
How to survive in the World DxD with Fragment Memories

Awaken in the world of DxD with broken memories related to it, yet having almost to no memories of his previous life other than his personality and ego remaining intact. Masaru discovered a day after his reincarnation or perhaps transmigration, that he turned out to be the son of Diehauser Belial, and that he was kidnapped the night his mother (Human) was killed by an assassin. With no other way but to play the fool in appearing to trust each and every person he met till he became strong enough to guard himself, Masaru starts to live as the chosen heir of the Belial Family. Using his fragmented memories of the World of DxD, Masaru takes the lead to take control of the flow of fate surrounding the world. To ensure the safety of himself, his beloved family... This is the story of a Wonder Child, who hates his title but can't resist creating miracles that can make one wonder.

CompleteNoob · Anime & Comics
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Moving forward with a smile - Heroine Time Part 2

"To think you would actually use the bracelets Azazel made for you" Baraqiel spoke looking at Akeno who had four pairs of Fallen Angel wings behind her back, from the amount of energy she was holding it won't be long before she broke through to Five pairs.

"I am glad I asked him, with this I can become even more useful to Masaru, Holy Lightning Bow!" In the hands of Akeno a magic circle materialize as she grips the vertical part of it like a bow handle pulling back a string made out of lightning and soon thousands of fast-flying holy lightning arrows went towards Baraqiel.

Boom! BO-Boom! Bo-Bo-Boom! KABOOM!

"Just where did you get these ideas of using magic to make weapons!? The firepower is several times stronger than regular usage of magic" Baraqiel felt a cold sweat run down his spine looking at the potential of this magic spell his daughter created from reading a book.

Akeno smiled happily before suddenly collapsing backwards. It has been several hours they had been at it and she was dead tired, but before she could touch the ground Baraqiel was already at her side holding her up. "You've done well"

Akeno kept her smile "Thank you Father" Baraqiel shivered a bit before he held her closely, despite knowing he was together with his family once more. He could not help but feel afraid, that he might lose them again. The two of them were simply too precious for him.

"Ara ara, Akeno we need to continue our talks about what happened that night" Shuri spoke mischievously while Akeno blushed thinking about why she mentioned that activity to her mom, it was really incredible and a wonderful surprise that Masaru went so far for her.

"Night? What happened?" Baraqiel was left out of the loop.

Akeno could not allow her father to know of this so she immediately forced herself to stand up walking to her mom. "Mom!"

Shuri only laughed while taking her daughter with her, leaving behind a man who was confused started to have many wild fantasies about this topic.

"So my advice worked for him" Shuri spoke happily when she heard everything went better than she expected, even Akeno was surprised to know Masaru came to Shuri for advice.

"Advice?" Akeno asked,

Shuri nodded, she understood just how much Masaru loved his girls just from this gesture to learn of Akeno's fetish which is quite rare in some cases "He came to ask for advice from me you know, he really is too kind as he first had a misunderstanding about S&M at first. Since S&M sometimes appears to look much more violent than it really is (Although there is some who prefer extreme things), I explained it to him and I gave him ideas on the beginner levels"

Akeno felt happy but embarrassed at the same time, she truly felt warm knowing her beloved came to ask her mother such a piece of embarrassing advice, "So I will teach you now, since your husband-to-be already took the first step...."

Hearing all of this Akeno almost fainted from the visualization of Shuri's explanation, as they say, you can never easily defeat the experienced and veterans in this field.


"Remember, Power of Angels and Beast allow us to transform our bodies into that of an Angel although temporary while we have the ability to tame Demonic Beasts, the only downside is the fact the beasts need to be weaker than the master for it to work. As for the Power over Angels, according to our clan record the last master of this power could stay transformed for three days without stopping"

Caroline began explaining the power of their clan's bloodline to Stephani while she was still maintaining her Angel Form while dabbling with several light-based spheres, "Since we completed your control training in maintaining your angel form for at least two hours which is good for now"

Caroline went into the house to get two glasses of fruit juice before coming back out, giving one of them to her granddaughter Stephani who was taking a seat on the bench. "Stephani, I always wanted to tell you how sorry I am for not being able to save your parents from this family's judgement although the ones responsible for it was already dealt with out of fear your master might come to persecute them."

