
How to survive in the World of Naruto with Fragmented Memories

After living long enough in the world of DBZ, Yozu aka Masaru Belial decides it was time to take the second phase of the trials, to survive in a new world. During the reincarnation spell his soul touches the boundaries of where Hagomo's soul rests and incidentally get influenced before returning to the cycle of rebirth as he went to the World of Naruto. Masaru Belial now called Yuuma (Otsutsuki / Kurama) Terumi, born in the land of fire escaped with his father and mother only to be left in an orphanage near the Village Hidden in the mist. Later had himself adopted by Terumi Family. Plotted to have him killed or sold off by many, Yuuma has to walk the path ahead to become the sole existence at the top. To make them acknowledge him, and to protect what he wants to. Many years later Yuuma came in touch with a peculiar girl that gave him a sense of familiarity and bit by bit fragmented memories of his past life as Masaru Belial and Yozu Brief came back to him. -------- Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto, and the picture I got from Google which was by luck it fitted my MC's looks! Trying my hand on making a naruto fanfiction

CompleteNoob · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Yuuma meeting the White Tigers

"To think the old sage's prophecies would come true" The tiger spoke with her breathing hastened since this meant the bad side of the prophecy was also likely to come true, Yuuma went closer "Sir calm down, no need to stress I won't bite you. Although I would like to have your name though" The tiger froze but when she heard the boy said he won't bite she broke out laughing almost forgetting the prophecies, "My name is Airi of the White Tiger clan, after our almost extinction experience we retreated and was welcome by the toads to live in a secluded area they prepared for us in Mount Mobyoku"

"Airi? Does that mean you're a girl?" Hearing Yuuma's question Airi nodded, Yuuma almost felt his face lost blood from the shocking revelation as he was not certain if he was allowed to look at her chest but it was all fur as she was not covering it up, but he chose to keep looking at her face for security reasons. "Well since you came it will be best you visit our village" Aira walked ahead while Yuuma followed her through the tropical forest, it was really magical as Yuuma felt his body was much lighter and more full of energy than at home.

Airi who saw Yuuma's hyperactive movements giggle as she explained, "The forest is rich in natural energy so it will only be natural that your body will move better than it does in the outside world" Hearing this Yuuma came to an understanding when he heard Airi's timely explanation, when they reached the end of the tropical forest they arrived in a large village surrounded by the tropical Forest. There were many White Tigers moving around the village carrying crops while others were farming and some were doing something else like hammering a piece of iron to create farming tools.

'Extinction? There must be at least more than a hundred white tigers here' Yuuma thought while he followed after Airi, "Ah Morning Airi, who is the visitor?" When the surrounding heard the question they all quiet down and even stop working as they listened in, "ah Tomoki! He is a guest of Lord Sage" Aira gave a short explanation as she did not want to mention that he could be the prophecies chosen unless she confirms it with the Sage first, the surrounding White Tiger gathered around Yuuma greeting him and Yuuma greeted them back politely causing the white tiger to take a liking to Yuuma's kind personality.

"Yuuma, we have to meet Lord Sage" Airi reminded Yuuma who bowed while saying goodbye to the Tigers he chatted with while saying he will come to visit soon, "You really are a strange one, normal humans would feel scared to approach us because of our ferocious looks" Airi spoke with Yuuma but when she saw his dumbfounded face she could not understand why he was making such a face.

"You do know your face is cute and adorable, I don't see any ferocious nature at all" Airi who heard Yuuma's compliment became fidgety as she rushed ahead making Yuuma have to run to keep up with her. "What is up Airi? Why are you running?" an Elderly White Tiger exit from the house they were heading towards, "Grandpa Kun! I am glad you're home, this is the boy which Great Grandfather spoke about?"

Kun who heard Airi's words turned to face Yuuma with a stern-looking face but it broke then when he saw Yuuma making an OH face then turned to Aira "Now I understand what you meant by Ferocious looks, this old man sure looks the part" When Aira heard what Yuuma said she slipped and fell on the ground while Kun had a slacked-jawed expression before laughing finding this boy interesting. "Ghahahaha, So you're the one huh?" Kun asked while sizing up Yuuma

"I don't know about any Ones but I did by accident arrived here and Airi was kind enough to bring me here" Yuuma kept his explanation brief, Kun nodded "Well stay here for the night, I will notify the White Tiger Sage of your arrival, he should be able to meet you tomorrow morning" Yuuma nodded as he followed Kun and Airi into the house where he enjoyed the company of new acquaintances as well as eating bamboo rice.


"Lord Sage Kenzo, a human has arrived in our village" Kun came after ensuring that his wife Momo was cooking dinner for Yuuma and Airi keeping him company, he chose to visit Kenzo the White Tiger Sage alone. "As I expected that it was today that our fate will be decided" Kenzo spoke with an ancient tone of voice while he gazes at his son, "The time to choose to wither away forgotten by all or to pick up our arms and fight for our survival... You understand what I mean don't you Kun?"

"Yes, father" Kun nodded as he watching his father caress his goatee with a strange smile, "Bring the boy to me tomorrow morning, depending on his choice will determine our route in the future so make sure to have Airi be present as well since she will be chosen to be his summoning partner" Kenzo muttered softly, Kun nodded as he turned and left since he knew his father will not be saying anything else after that. Kenzo looked at the window and surprisingly it was a full moon tonight, "I wonder what choice he would make" He muttered to himself.

