
How to survive in the World of Naruto with Fragmented Memories

After living long enough in the world of DBZ, Yozu aka Masaru Belial decides it was time to take the second phase of the trials, to survive in a new world. During the reincarnation spell his soul touches the boundaries of where Hagomo's soul rests and incidentally get influenced before returning to the cycle of rebirth as he went to the World of Naruto. Masaru Belial now called Yuuma (Otsutsuki / Kurama) Terumi, born in the land of fire escaped with his father and mother only to be left in an orphanage near the Village Hidden in the mist. Later had himself adopted by Terumi Family. Plotted to have him killed or sold off by many, Yuuma has to walk the path ahead to become the sole existence at the top. To make them acknowledge him, and to protect what he wants to. Many years later Yuuma came in touch with a peculiar girl that gave him a sense of familiarity and bit by bit fragmented memories of his past life as Masaru Belial and Yozu Brief came back to him. -------- Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto, and the picture I got from Google which was by luck it fitted my MC's looks! Trying my hand on making a naruto fanfiction

CompleteNoob · Anime & Comics
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Yuuma meets Sakura after a few years

Morning arrived, Yuuma was wearing a light blue shirt with long black pants and sneakers. His clothes were a bit baggy from being a size bigger than his original size since the Terumi clan did not want to waste money they would always buy a size bigger for Yuuma till they day he graduates from the Ninja Academy where he can work for his own money.

Since he had a day off before the registration of the Academy, Yuuma was heading towards the Orphanage his big sister Mei once told him where he came from, it was close to the commoner section where it was the most crowded with people selling their products from stands in the middle of the street.

"Come! come! Yes you, Buy one get one free! If you buy two then you still get one free!" One of the merchants called out to the people, yet no one took note of a four-year-old boy walking through the crowd heading in the direction he could hear faint peals of laughter of children among the noisy chattering of the adults.

Yuuma could sense the small presences of children coming closer to him and he squeezes himself through the crowd when he finally pushed through he was facing a small house surrounded by a low fence with children playing in the front lawn. Standing at the door was a middle-aged woman wearing casual attires but from the looks of it, the clothes were hand-knitted.

Sakura who was watching over the children caught a glimpse of a familiar-looking boy when her gaze met with Yuuma she remembered those light-blue eyes with its barely visible pupils. "Yuuma?" Yuuma who heard the lady called him did not move, however, Sakura came forward with vigour as she pushed open the gate coming face to face with the boy she could not forget, he barely entered her life and had to leave shortly afterwards.

Because of the long-time, she was missing him she unconsciously went on her knees while gripping Yuuma into a tight hug, Yuuma was not certain what was going on but he understood this lady missed him but he could not entirely remember her face at all, he still returned her hug as his sister once told him to be kind to ladies except for the evil ones. Sakura sobs softly while clinging onto Yuuma before pushing him a little away while wiping her tears away, "It has been four years" Sakura spoke while gently caressing the head of Yuuma.

"My sister once told me that I was found here so I came to visit before I start school" Yuuma spoke with Sakura as he felt indistinctive that he could trust this lady, Sakura was shocked as she did not expect Terumi clan to allow their adopted children to leave until the training was complete "Won't you be in trouble for walking alone out here?" Yuuma shook his head at Sakura's question, "No, I am only a branch member and the Head of the Clan sent me to attend the academy tomorrow" Sakura who heard this nodded but still wondered what was going on, they did not care about Yuuma?

Yuuma was brought inside where he spent some time with the children playing with them till he was called in by Sakura who gave him a box his parents left in her hands which was meant for him, it was quite a long box 1.7 meters in length. "This?" Sakura smiled, "This is something your parents left for you before they left you here, it is yours"

Yuuma did not open this but instead kept it closed till the day he graduates from the Academy, as he is now he could do nothing, he had to find the strength to survive first. After chatting and playing around in the Orphanage a bit more, Yuuma left when it was late afternoon while carrying the box over his back with a pouch attached to his hip.

Yuuma's new home was an apartment block located next to the Ninja Academy, There were three floors and each floor had twelve rooms, six at either side. Yuuma's room was on the ground floor, the second room on the right, when he pushed open the door he was welcomed by a small shoe cabinet where he could place his slippers in, he kicked off his shoes before taking his first step on the tatami fitted short corridor. Going through the entrance he was welcomed by an open plan kitchen, Dining room and Lounge in one.

His Bedroom door was at the further end left and the Bathroom could only be entered through his bedroom, Yuuma placed the box on his bed which was the only furniture he had in his new home. He opened the pouch filled with Ryo gold coins.