Stephani looked at her grandmother with surprise, "They have been dealt with?"

Caroline nodded with a wry smile, "Yes, it became quite a fierce internal battle especially when the opposing faction sent someone to negotiate with Masaru to have you brought here to avoid him having a reason to get involved but when it failed they were banished out of this household. It appears the people at the top really fear your Husband-to-be"

Stephani felt a bit complicated as she would have preferred them to be killed instead but... Those feelings were already no longer there ever since she gave herself and her heart to Masaru, "It might be strange to say this but. I don't think my parents would want me to live for revenge only... I still remember it, the story of the hero that my mom would always tell me each and every night"

Caroline was surprised because if that story was the same one she introduced to her daughter-in-law then it means...

"Ever since I was saved, I felt fear at first but I am glad I chose to follow him... My only master, but more than that I am glad I could meet you grandmother" Stephani spoke happily, she could finally let go of her hatred as there was simply no point in holding onto it, their gone and lost everything while she now had everything.

She lost her parents but she now had found someone who was also her family, Caroline gently caresses Stephani's back while trying to hold her tears.

It has been a few days since the two of them talked about everything, and Caroline was more than shocked to know what her granddaughter experienced before she met Masaru, "You better make sure to introduce your husband-to-be to me"

Stephani blushed a bit nodding but she was smiling, she still had a close blood-related family, she too could feel a little more complete than she felt before.


"Come Yui, Destruction is no different from using normal magic the only difference is the fact you have no need for complicated gestures, calculations or anything else needed other than imagination" Venelana was guiding Yui.

Yui was struggling to make her partial destruction mode which transformed Yui's outfit into a tight erotic outfit, it was meant to be a one-piece dress but for some reason Yui felt embarrassed and it became her permanent mode instead, "Aunt! Your so mean! Now I can't change the shape of my outfit!"

Yui had tears at her eyes as she was disrupted in her process of giving her destruction the shape of armour around her body, she would not mind showing this look to Masaru but showing such a sight in front of others she hated the thought of that.

"Fufu, with this you can earn Masaru's love anytime you desire" Yui who heard Venelana's was a bit interested, Venelana giggled as she returns to her lecturing.

"Destruction is only an element in our demonic power, meaning you can give it the shape of this dress as you are wearing now or even shape it into a weapon. Just making spheres make the power appear to be predictable, but the amount of things you can do with it is no less than any other power" Venelana pointed her index finger up in front her face forming a tiny sphere of destruction before it flew off like a rope entangling around Yui's figure destroying her partial destruction mode.

"I believe it is time for you to learn from Misla" Venelana wanted to stay a bit more with her little niece she came to love as her own daughter but she had to train Rias's Husband-to-be otherwise it will be problematic for the Gremory Household if that boy did not even have an ounce of Noble aura around him.

"Awh!" Yui pouted but still accepted she could not keep her aunt for herself so she gave Venelana a tight hug before running off to see Misla, Venelana went off with a cheerful mood.

"Ah, Yui! Your training with Venelana is over?" Misla spoke while she was sitting watching over the fields, Yui came to sit next to her aunt.

"Yes, I managed to succeed although it was only partial but I now know how do move forward from here" Yui answered with a bright smile despite her tired look.

Misla nodded, she too had to show Sairaorg several paths he could take but this proud boy of hers took the most difficult one to uphold her pride as well. Which was why she felt proud of Yui, it will take time for her to come to terms with the Bael family but at least she did not forsake the power of her blood for her own selfishness.

"Now then, tell me... If you look over this field and the waters over there. What do you think your destruction could do to improve the environment?" Hearing her aunt's question, Yui knew her theory lesson was beginning, she may be a scientist but her field of study was definitely in this field but not her bloodline power.

She thought really hard but a few ideas came to her mind, "Aunt are you saying it is possible to use Destruction to get rid of impurities in the water? Remove poison from fruits or meat?"

"Possibilities child, when Masaru told me how he treated me to wake me up... I began to think about it, what if we all are using our powers too bland and simple. Think about Sirzech, he took destruction and created a new kind of subspecies power for it by enveloping his body with Destruction."

