
How to survive in the World of Naruto with Fragmented Memories

After living long enough in the world of DBZ, Yozu aka Masaru Belial decides it was time to take the second phase of the trials, to survive in a new world. During the reincarnation spell his soul touches the boundaries of where Hagomo's soul rests and incidentally get influenced before returning to the cycle of rebirth as he went to the World of Naruto. Masaru Belial now called Yuuma (Otsutsuki / Kurama) Terumi, born in the land of fire escaped with his father and mother only to be left in an orphanage near the Village Hidden in the mist. Later had himself adopted by Terumi Family. Plotted to have him killed or sold off by many, Yuuma has to walk the path ahead to become the sole existence at the top. To make them acknowledge him, and to protect what he wants to. Many years later Yuuma came in touch with a peculiar girl that gave him a sense of familiarity and bit by bit fragmented memories of his past life as Masaru Belial and Yozu Brief came back to him. -------- Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto, and the picture I got from Google which was by luck it fitted my MC's looks! Trying my hand on making a naruto fanfiction

CompleteNoob · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Yuuma meets a mysterious man

"Lord Danzo!" One of the Root Shinobis just arrived in the scene when the last Shinobi Yuuma killed managed to burn a warning tag to send out an emergency signal for reinforcements, Danzo grunted as he pushes the Root shinobi away while roaring with anger "Where the hell were you all when I was about to get killed!? That bastard even got my arm!" Danzo swore he would get this bastard who took his arm and kill him slowly.

"We have killed all of the Kiri shinobi within the vicinity Lord Danzo" One of the Shinobis reported, hearing this Danzo turned to look at him "Any of them wearing a white mask with a tear and scar?" Danzo asked the Root shinobi, but the shinobi shook his head "None of them sir, all of the ones who got killed are all Missing Nins" He reported to which Danzo screamed out again, 'God Damn! Why is everyone so damn useless!' Danzo thought as he considers to meet Orochimaru and hopes he will help him reconstruct a new arm.

After a while, Danzo and his Root left Uzugakure, only then did Yuuma emerge from the shadows when he was certain there was no one else around him. He removed his joker mask storing it in his backpack 'To think it was Danzo' Yuuma thought as he moves to confirm that all his targets were indeed killed off, he snorted thinking it was cowardly to take credit for this so he decided to think of a different solution along the way as he heads towards the entrance of Uzugakure to leave.

But suddenly Yuuma came across a man who was leaning against a garbage bin, his skin was a bit paler than average people and he had two horns on his head. He wore a black robe covering his entire body and eyes were closed, when Yuuma was nearby the man suddenly stood up as he opened his eyes revealing a pair of golden Byakugan. "Who are you!?" The man asked as he gazes warily at Yuuma who raised his hands.

"I'm a bounty hunter, just finished my hunt for missing nins" Yuuma explained, the man did not relax his guard as he looks at Yuuma with a strange expression. "What is your name boy?" Hearing the man's question Yuuma considered to lie but then he realized his name was quite common except paired with his surname would be a problem. "Yuuma" Yuuma introduced himself only by his name causing the man to shiver as he stared intently at Yuuma, "Something the matter sir?"

The man snap out of his stupor as he chuckled to himself "Sorry, it's just that I have a son I abandoned whose name is Yuuma" The man answer shocked Yuuma to his core but Yuuma did not dare give away his past so easily, he was not sure if he could trust this man after all. "My name is Daisuke Otsutsuki, I have a request to which I will gladly pay for if you would accept" Daisuke spoke politely, from his body language and voice Yuuma could discern this request was highly important,

"I will hear it out" Yuuma spoke as the two of them quietly enter an abandoned building to hide from possible travellers, Daisuke took a deep breath "My wife is Yui Kurama, she had been kidnapped by the Kurama clan members that intend to force her to marry another Kurama Heir. I hope you could aid me to save her" Daisuke explained the situation, apparently they have been on the run for several years now after letting go of their son.

But a month ago they were surrounded by Kurama clan members, in order to let Daisuke leave with his life intact Yui agreed to leave with them. However, the Kurama clan members did not feel relief to let this man simply go so they destroyed his chakra system to the point he will never be able to use ninjutsu again. "I was on my way to the Bounty Hunter Branch Office in the Whirlpool country to lodge a request, meeting you is really my luck" Daisuke spoke with a wry smile.

Yuuma closed his eyes as he leaned against the wall to think, Daisuke did not disturb him as even he knew going against Kurama was not something any average hunter or shinobi could face up against not to mention an entire clan. 'Their stories match up with my past, to think I will get a lead here but I can't give myself away. I need to rack some achievements and this could be considered something too. It will be hitting two birds with one stone' Yuuma thought as he nodded.

