." Ruby looked down at the ground and contemplated this for a few seconds.

"What about Aleister? Dyrus Aleister Aspartheon. Dyrus means great or relentless and Aleister means fighter. Aspartheon is a derivative of Aspartheus, the dragon of war, glory, conquest, and wealth since that's what you are aiming for I assume. I provided you a name and a surname, which is your core ideal or what you seek to achieve."

"Dyrus Aleister Aspartheon... Hmmm. It rolls off the tongue excellently. Rejoice, witch, you shall keep your head on your shoulder. I accept my new name." The newly baptized Aleister said grinning at her widely.

"Thanks, I guess."

"Thank you as well by the way for letting me out. You can't possibly know how boring that place has become with nothing left to fight since the Original 7 died. Now Hell is only filled with plain chaos and nothing good to fuck or eat or kill. Speaking of food I'm starving..." The demon's attention suddenly turned to Manticat who was murmuring plans of escape to his master.

"What is that thing flying by your shoulder?! Can I eat that? Is it edible?" The demon pointed towards Manticat who cowered and hid under her skirt.

"Oh no! He's my pet and he's dirty and so thin you might get indigestion if you eat him." The witch reasoned making the familiar babble more meows under her skirt in offense. The demon seemed to contemplate this before turning to her with a wicked smile.

"Then...Can I eat you?"