"The only way you will know how far you can go with it is by how far you can take it and change it... Destruction means to destroy, but it can be a single thing or everything, seen or unseen things" Hearing this as a scientist Yui was naturally most excited to try this out, feeling she really did underestimate her bloodline power, to think she could actually use it for her experiments

'No wonder, Now I can understand why Masaru's Worthless was so unique and abnormal compared to the other Belial members but to think it was this...' Thus her training and bonding time with her aunt continued


"Space is everywhere and nowhere... We live in it, there are many things you can do with space power like merging two objects into one, you create space between the two objects and merged them together like merging two doughs into one... Or you can even move them in separate dimensions despite being right next to each other with no way of being able to touch each other" Warren spoke absentmindedly, he really felt that it has been a long time he lectured someone on their family's bloodline power.

"To understand space can be simple but to implement it is complicated" Ichika came over with a tray that had a pot of tea and two cups on it, when Warren saw this he kept silent.

"Thank you" He took his cup taking a sip of the tea that keeps giving him a feeling of nostalgia

"Could you tell me about my mother?" Ichika spoke as she took her seat next to her great-grandfather.

Warren took another sip before he continued "She was really a venom, she would smile while telling how disgusting I look when I look at other women"

Ichika who heard this giggled while Warren spoke with a smile, "But she was my pride, she kept her promise she made to Lady Leviathan who loved Ingvild so much she hid Ingvild at a Beach Resort House to keep her safe. Your mother, stayed at the side of Ingvild Leviathan while enduring the harshest insults coming not only from Leviathan but from the Seere family as well 'Why would you look after the shame of Leviathan?' 'Why would you waste your time on something that will never be great?' I can say there were even harsher things they said to her but she endured it together with Ingvild,"

"When I heard that she passed away I suppressed the elder court on my own to bring her body home where she belongs to bury here at the cost of my position, which was why I never went out to seek for you was because those old coots refused to let me go, but who would have thought the next time I heard about you was when Ingvild Miraculously woke up and became Masaru Belial's Queen and not long after that you went and became his pawn" Warren smiled while taking another sip of his tea.

"I was happy, you found a good master who will look after you and the family could not touch you, well the bad ones. Since you were already living your life happily I felt I had no right to disrupt it, which was why I was surprised you came to visit me, to train here" Warren chuckled feeling quite happy to talk about everything with his precious granddaughter

"I have learnt a lot of things from Master Masaru, although he did not have the same power as I do over space but he could use space magic with his spellbook there were differences in the usage of power between me and him, so we normally would go over the things together" Ichika began to explain why she chose to come,

"But then I realized that what of the time I am alone, I knew I can't forever wait for Masaru to come and help me train so I needed to find my path and it led me to here" Warren looked at his great-granddaughter.

"Is he a good master for you?" He asked her once more to be sure,

Ichika nodded while taking the first sip of her own tea, "That's good then, we still have some time left..." Warren said as he hummed happily drinking his tea made by his little princess.


"Magical Girl Levia-tan!" Serafall spins around on the stage facing a lot of children, young people and even adults. Today was the official event to advertise the upcoming new season of the Magical Girl Levia-tan series, to introduce the mastermind behind all the events that take place throughout the series.

"Bwahahahaha, you have arrived too late! For I wield to the power to control the world!" Masaru appeared wearing black tights armour with a black cape, his hair was gelled mohawk style while wearing black glasses like a delinquent.

'This.... is embarrassing!!! But it is much easier to endure compared to hearing that ridiculous name' He thought as he cringed at how excited the fans were becoming, especially the women.

"It's the Demon King!" Serafall gets into her stance twirling her wand, upon the entrance of the new character, plenty of the girls and women side began to scream excitedly while the men began to BOO on the top of their lungs to get this handsome man to screw off the stage they want to snap some erotic photos!

"This guy is cool!" one of the kids called out, some of them even agreed thinking it was about time a cool character joined the show.

"Eat my Magical Girl - Twirling Star attack" Serafall launch a graphical attack that looks like real stars flying towards Masaru, the fans thought it was an illusion but Masaru knew this vixen launched a real attack.

