
How to survive in the World DxD with Fragment Memories

Awaken in the world of DxD with broken memories related to it, yet having almost to no memories of his previous life other than his personality and ego remaining intact. Masaru discovered a day after his reincarnation or perhaps transmigration, that he turned out to be the son of Diehauser Belial, and that he was kidnapped the night his mother (Human) was killed by an assassin. With no other way but to play the fool in appearing to trust each and every person he met till he became strong enough to guard himself, Masaru starts to live as the chosen heir of the Belial Family. Using his fragmented memories of the World of DxD, Masaru takes the lead to take control of the flow of fate surrounding the world. To ensure the safety of himself, his beloved family... This is the story of a Wonder Child, who hates his title but can't resist creating miracles that can make one wonder.

CompleteNoob · Anime & Comics
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175 Chs

Battle of Silent Creek


Tap Tap Tap

Footsteps echo through the corridor as Sakura continues to walk in the corridor, following her instincts as a swordswoman she knew the strongest person is in this direction. She was certain that there will be no more guards rushing towards the direction of Stephani and Jamie which was why she walked confidently.

The lights in the ceilings were flashing on and off, the strangest thing was the fact that the cells were all empty in these sections compared to the northern, eastern and southern section. But the smell of iron and blood told her a lot of things happened here, and not a single one of it was pleasant to know.

"So you finally came to me huh?" an ancient voice travelled along the corridors in a manner that Sakura could not discern it with her ears where it came from, but her other senses told her the person who spoke was up ahead.

"Do you think you can kill me just because you defeated Tracey Woods?" The voice spoke a more overbearing tone, Sakura could not help but smile when she heard it because it reminded her of a bully at school who once tried to sound much stronger than he actually was.

"You smiled huh? Yet you don't seem to realize" Sakura halted when she heard the voice drawing closer,

"That I am right behind you" The voice was so close behind her that she felt his breath against her neck, instinctively she twists her body in a spin, swinging her sword horizontal all instantaneously. Yet she struck nothing but air.

"How violent, you really are a barbarian from the east" The voice spoke with a mocking voice, once again the sound echoed at variest directions making it quite confusing.

"You make quite a lot of comments, coward," Sakura said with a stoic face yet her feeling of disdaining this man still lingered in the tone of her voice, she heard the man's breathing froze for an instant before it continued softly.

"What a sharp tongue, trying to bait me?" The voice spoke mockingly as if to laugh at her ignorance, "Very well I shall bite your bait"

"Promotion: Queen!" Sakura cried out, the evil piece within her body transformed into a queen piece causing her overall abilities to explode, her instincts that once sensed the man was just acute enough to finally capture the location he was about to appear from.

"Tsukuba style, Eagle sweep" Sakura muttered as she jumped into the air, the moment she was descending she slashed the sword downwards in the direction her instincts told her the man was at. yet once more she slashed at nothing but air.

"Kukuku, too bad you misse---GAH!" Just as the man was about to mock, he did not realize that Sakura was still continuing her movement which meant the sword technique was not over.

"Tsukuba's Lost sword, Enduring Flash" Landing on the ground gracefully she immediately leap in the air towards the man like an eagle that dived to capture a prey before it swept up into the air ready to finish it off.

With her sword at the side of her waist, she used all her muscles, with acute control over her body after being trained by Masaru for so long. She slashed her sword at a speed even the man could not entirely evade the attack, Sakura was not certain what she cut, she managed to strike the enemy.

"Urk... You got me good, it's a shame that it's not a fatal attack" The man spoke,

Sakura was not certain why but her body shivered not from excitement nor fear, RUN!, her instincts told her to run yet she reacted to slow as a fist suddenly appeared near her abdomen. "Bloom! Rho Aias!"

Instantly a seven coloured flower appeared between the man's fist and Sakura's body causing the defensive shield to shake, Sakura took a few steps back not being able to fully negate the kinetic force that still slammed against her abdomen. But the man was not better off, he took several steps back while leaving blood drops staining the floor.

It was then Sakura saw the man in his entirety, skinny almost like a skeleton monster wearing human skin. yet he was abnormally tall, reaching as high as three and a half metres. With long skinny arms and his fingers dripped with blood.

When Sakura glanced at his fingers she cringed. Because what it looks like, was someone who forced their fingers in a pencil sharpener and sharpened their fingers. The man's eyes were grey and the sockets have sunken in making it appear as if the eyes would soon roll back into his skull, with a smile decorated with yellow teeth with black spots showing how badly decayed his teeth appeared, yet Sakura could sense from her experience as a swordswoman that those teeth were as strong as steel.

