
How to survive in the World of Naruto with Fragmented Memories

After living long enough in the world of DBZ, Yozu aka Masaru Belial decides it was time to take the second phase of the trials, to survive in a new world. During the reincarnation spell his soul touches the boundaries of where Hagomo's soul rests and incidentally get influenced before returning to the cycle of rebirth as he went to the World of Naruto. Masaru Belial now called Yuuma (Otsutsuki / Kurama) Terumi, born in the land of fire escaped with his father and mother only to be left in an orphanage near the Village Hidden in the mist. Later had himself adopted by Terumi Family. Plotted to have him killed or sold off by many, Yuuma has to walk the path ahead to become the sole existence at the top. To make them acknowledge him, and to protect what he wants to. Many years later Yuuma came in touch with a peculiar girl that gave him a sense of familiarity and bit by bit fragmented memories of his past life as Masaru Belial and Yozu Brief came back to him. -------- Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto, and the picture I got from Google which was by luck it fitted my MC's looks! Trying my hand on making a naruto fanfiction

CompleteNoob · Anime & Comics
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Chunin Final Exam begins!

The very next day at the Kumo Battle coliseum which was crowded with rich people around the Lands of Lightning gathered today to witness the skills of young shinobis for potential contracts in the future as well as the most important thing... Gambling! Yes, the best time to make some extra cash on the side, even Yuuma joined in this as he created a Shadow clone with a minimal chakra reserve as it only needs to bet money and collect it after each match.

"I heard there is a particularly strong Kiri Shinobi" The lightning Daimyo spoke as he remembered his fellow Daimyo of the Waters also told him about this peculiar shinobi who was young having the chakra reserves of a low-class Jounin but fighting capabilities of an official average Jounin. "Yes, I have already determined his intentions" The Raikage answered the Daimyo

"Perhaps you should try to persuade him to join Kumogakure as he might become a good asset for your village" Daimyo gave a suggestion while glancing at the empty field where the battle will take place, A did not take this suggestion seriously as he did not think Yuuma would defect because of his sister who is the current Mizukage.

The Raikage stood up walking to the rails, "Thank you all for coming to the Kirigakure's Chunin Selection Exams!" Hearing this everyone began to cheer and applause, We will start the main tournament matches of the fourteen participants who had passed the preliminary matches!"

Under his voice the door opened revealing the fourteen Shinobis entering the field, seeing that all three Kirigakure shinobis passed made the people whisper among themselves especially while many were eyeing Yuuma who had a stoic face devoid of emotions. 'What a drag' Yuuma thought as he felt this was truly a waste of time standing here like animals in a zoo.

"So please watch the matches till the end!" With this, the Raikage took his seat next to the water Daimyo, "Where is the Mizukage?" The Daimyo asked, "She apologized for not being able to make it, she is busy with managing her village" Raikage answered as he knew the mess Yagura created during the Blood Mist Period so he knew the Mizukage would have to take a while to restore these problems.

Meanwhile, the Jounin responsible to referee the matches called the genins over, "Here is the table of how the matches will be going" He explained the roster and how each one was going to fight, only one genin was going to skip one round and directly enter the Quarterfinals. Yuuma noticed his first match was once again against a Kumo Shinobi who was currently glaring at him with the intention to kill, he had red spiky hair dark-skinned wearing the standard Kumo shinobi uniform.

Yuuma ignored his glare since he was more concerned about his next opponents afterwards, from the looks of it he will be facing Tomotoki as this bugger was the lucky chosen to skip one round to enter the quarter-finals directly if he wins his match. Shortly everyone was sent to the benches against the walls that had a roof to prevent sunlights,

The first match was Yuuma against the Kumo Shinobi, "Oh isn't that the up and coming star of the Yotsuki clan, Ujitoki Yotsuki" One of the jounins spoke out loud while the others began to speculate that Yuuma will have a tough time since it was widely known Ujitoki was a skilled lightning release user and an expert in taijutsu.

Ujitoki glances at Yuuma who is still not drawing his swords felt that Yuuma was looking down on him, if he were to know he was right then he will really rage. However, the reason Yuuma was looking down on him was the fact this boy was older than him and could not control his emotions, 'Perhaps a few taunts would work on him' Yuuma thought as he waited for the signal from the referee, so did Ujitoki waited.

The moment the Referee slashed his palm down while yelling at the top of his voice "Begin!" Ujitoki weaved his hands before his entire body was covered in sparks of lightning "Lightning Release: Lightning Strike Armour" While donning a makeshift lightning armour gave Ujitoki great speed but the amount of chakra he had to expend was no small amount so he had to finish this off soon, "You wish to go down like your precious Kagetane?" Yuuma smirked as he taunted Ujitoki openly.

Seeing this the Kumo Shinobis booed while the more experienced ones were all shocked, such a common taunt sent Ujitoki in a rage as he blasts off towards Yuuma. "Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death" Just when he was a few meters away from Yuuma his entire surroundings began to blur before he found himself surrounded by a forest scenery and his body was bound by a tree, emerging from the tree next to him appeared Yuuma who smirked "You lost"

That was the last thing Ujitoki remembered after being knocked unconscious by Yuuma, "The winner is Yuuma Terumi!" It was the family name of Yuuma that made the discussions among the people heated, "Terumi? Isn't the current Mizukage Terumi as well? No wonder!" The spectator exclaimed feeling quite surprised at Yuuma's background, "Well he should be able to do something of this scale if he is the family member of the Terumi clan, or he would let down the Mizukage"

Yuuma went over to take his seat, he did not realize the fact that both the Raikage and Daimyo had both nominated him to be promoted to Chunins otherwise if he were to fail then their reputation among the spectators might drop. The next to fight was Mina who fought against a Konoha Kunoichi but lost the match, however, because of the spectacular skills she displayed by patching herself up during the match to heal her injuries allowed her to get nominated as well.

