
How to Survive The Worst Case Scenario Isekai?

I always thought it was a tunnel vision dream to be reincarnated until... IT HAPPENED! God himself appeared in front of me! ... Then complained to me about how much I hate his world and how much he hated hearing me plead, beg and complain... Yup, turns out god hates me! Now I'm cursed to suffer in this new world?!! He sent me to a new world with the sadistic mother nature to watch over me and "use my life as entertainment" Little did he know... I'm probably the only person across every world he knows that can survive this!!

Pamuf · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Show Down!!

<La la la~ Camellia~ wakey wakey~ jeez, you're always so hard to wake up when I knock you out... maybe I should just do this when you're still awake next time I wonder~?>

"I'm up!"

Camellia sluggishly sprung up to see Mona sitting at a pure white table sipping tea cozily, surrounded by a black empty void like room.

<It's really empty in here you know~? Get me a few things to keep myself entertained with next time you're out kay~?>

"Get you things? where are we anyways? Did I die?! I didn't get sneak attacked did I?!"

<Nono, Your body is fine, you should be right where you were before I knock- brought you here.>

Her façade is starting to break...

"So... you left me, an unconscious, starved and exhausted girl alone in the middle of the woods at sunset with a fresh corpse beside me?"

<Ding Ding~ Correct~>

This... SHE'S CRAZY!!

WHATEVER! She's absolutely nuts and there's nothing I can do about that. I should just focus on getting out of here as fast as I can before something bad happens to my body.

"So you said you were going to give me a reward then Miss Mona?"

She politely bowed and sat down at the table.

<Haha~, such a nice child~. Yes, I decided to give you a small gift~ I'll even let you choose what kind of gift you get! Isn't that great~?>

I'm scared by what that means...

"Thank you so much Miss Mona."


Of course I'm gonna roll over in this situation! I'm not dumb enough to where I'll disrespect people who are stronger than me, let alone LITERAL GODS!! Besides, I just need to get out of here and save my body's ass!

<Okie dokie~! You can choose between getting some information, or a new strength! Choose wisely my dear~>

Uh oh... This is huge... aaaahh, there are too many questions to ask about something like this!! I don't have time to ask them all either! Think Jaxx think!


Bing Bing~

Isekai God Mode Will Now Activate~

-Thinking power +30% on all things isekai!

-Brain power +30% on all things isekai!

-Deductive reasoning +50% on all things isekai!

(Before the questions start, there is no system, Jaxx has simply gone crazy, carry on...)


Raising her head with a confident poker face she started posing questions.

"Will I know about the new strength's abilities and conditions?"

<Naturally, although I wont tell you what type of strength it will be unless you have chosen that option~>

"Can you promise it's quality, and that it would benefit me?"

<Of course, no matter which option you choose, I can guarantee they will be of help to you.>

"Would I be able to choose what the information is about? As in if it's about my body, the world or the worlds laws?"

<As I said previously, I cannot tell you what type of strength or information you will receive until after you've made your choice.>

"You're suddenly sounding very formal, is that because you were trying to keep a poker face to my last question I wonder~?"

<My~, what ever do you mean? I'm simply answering the questions I've been asked.>


Uh oh!

Ladies and gentlemen~ (and in between, yea you, you too)

It seems as though things are heating up in... uh...



Innn the left corner~ sipping tea and sitting as proper as possible, giving off a pure essence of elegance and tranquility~ THE Mother Earth herself~



Aaaaannnd in the right corner~ Sitting formally as if she has to uphold a family ancient long honor, giving off a serious aura that is only exemplified by her appearance making her the cutest being on earth~ The salamander loli~



"Ho~ that so~? It's strange though, I remember you avoiding some questions I asked before even though you said you would gladly tell me the answer~."

HOOOO! While the cute loli hits the goddess hard in the chin with her words, she's simply pouring her more tea! Truly a hard one to counter!