"You finally managed to make me undo my power over darkness huh?" The man spoke nonchalantly, he was completely naked without wearing a single piece of cloth. With his power over darkness, he would never appear in front of anyone, so there was no need to wear clothes and in fact, he felt wearing clothes was simply a chore.

"Power over darkness? Why does it sound like a Devil's bloodline power?" Sakura asked,

"Because the devils gained their abilities from the traitor who was once our legion's commander" The man muttered, "Although I am not sure what happened back then, I am simply a cannon fodder after all. Only our Apostle is worthy of being a foot soldier for our master's army"

'This man... His strength is at the True Ultimate Rank, although he had yet to achieve Godhood. He is still strong, and he is but a cannon fodder?' Sakura shivered at this thought wondering just how powerful the leader behind the Old Ones must be.

"Let's continue" The man muttered licking his blood still lurking around his sharpened fingers before disappearing, Sakura's eyes squinted before controlling her breathing rhythm followed by a set of radical movements she disappeared from the man's sight.

"You can hide in the darkness as well?" The man muttered feeling surprised to see this, yet he heard a faint whisper at his back.

"No" Sakura denied as she slashed her sword downwards against the man's back, sparks erupted when the sword impacted the man's spine as if it was steel against steel. Feeling the feedback made Sakura feel that she attacked an iron rod, yet she continued to attack.

"Hmph!" The man snorted swinging his right arm, he deflected her sword attack and thrust his other arm straight towards her chest. Suddenly the seven coloured flowers appeared once more to block the attack, using the kinetic force behind the attack Sakura leap backwards against the wall with her legs crouching down like a frog while her left hand touched the wall to maintain her balance and the sword in her right.

"Sakura Self Made, Sakura Petal Downpour!" Sakura used her entire body's strength to leap towards the man like a human cannonball, using her demonic power to manipulate the air around her into solid platforms. Along with sakura petals made by her demonic power began to materialize around her while she leaps one step at a time to increase her speed explosively with the aid of the evil piece that became a queen piece.


The man shrieked in pain when Sakura slashed her sword from his right shoulder to his left waist, a faint red line was left behind before the man was launched like a bullet away from Sakura due to the impact of the sakura petals that slammed against his body all at once.


Bloodstains scattered across the corridor in the direction the man was sent flying to, which was prove that Sakura managed to cut him. The sound of walls crumbling could be heard from the distance, Sakura could see a shadow figure of the man pushing himself up from the debris with cement rocks rolling off his body.

The figure sway left and right before the man stood still, yet before Sakura could react another figure appeared right in front of her slamming his fist into her abdomen before her sacred gear could cover her body from being attack.


"Hnnnn!" Sakura grit her teeth while enduring the pain, yet she was still launched flying against a nearby wall, her back slammed almost breaking the wall apart leaving her faint figure carved in it along with spider cracks all over it.

"You should not think I am so easy to deal with little girl" The man muttered as he walked closer, yet the moment he was about to swing down his hand to harvest Sakura's head his body froze as if something gripped his body firmly.



"Gah!" The man shrieked in pain, although he managed to survive Sakura's attack, he was by no means not injured. Hench, he could not struggle free from Angelica's shadow magic and was shot by an arrow that penetrated his neck.

"Grou Grich" The man growled like a beast, due to his rage he managed to break Angelica's shadow magic that held him down while pulling the arrow that lodged itself into his neck out forcibly. Even with his blood spurted out he did not flinch, in fact when one look closer they would discover this man was healing rapidly.

"If it's the two of us... Then it's different right?" Angelica muttered as she stepped out of the shadows, unlike Masaru who could sense the powerful being who hid its aura. She could only detect this old man who did not bother to hide his aura, and he was a pure cannibal which was why Angelica chose to come here.

She just did not expect that Sakura was facing this old man alone, with angelica's presence the old man jumped backwards away from the two girls giving him some space while glancing at the girl whom he felt was familiar.

"You okay?" Angelica asked,

"Yeah, it's a good lesson for me" Sakura stood up, after stretching her body a few times the ache went away. Her eyes gleamed with excitement, as a swordswoman she loved battles like this.

"Then I shall go first" Sakura muttered, with a single step her entire body flickered as she ran towards the old man who was caught off guard.

"The hell is up with this speed!?" The old man cried out, while Sakura smiled warmly.

"My husband told me, to relish a battle in its entirety. Learn everything of your opponent before killing them off" She muttered with a warm smile thinking of Masaru.