"Very well, I will accept your request" Yuuma answered Daisuke to let out a sigh feeling relieved, "Thank you Yuuma I appreciate it" Daisuke thanked Yuuma profusely while the two of them travelled back to the port city where Shinomi was waiting for them inside a restaurant, "Young Master who is this?" Shinomi asked as she glanced at this odd man who had strange looks. "This is Daisuke, he lodged a request for me and I accepted it. I want you to take this letter to my sister and explain the situation to her"

"Will she accept me?" Shinomi asked looking at Yuuma, "Just say that you are my contact person, she will understand what that means" Yuuma answered, Shinomi nodded as she repeats the process of creating a shadow clone and cancelling the old one, Yuuma used his warp technique to sent the letter to the Hiei Headquarters. 'So he can't be my son, I know for certain we never had a daughter' Daisuke thought as he quietly listened to their exchanges.

"So where is the Kurama Clan location?" Yuuma asked Daisuke as he ordered food and drinks for the three of them, "Southeast of Konoha is a village, although they are living like ordinary people they are all Kurama Clan members. Their headquarters is hidden beneath the Village Chief's house" Daisuke answered to which Yuuma was considering something difficult, "Are you against me killing off the entire clan? Don't get me wrong but if we go in there we will be confronted by them and killing will become necessary"

Daisuke nodded as he was resolved for this, "Yes, the name of the place is Faiāreiku Town" Yuuma nodded as the waitress arrived with the food and drinks, "Young master, from the information I managed to gather there is a group of missing nins north of here. But they are Iwagakure shinobis" Shinomi reported her findings she had for today, Yuuma smirked "Then we can deal with them along the way, that way my promotion will be settled, Good work Shinomi"

Shinomi blushed as she eats happily, Daisuke smirked as he watches the interaction between the two while misunderstanding it completely. The three of them ate their food quietly, once it was finished they decided to hit the road immediately heading north towards the northern port city to take the boat to Fire Nation that took them a few hours to reach. They continued their journey till they reached Otafuku Town of Fire nation, here Shinomi and Daisuke remained at the town as Yuuma went out to hunt the Iwagakure missing nins.

The location the Iwagakure hidden was in a Bar that was far from Otafuku Town but near a forest run by a family of four, it was called Golden Ale. Yuuma stopped near the place as he transformed himself in an average looking adult with his clothes in a messy state, the role Yuuma intends to play now was a man who lost his job in town. Entering the bar Yuuma spotted several strong shinobis between all the drunken civilians, he made sure to make his steps uneven as if he was tired before he took his seat.

"What can I get for you?" The bartender asked Yuuma, "Give me a golden ale... I lost my job today and would like to drink" Yuuma muttered to which the people all began to console him, but there was a problem as Yuuma never drank beer before so when the bartender gave him the mug Yuuma stood up walking towards the strongest presence within the bar. "Sir, can I take a seat here?" Yuuma asked.

"Be my guest" The Iwagakure Jonin answered as he watches Yuuma sit next to him with vigilance, but after Yuuma did nothing but stare at his mug for a good long while the shinobi began to sympathize a bit with Yuuma. "You lost your job?" The Jonin asked Yuuma out of curiosity but what welcomed him was Yuuma who smashed his mag into his head before impaling his kunai into the man's throat up to his skull killing him.

"HIII!!! Murder!!!" The first man to spot the killing alerted the drunken men to start scrambling out of the bar in droves while the bartender crouched down behind the counter, Yuuma smirked as his body exploded in a cloud of white smoke. The real Yuuma was already near the door after he knocked out the family who ran the business to make sure they would not get involved, he waited "Find him!" One of the shinobis ordered as they left the bar but the one who gave the order was looking at his dead friend.

Yuuma pushed open the door enough to throw his special kunai towards the ninja who blocked it but Yuuma appeared all of the sudden alerting him but Yuuma already drove the sword he pulled from the sheath through the shinobi's chest. "Why?" The Shinobi felt unwilling to die as he asked Yuuma the question, "Because we are shinobis" Yuuma answered to which the shinobi smiled wryly but his eyes reflected his regret dying in such a place.

Yuuma helped the dead shinobi to silently lay on the ground before he moved to stand against the wall near the entrance, "Boss! We can't find him--- huh?" The shinobis entered the bar seeing their boss laying dead in his own blood but that was also the last thing they spotted as Yuuma swiftly twist his body jumping in a spinning motion slicing off their heads in one stroke.

'This should be the last of them' Yuuma thought as he starts pulling the corpses of the Iwagakure shinobis together before sealing them all in a storage scroll for Kirigakure to research them. Yuuma went to the counter dropping a few Ryo to pay for his drink as he left the bar, Yuuma head back to meet up with Shinomi and Daisuke. "You already have done the job?" Shinomi asked with a surprised expression to which Yuuma smiled wryly "Yes"

'Never expected that he would be this efficient' Daisuke thought as the three of them continued to head northeast, "Remember, when we reach the village. I will be going in alone" Yuuma spoke towards Daisuke who had a complicated face, "That is if you want your wife to be alive, I can't guard you and search for her" Yuuma muttered, "How about I become a distraction for them?" Daisuke asked

"They will know of this plan as they would expect such a thing from you because your powerless" Yuuma answered, Shinomi nodded "Young master is correct, for now, I believe you should have faith in Young master to save your wife" Shinomi also tries to convince Daisuke who reluctantly nodded, but Yuuma knew this man could not sit still. 'I will have to deal with him so he won't ruin the plan' Yuuma thought