
How to survive in the World of Naruto with Fragmented Memories

After living long enough in the world of DBZ, Yozu aka Masaru Belial decides it was time to take the second phase of the trials, to survive in a new world. During the reincarnation spell his soul touches the boundaries of where Hagomo's soul rests and incidentally get influenced before returning to the cycle of rebirth as he went to the World of Naruto. Masaru Belial now called Yuuma (Otsutsuki / Kurama) Terumi, born in the land of fire escaped with his father and mother only to be left in an orphanage near the Village Hidden in the mist. Later had himself adopted by Terumi Family. Plotted to have him killed or sold off by many, Yuuma has to walk the path ahead to become the sole existence at the top. To make them acknowledge him, and to protect what he wants to. Many years later Yuuma came in touch with a peculiar girl that gave him a sense of familiarity and bit by bit fragmented memories of his past life as Masaru Belial and Yozu Brief came back to him. -------- Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto, and the picture I got from Google which was by luck it fitted my MC's looks! Trying my hand on making a naruto fanfiction

CompleteNoob · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Way too loyal!!!

"Because it is you" Shinomi muttered as she gazes at Yuuma with a conviction that she would live and die for him, Yuuma was a bit disturbed as he was not certain if this was influenced by the genjutsu and decided to research it. "Stand up, once everyone is finished with their tasks report to them what I told you" Yuuma spoke, Shinomi stood up while running energetically out of the storage room.

Watching how the girl who was made to live like a puppet for who knows how long-acting like her age made Yuuma pity them, 'If I can't undo it, I will just ensure they can live their lives as they wish' Yuuma thought before leaving the storage room, he already decided to keep this base hidden from his sister which meant he only need to guard against Iwagakure. But since the distance between the two countries are too far from one another, they will probably give up on this location, 'Considering the reports I had about Onoki, that old coot will give up on this location and never approach it again'

When Yuuma exits the building he noticed that the surrounding young people and children were chatting happily with one another, but when they noticed his appearance they all came scrambling to kneel before him. "There is no need to be so stiff, stand up" Hearing Yuuma's orders everyone stood up, "I am not sure how each of you has been living your lives till now, but I will say this. There is no need to display this kind of thing again, I am not a tyrant that expects you all to grovel on the ground in my presence. You all are living human beings, you have the right to live, right to speak, right to listen, right to see..."

Yuuma glances at them all, "You have the right to dream, I will give you all a time for you to consider if you wish to remain an assassin or would you like to pursue a different route in your life. Perhaps some want to become doctors, or blacksmiths... Choose your path because it is your life" Yuuma spoke out, "So live with it as you deem fit" He finished his speech as he went towards Shinomi who stepped forward, if she did not feel it was inappropriate she would have jumped to hug Yuuma to show her happiness.

What Yuuma did not realize was the fact his speech made them even more loyal to him, this was not because of the imprint but because of Yuuma's natural charisma that influenced them to trust him. "Young Master, you should know that we kunoichi all pledge our body and soul for you alone" Shinomi spoke with a blushing face, seeing this Yuuma felt his back shiver "No no no! Cherish your bodies! I have no need to such things" Yuuma muttered as he moved ahead.

Shinomi giggled as she felt happy to tease her master although there was some truth in it but she knew Yuuma was firm in his decisions, if he said no then it will be no. "Is there any traps or anything Hideatsu prepared to use to defend this place?" Yuuma asked while he walked throughout the village, "Yes, he spend most of the income we procured by undertaking assassination contracts from the outside towards traps to protect this village" Shinomi answered Yuuma.

Yuuma nodded, "From now on, the money you earn. Only give 20% to the village administration, I want you to use the income given to the village to improve the housing, sewage system" Yuuma began to point out the what the most important to make living easier for the people in this hidden village. Even if some of them left him, he would build this village and bring in loyal people to join his hidden team to protect Kirigakure from the shadows.

Shinomi made sure to memorize the things Yuuma explained to her, the moment he stopped when they were on an elevated ground overviewing the village. Shinomi called several Kunoichi she knew ere good with paperwork and explained the things for them while Yuuma was gazing over the village thinking, hearing that Yuuma wanted this the kunoichis worked faster than normal eager to have Yuuma commend them for their work as they felt blessed to have him, although some part of it was because they were influenced by Shinomi's enthusiasm.

"Master, I have sent some Kunoichi's to start working on it" Shinomi spoke towards Yuuma, 'I would not have known that my memories about my past life as a Project Manager would come to be useful here' Yuuma thought as he turned to look at Shinomi with a smile "Thanks, but Shinomi you and the others don't have to rush things as we have to take it slowly" Yuuma muttered as he walked past her, Shinomi's smile never faded as she followed after Yuuma.