Because of the last war on the ancestor lands the White Tiger along with other races were driven to near extinction and it was thanks to the toads that allowed them into their sanctuary that the White Tiger managed to recover some of their numbers and the time for them to head home will soon arrive, but for that to happen a contractor is required before the gates of Five Elements would be unsealed to allow them to return home as their ancestor arranged.

Finding a true summoning contractor was the mission of the trial the ancestor gave them before they can return to their homes once again, and by fate, they were able to come in contact with their contractor but because of their low number unlike other summoning contract beasts they can't easily be summoned, so it will be difficult to convince the boy to sign a contract with them with such conditions. 'I will have to add the White Tiger Sage mode as a compensation' Kenzo thought as he stood up since it was time for him to sleep.

Next morning Yuuma woke up full of energy since there was still much time before he will meet the Sage he went outside to train his body a bit while he thought about the notes he read in regards to Formulae Techniques, there were quite a few ideas he came up with to implement his space-time characteristics with but he will have to check some historical records to make sure his understanding of it is according to the reports.

"Yuuma, time for breakfast!" Airi called out the moment she came out of the house looking for Yuuma. she turned and saw Yuuma's upper body had well-defined muscles that must have taken a while to get it to this condition since she was a tiger she did not feel any attraction or repulsion towards Yuuma's half-naked body but instead admired how he trained his body. "Morning Airi" Yuuma greeted with a smile as he heads into the house with her.

"Morning Yuuma, it appears you have been training huh?" Kun greeted Yuuma feeling quite impressed that this boy still trains even now, "Yeah, I feel quite more energized in this area so I trained. Have to admit I can train much longer in this area compared to my home" Kun smiled after hearing Yuuma's experience, "That's good to hear, Yuuma. Your appointment with Lord Sage will be after breakfast, Airi you have to be there as well"

"Yes!" Airi answered while Yuuma answered while gobbling the rice, it was simply too delicious the manner how the white tigers made the rice was too addictive to the point Kun began laughing how this boy was eating as much rice as a tiger does. After breakfast Yuuma followed Kun with Airi and Momo, what was surprising was the fact the entire village went towards the large structure which should be where the Sage lives.

When Yuuma arrived the white tigers all had smiles that were hard to distinguish between happy or sad or perhaps something else, but Yuuma saw Hope in their eyes. He was not certain why, but he felt what he saw in the eyes was hope, hope for their future. In front of Yuuma was a massive double door with Four directions and a yellow orb in the middle symbol drawn over it. "Please enter, oh Warrior of black and white" An ancient voice could be heard as the doors slowly parted ways.

Inside was a massive hallway with torches lit upon each pillar that was meant to hold the roof, Kun led the way as Yuuma and Airi were the only three to enter the Sage building first. It was only when the three of them were ahead of them, the people slowly began to enter the hallway as well, after a while, Yuuma could see a massive white tiger unlike the others laid upon a futon appearing like a real tiger animal instead of the humanoid tigers around him.

"I see you really are the one" Kenzo muttered when his eyes open to gaze upon Yuuma, "I'm the current White Tiger Sage, Kenzo and I appreciate you answering my summons Yuuma Terumi" Yuuma bowed politely towards Kenzo which is not necessary etiquette but no one told him that, but this display made the surrounding tigers know that Yuuma was not looking down on them but as an equal.

"I thank you for your and your people's hospitality to allow me to recuperate in the village despite being an outsider" Yuuma used this opportunity to thank Kun and Airi along with the other tigers who spoke happily with him yesterday for making him feel welcome, Kenzo's eye flashed as a knowing smile form on his lips. "I called you here to ask if you are willing to become our first contractor, but before you decide you must first learn of our current conditions before you do so"

Yuuma nodded as Kenzo gave a rough explanation of how the white tigers ended up in Mount Myoboku as well as the trial their ancestor placed on them before they could return to their rightful home, the condition was the fact Yuuma was not allowed to summon a white tiger to take a fatal wound for him as the first contractor they had done exactly that before betraying them. Yuuma did not immediately agree just like Kenzo predicted but he still felt happy with this because this meant Yuuma was taking the decision seriously instead of halfheartedly.

"As long as you agree and vow, I will personally teach you the White Tiger Sage Mode" Hearing this Yuuma was shocked out of his mind, never he would be expected to think the Sage would be willing to teach him the sage mode so soon. "Is that fine to teach me that?" Hearing Yuuma's question Kenzo nodded, "Our White Tiger Sage mode is very peculiar although it shares similarities with other sage modes ours have a strict requirement... The User must have an affinity to the five elements as well as Yin-Yang Release"

"And I have that?" Yuuma asked again, if this is confirmed then he knew exactly the characteristics of both the affinities he could not determine in the past. "Yes, that is also the reason you are before me. So tell me, what is your answer?" Kenzo asked as he gazes deeply into the clear eyes of Yuuma who smiled while nodding, "I accept it naturally!" Hearing Yuuma's answer everyone in the hallway cheered loudly causing the structure to shake, Kenzo did not silence then nor reprimanded them as he too was happy, 'Finally, he came for us'