After a few more matches, even Tomotoki managed to win the round but because of his amazing luck, he did not have to perform in this round. Yuuma was called once again and this time he faced against the Konoha Kunoichi to whom Mina lost against, her figure was beautifully lean. When Yuuma glances at her eyes he realized the reason Mina lost, she was a Hyuga with her clear white eyes and long black hair braided.

"Your genjutsu is useless against me" The kunoichi spoke as veins emerge from the sides of her eyes while pupils became distinctive, seeing this Yuuma shook his head as he never intended to use genjutsu in this round. When the Jounin gave the signal to start the match, the kunoichi sprinted towards Yuuma with incredible speed.

The moment she was close enough "Juken!" She began to attack Yuuma's vital points but not of the attacks were meeting their targets as Yuuma was dodging them, Yuuma did not counter her attacks since he was monitoring her technique with his eyes to learn it. Seeing her attacks were being dodged effortlessly the Hyuga Kunoichi began to produce shockwaves along with her strikes, this promoted Yuuma to use body flicker to dodge at crucial moments.

"You---" The Hyuga became enraged but the reason for their difference was the fact Yuuma faced quite a few deadly foes who were stronger than her, although some of them he used tricks to defeat them effortlessly, he still had much richer battle experience compared to the girl. Yuuma nodded as he slammed his palm into the ground "Earth Release: Earth Pillar Prison" Thanks to his constant control training Yuuma could control his chakra to initiate this jutsu without the need of hand seals.

The ground began to shake as several pillars emerged from the ground restricting the Kunoichi from moving, "Give up" Yuuma spoke with a voice that was neither cold nor warm as he stood up. The kunoichi wanted to be refuse but she knew with the manner how the thin pillars were incredibly durable despite it looks she will not be able to break free. She gnashed her teeth but still nodded in the end, thus bringing an end to the second round.


In the Mizukage office an Anbu kunoichi appeared kneeling in front of Mei Terumi who felt gloomy from all the paperwork, "Mizukage, we have received news from Ao!" Mei who heard this felt her energy was restored as she read the report, the first line almost made her jump from her seat in excitement. She turned to the Anbu Kunoichi "I want you to arrange special training menu for Yuuma when he gets back since he is a candidate selected by me for the Kage Protection Unit"

Hearing Mei's orders the Kunoichi nodded "Yes Mizukage!" before disappearing from Mei's offices, Mei folded the report and placed it in her drawers working several times faster than she did a while ago. Seeing how fast their Mizukage was performing once again, the staff members could only feel gratefulness to Yuuma.


"It appears that boy is strong" the Water Daimyo spoke with a gaze that held a complicated emotion, even the Raikage was quite surprised at how the boy was able to handle the Byakugan user but the real secret lied in the fact Yuuma had eyes similar when it came to seeing the charka flow in the body as well as experience in operating his own Byakugan during his training at the White Tiger village.

Yuuma released the prison allowing the Kunoichi to be free, he did not offer her a word of console or encouragement as such things would only harm her dignity so he left to take his seat. Another two matches came to an end and it was time for the Chunin Selection Exams to come to an end, the Quarterfinals would carry on tomorrow afternoon.

"You performed too well" Tomotoki came to congratulate Yuuma, "I was only lucky, you should know Konoha Village is more peaceful compared to our village that just ended the Blood Mist era. So naturally, we will be more experienced" Yuuma explained it to Tomotoki as he did not take credit for his wins here but instead focused on passing and getting his qualifications so he could accept much harder missions in the future.

When Yuuma met up with Mina who was with Kiyo and Ao, he was about to ask Ao "Sensei, did I pass?" Hearing Yuuma's question, Ao nodded. "Then I will no longer participate in the rest of the matches" Yuuma answered shocking everyone around them, Ao rubbed his forehead as he sighed "Very well, I will notify the Raikage although it will probably end up being a problem" Yuuma chuckled as he gazes at his sensei "Just tell him if he forces me to participate then there will be no Kumo winner in the selection exam" Hearing Yuuma's open threat Ao could only chuckle.

"I will deal with it, you guys go celebrate while I will handle the affairs with the Raikage" Ao waved before turning around disappearing, just as he was gone two shadowy figures appeared from the alleyways following Yuuma and the group. "Remember, we are only after the girl. No need to fight or we will get surrounded" One of the shadows spoke as they followed after them.

"Yuuma, why did you take your time to deal with the Hyuga Kunoichi?" Kiyo asked Yuuma since he finished his first match relatively fast his second match was indeed a bit different, it was like watching a cat trying to catch the red dot. "I only wanted to look at the Gentle Fist from up close, as you know they are renowned for their kekkai Genkai and Taijutsu" Yuuma answered which was quite a surprise for Kiyo, "You tried to learn it?"

Yuuma nodded, "I did try, although I can't grasp the entire concept of it. I can at least replicate some of the movements. But whether I will train and use it, I don't know. I was only curious about it after all" Yuuma chuckled dryly as they entered a restaurant to celebrate their promotions.