Yuuma spent the next few days helping Shinomi to set up a team to deal with administration for the village, everything was moving quite fast to which Yuuma felt a bit worried as they were too enthusiastic. But because everyone was experiencing something new, different from usual they were more energetic and willing to do things.

After Yuuma praised the first Shinobi who came forward to ask him to allow him to become a doctor, after this more and more of them who brought out books and equipment they secretly kept hidden was bringing it all out. Yuuma realized just how much they were being made to hold in their dreams and feelings, it made him aware why they were working so actively to the point that it appeared they were anxious but in reality they were happy.

"I will be gone for a few days, I want you to look after things while I'm gone" Yuuma spoke with Shinomi who smiled but her eyes reflected her reluctance to watch him leave, Yuuma sighed as he lightly flicked her forehead causing her to wake from her stupor while holding her forehead as she looked at Yuuma, "Remember, everyone's lives are important. Yours included, if things are difficult then abandon the village and escape for the Terumi territory. Understand?"

Shinomi nodded to which Yuuma smiled before he turned and left in a flash heading straight for the location where the nest of the Black Bears lived in, 'Be careful young master...' Shinomi thought before she closed the door, heading back into the village.

"The black bear should be" Yuuma muttered as he leaps from a tree branch to the next while sensing his surroundings till he found several presences nearby, when he reached the destination he came across several Black bears. "ROAR!" One of the bears who spotted Yuuma roared towards his direction but Yuuma pulled out several shurikens sending them flying towards the bear after he cloaked it with his chakra to increase its penetrative power.

After a short while, a loud mourning roar erupted before the area grew silent. Yuuma jumped off from the branch making sure the surrounding was devoid of human presences before he took out several storage scrolls to store the bear bodies inside. "With this the request is complete" Yuuma muttered as he glances at the letter still in the left pocket of his flak jacket, "Time to deliver the letter huh?" Yuuma turned heading towards the Village to report his success before he will leave for Mizu no Miyako City, it has been a while since he had been there and he was not certain how to face Karen.

After a while of travelling, Yuuma arrived in front of Tatsuya's house, when he knocked he realized the house was empty. When Yuuma turned to speak with one of the villagers they said Tatsuya and his wife went to seek protection at Kirigakure. Yuuma sighed as he makes contact with one of the Anbu, "Team Leader" Yuuma nodded at the Anbu as he gave him the several storage scrolls filled with the Black Bears, "Notify Administration of my completion" The Anbu nodded before he disappeared.


In the Daimyo Palace, City of Mizu no Miyako. Karen was currently studying under the supervision of a Tutor selected by her father to train her as his successor. "Good work Karen" The lady praised Karen who completed her weekly test which the tutor will see how she was progressing, after meeting Yuuma, Karen had been studying hard to become the next Daimyo in her fathers' place. Her transformation brought great happiness but also a wariness of Yuuma, her father who could not help but fear the influence Yuuma held over her.

But just as Karen was about to ask something she heard one of the guards calling out for her father, "Lord Daimyo, a young shinobi by the name of Yuuma Terumi have arrived to deliver a letter from the Mizukage" Karen stood up and was about to leave but her tutor knocked her unconscious, "Sorry milady, but your father told me to ensure you will not meet the boy" The tutor spoke although her voice was breaking from the sadness she felt to keep Karen from meeting her first love. "I-I'm so so sorry..." She muttered as she places the unconscious Karen on her bed.

Yuuma unaware of this was currently facing the Daimyo who was reading the letter Mei wrote for him, "I see, give me a moment" The Daimyo spoke with a trace of disdain towards Yuuma, it confused Yuuma as he was not sure what he did to offend the Daimyo but he kept his silence for the sake of his sister. After a while, the Daimyo handed a sealed letter to one of his letters before looking at Yuuma, "Also, tell your sister to send someone else to deliver her letters next time"

Hearing this Yuuma thought the Daimyo was angry at him for dumping Karen so he did not take offence, he took the letter from the Servant making sure to bow slightly before he left. Just when Yuuma left the Daimyo turned to look at the Shinobi in charge of his protection "Make sure to prohibit that boy from entering my palace again, understand?" Hearing the Daimyo orders the Shinobi could only nod, he wanted to tell the Daimyo that Yuuma's status was several levels above his so he could not entirely prevent him but he kept silent about it.

But little did they know that Shinomi was following after Yuuma to make sure he was safe, she noted down the things the Daimyo wrote in the letter, including the things he said. "I will make sure to report to Young master, he will surely praise me for my hard work" Shinomi spoke with a happy smile but when she glances at the Daimyo her face displayed her utter disgust, if it was not for the fact it would trouble her master she would have killed this disgusting creature from the face of this world.