<Huaa~ My apologies~! Although I also remember me trying to explain them to you in order to help you survive, only to be ignored and yelled at~ Truly a mystery.>

And just when you thought it would be impossible, The goddess has perfectly deflected the hit from earlier! She did so as if it was natural, fixing the ornament in her beautiful ginger hair and sipping the freshly poured tea!!

"Aah... Sorry about that, I must have still been in disarray from all the pain I had just gone through. Gaahh~, to be honest every time I look at my arms or body it reminds me of that great pain, you know~? Just what did you change for it to hurt so much anyways~?"

<Ah.. uh.. Well, your previous body was quite poorly maintained, so I had to strengthen it to be able to survive in this harsh environment.>

And with that the great goddess has started to lose her balance! She has stuttered while only being able to give a mediocre comeback! Is this the end?!

"I apologize Miss Mona~ You've given me such a great body and yet I can only feel pain when I look at it~ If only I knew more maybe I could learn to appreciate your work more! Ahh~ and yet I sadly have to choose the strength in this situation due to my weakness and lack of knowledge of this great gift of a body you had given me~"

Camellia could be seen swallowing a mouthful of blood! It seems as though even though she has come to terms with her current body, complimenting it to such an extreme was still too much! However, you couldn't even notice! What a poker face indeed!!

<Uh, Ri- Gah!>

Aaaannndd SHE'S DOWN!! Count it!



<Fine! I'll explain your body more later. You chose strength right?>

Hey... did she just cut me off...? sore loser much?

"That is correct Miss Mona, I appreciate your kind thoughts and concerns."

AND A BOW TO FINISH HER OFF! She's already dead!! What a brutal way of fighting!!

<Right... Fine, just spin this wheel then and get out of here!>

She's gotten rude and has even stopped doing her signature '~'!!! YOU'VE BROKEN HER YOU SADISTIC BRUTAL LOLI!!!

"Spin a wheel? Of course, I'd be glad to."

Summoning out a colorful wheel the goddess instantly spun it, not giving the victorious Camellia any time to read the labels.

She really is a sore loser... Maybe Camellia should let her win next time?



"Nothing miss Mona."

With this the great showdown has ended!

Jaxx out!

Bing Bing~

Isekai God Mode is now deactivating~


As the wheel continued to spin, Camellia simply stared and watched as the blurred labels slowly became more and more readable.

-Wind, Earth, Fire, Water magic affinity

-Mana affinity

-Mana manipulation


These all sound good! But... Wouldn't you need the other two for you to be able to use the first one? Maybe they can all be learnt but winning it will just gift it to me... Affinity should be a natural or determined at birth type thing though no?

As she thought of what option she would pick if she had the choice, other options started to become visible. Just as she was about to read them suddenly...


<Time's up! You get this one.>

Mona suddenly slammed her hand down on the wheel forcing it to stop.

-Elemental Infusing

-Wind, Earth, Fire, Water Elemental Affinity

However it stopped perfectly between two options!

They both sound broken!!

<Hehehe... Well~ Congratulations! Sadly it might hurt a bit more cause I will have to add both at once~ I know you said last time was pretty bad, I want to make sure to warn you properly this time~>


<Changes to your body will make me need to change a few things you know~? Well~, time to get started~>


She didn't spare her...

Infect although last time her whole body was being thoroughly tortured through physical pain, this time her senses and mind were being attacked instead!

Her skin felt like it was bit by thousands of bugs at once, while her ears and eyes were being overloaded with senses. All while she could feel her mind getting assaulted by information and feelings that could only be described as new instincts and reflexes being ingrained into her right down to the roots.

The information that was being injected was actually what could be described as the recipe for using the elements and how to infuse them into various types of materials. The strengths and weaknesses of certain elements as well as how they respond and react in certain environments.

As the overwhelming of her senses and mind started to fade, she couldn't help but be exhausted falling asleep.

<Make sure to bring me something nice remember~!>



The showdown seemed to be a complete knockout!

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