Yuuma remembered that his parents left him this box and the pouch before they left, according to Sakura they were in danger and in order to keep him safe they had no choice but to leave him at the orphanage. 'Once I grow up, I will have to investigate this' He thought while he took out a few ryo's from the pouch before closing it and left his home to eat out.


Next morning Yuuma got changed into a light blue shirt, black hooded jacket, bracers around his arms, long black pants and greaves which was merged with his sandals. The first thing he did was go to a furniture store and handed them a permission letter after buying all the furniture for his home, the letter would allow them to enter his room once and since there are not many important things in the open he was not that worried, as for his parent's gift he has hidden it underneath the floor in his bedroom.

Once his to-do list was complete, he went to the academy entrance where he was standing in the queue for the students to register themselves for a second time for the academy to compare two lists so they will know if someone lied to them, because of the number of people defecting many things were slowly getting out of control.

When it was finally Yuuma's turn the staff member paused when he saw the odd-looking eyes of the boy, but when he saw the letter written by the Head of the Terumi clan he recomposed himself before snorting

"You can enter class five!", Class 1 - 5 designates the potential of ninjas, whereas 1 would be the prodigies and 5 would be the lowest. 'This brat might have the natural byakugan, have to report to the boss if we should use this opportunity to make some money' Yuuma was unaware of the staff's thoughts while he went in the direction where he saw a Large flag with a Number 5 on it when all the students accounted for were gathered in the front lawn of the school in their respective groups, they were led towards the west where a large circular building was located at the left of the massive school this was where the gathering for the start of the term and end-term takes place.

When they entered the building they were led in a massive hall where the seats were separated according to their numbers, there was a rule that the lower numbers were not allowed to converse with those at the top. It was a system to introduce the chain of command from an early age, naturally, those at the top were mostly arrogant kids while the rest were good at licking asses for benefits. Yuuma took his seat at the far back since the fifth class was placed at the back of the hall, next to him was a boy who is a year older than him with a goofy grin, blonde hair with blue eyes.

"Kisame Hireo, nice to meet you" Kisame greets Yuuma with a smile, Yuuma never interacted much with kids until yesterday but he gripped Kisame's hand and offered a smile "Yuuma Terumi, likewise"

The two of them chatted randomly while they waited for the principal to arrive but he did not, instead, the person who comes onto the stage was none other than the Fourth Mizukage, Yagura Karatachi went up the stage revealing himself to the students, his messy grey hair that was leaning towards to the right side of his face while it was spiky at the left. He scanned the student with his pink pupilless eyes revealing a stitch-like scar that started from under his left eye all the way down to his cheek.

"Morning students of the Kirigakure Academy, I have not much to share with you all other than I hope that you all will remind yourself that from this day forth you are a Kiri student and I will not tolerate betrayal! I look forward to your performances and those who performed the best might get an additional benefit from me" From Yuuma's view he could see that Yagura wanted to talk some more but chose not to as he left the stage and the principal finally arrived to start his welcoming speech, for some reason Yuuma could see a faint trace of red murky aura around Yagura, but he did not know what it meant.

According to the Principal that all students are welcome to sign up for graduation examinations from the age of five, however, each time the student fails they will have to work one year without pay and no rights to reject requests.

He also announced that the life and death graduation battle has been abolished because of the Incident where Zabuza slaughtered the student and thus they came up with several different graduation methods that will be given at random.

Afterwards, Yuuma and the rest of his classmates were called by the teacher to follow him. The rest of the day was only to introduce themselves while the teacher handed over some practice kunais, wooden katana, wooden throwing daggers and a few other things for the students to train at home as well.

Yuuma before going home picked up two leaves from the ground while walking home with the tools provided by the school in a bag hanging over his shoulder, Yuuma came across a book that explained the history of the Kekkei Genkai within the Kirigakure which made him feel alert when he thought about the look the man gave him, he realized he was not safe as he thought he would be so he did not waste time to practice.

When he got home he threw the bag onto the bed while he went to the kitchen to cook himself some noodles to eat, after the meal he took the two leaves and began to weave them together into a tiny ball. What he began to do with the ball was to make it move around his palm with the use of his chakra, thanks to its lightweight Yuuma was getting used to manipulating his chakra, playing with the ball in his right hand while reading the school books with his left.

When it was getting a bit late and most people in the apartment block was asleep Yuuma went over to the window where he took a seat on the chair because he discovered his Genjutsu is too powerful that just by leaking out his chakra could cause people to see illusions he would practice to control it while everyone was sleeping.

This was the daily practice he does every night since he would normally practice everything else during the day, but since he was in the academy he will be able to increase the speed of his training from this day forth with access to a proper library.