Masaru pushed forward his palm creating a black hole to suck up the star before rejecting it upwards into the skies, Serafall was happy with this so she went and shot some more while Masaru had to defend the people from getting killed by this crazy role playing girl. The only reason Serafall could act like this is that she fully believed Masaru could save the fans, well not like she did not have a plan of her own in case something goes wrong.

'Am I the Demon King or is she!?' Masaru thought, but suddenly his sidekick appeared in the form of a white cat with two tails wearing white plated armour slamming her fist into the side of Serafall but it appears Serafall did not even flinch but still made herself "crash" into the stage.

Shortly she activated the dress change device which was developed thanks to Masaru and Elizabeth who loves making varies kinds of toys and transformed into Magical Girl Version 2, the clothes were similar but a bit more revealing than before, the entire floor where the audience was was a bloodbath, many were slain by the Magical Girl in an instant.

It was only after an hour they managed to complete their "Role play" before the signing event began, the row for Shirone and Serafall was the longest while Masaru only managed to get some girls who were interested in him and a few boys who were only watching Magical Girl for "research" purposes.

But Masaru left once he signed their cards and caps before he left as he sensed someone who hasn't said hello to him in a very long time. He first got himself dressed in casual clothes before he left the stadium heading towards the forest where he sent the familiar Ki, the forest was slightly darker than normal and there were no signs of animals either.

Suddenly a shadow leapt onto Masaru but he managed to send out of chop on the head of a long black-haired woman wearing a black kimono almost popping out her breasts, black cat ears and a black tail.

"Yeowch! Your such a meanie Masaru! We only had our reunion where you should have kissed me deeply and made me yours like the other girls" Kuroka came to meet with Masaru after a long time as she too only recently learnt that he was a spy in Khaos Brigade from Vali but Vali never told anyone else, so she came alone to meet him after so long.

"You left for several years you bloody naughty cat" Masaru began to pull Kuroka's cheeks a bit

"Ow-ow-OUCH! I'm sorry - I'm sorry!" Kuroka still hugged him tightly while letting out a few tears of happiness, he was still the same Masaru, Masaru sighed hugging Kuroka back as he too missed her dearly after she risked her life to save him and Shirone that day.

"And what is it with making me yours? You mean you know about the Kissing Prayer?" Masaru asked while looking at Kuroka.

Kuroka nodded while sniffing around Masaru, "I know of it, especially about the fact your still a virgin despite having so many girls around you"

Masaru flicked her forehead causing Kuroka to hold her forehead looking at Masaru as if she felt wronged, 'This girl learnt to use her senses for the wrong purposes'

"Then you should know this is not a joke, it's a serious thing because one we initiate it...---" Kuroka placed her finger on his lips, her eyes were filled with tender love and a determined look.

"I already chose you from way back then Masaru... I always wanted to come to you and Shirone but you know better than my sister why I could not come easily" Kuroka said with a smile.

Masaru sighed gently caressing her head, "You won't regret this will you?"

Kuroka shook her head, Masaru gently raised her head to face his, caressing her face with his right hand before their lip.

Despite teasing Masaru she herself was a virgin so being attacked with a kiss she never experienced made her almost lose herself into it, as an experience nekoshou she could feel the process of a ribbon attaching around her ring finger and around Masaru's which signified their union.

When the ritual was over Masaru was about to pull back but Kuroka pushed him against the tree wanting to kiss some more however it was stopped when another chop came from behind her.

"Yeoch! What is with the chopping!?" Kuroka complained but looking at Shirone her eyes were tearing up before she hugged her sister more dearly than anything, the three of them spent some time talking in the forest together before Kuroka had to leave when Arthur came to pick her up.

"You made Big sister yours?" Shirone asked without looking at him.

Masaru scratched the back of this head with a smile, looking at this erotic cat swinging her bum at him while she was walking with Arthur through the portal. "Yes"

"That's good" Shirone said with a warm smile, faint traces of tears were at the corner of her eyes. She knew the time she could finally live together with her sister in the future would come.

They say rewards always come to those who seek it... but infinite possibilities apear for those who are patient....

By Complete Noob

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