"And when we do send them off, we should make it as painful as possible" Angelica spoke as she appeared right in front of the old man with both her daggers.

Clink! Clink! Clink!

The two girls engaged in fierce close combat against the old man who was forced to use all his strength, his back was drenched in cold sweat watching the girls facing against him without a shred of fear reflecting their eyes, in fact they appeared to be too excited. 'These women are crazy!' The old man cried in his heart.


Angelica took a single step back, her movement was fluid as if it was the natural order. Sheathing her daggers, she pulled out her bow slotting an arrow in place before pulling back and releasing it in successions.

"Are you going to watch all of this!? Come out or I will report this to the Apostle!" The old man cried out alarming both Sakura and Angelica, yet they did not expect that there was no one and the old man used this instant hesitation to turn around running away.

"Don't go" Angelica muttered glancing at the direction the man was running off,

"Why?" Sakura asked feeling reluctant to let go of such a great opponent, yet she was still rational enough to understand that Angelica would only stop her for a reason.

"Because she is there" Angelica muttered as she and Sakura ran in another direction, heading towards another powerful energy signature, their goal was simple. To eradicate the Cannibals in this prison.

"Damn what crazy women! If I knew they were this powerful then I would not have accepted the Apostle's orders even if he killed me" The old man lamented, despite his large built his movement speed was incredible that he could overtake a cheetah effortlessly.

"Crazy?" a feminine voice could be heard ahead of the old man causing him to halt in his steps, warily glaring at the shadowy figure ahead of him.

Everest appeared wearing a [I love Rock] white tank shirt barely covering her large breast, a pair of jeans with tears at the thighs showing her white beautiful skin. and red sneakers. Her red hair floating in the air making her appear like a valiant valkyrie if it was not for her outfit, yet the old man still trembled before the glaring red eyes of this little dragoness.

"W-Who are you all?" The old man asked while his mind was overworking in trying to find an escape route, he was already injured by the two crazy women and now he was facing yet another crazy woman. 'Is it my bad luck today?'

"We are all women of Masaru Belial, the enemy of your masters," Everest said nonchalantly, she raised her right arm covered in thick partial divine dragon aura. Like her, none of Masaru's girls slacked off in their training and they entered the True Low-class God realm with Masaru's aid.

Before the man could continue his questions, Everest blinked, teleporting right in front of the old man before her dragon aura transformed into a tyrannical fire that blast forward burning the old man to the point that he could not even yelp in pain, when the flames went further it left nothing behind, not even ashes.

"Hubby, I finished him" Everest reported with a happy smile,

[Don't be happy, he was injured by Sakura and Angelica. Continue to hunt them down] Masaru said before adding on, [I will reward based on the number of dead cannibals]

"heh" Everest giggled before walking deeper into the prison, ever since the start of the prison operation she was sent by Masaru to infiltrate the second sector ahead of time so she could attract the attention of the powerful being. He hoped that the being would face Everest so she could gain some experience to complete control her divine dragon aura instead of partial.

'It was wishful to think of this' Masaru thought


"My name is Grace Stevenson, I'm but a cannon fodder," the skinny woman said while caressing the grip of the scythe she was holding, her creepy smile sends shivers down Jamie and Mr Feather's spine.

"Jamie, if you wish to find your brother you will have to kill people like this" Stephani muttered all of the sudden, although it did not shock Jamie that much it still caused Mr Feather to shiver even more.

"Kill!? You intend to kill in front of an officer?" Feather asked in agitations, he hoped that mentioning he was an officer he might make this crazy old woman back off but instead she began to laugh creepily.

"This peaceful era really have weakened the human's instincts to dangers to a large degree" Grace muttered with a gleeful face, she scratches the grip of the scythe ensuing a screeching sound to reverberate through the quiet corridor.

"But it's too bad, someone like you would only realize that this world would soon become a kill or be killed world by the time you are about to die" unexpected, this old woman moved with incredible agility towards Mr Feather swinging her scythe as if it is paperweight in her hands shocking both Jamie and feather to become pale in fear facing this crazy old woman.

"Not under my watch!" Stephani cried out controlling her demonic power while activating her bloodline power "Power over Angels", transforming herself into an angel with five pairs of pure white angel wings. With a golden halo floating above her hand, she encloses Jamie and Feather in a light-based barrier that managed to block the old woman's scythe attack.


"I hate shiny things" The old woman muttered turning her attention to Stephani who appeared so holy that she felt sick, her blessings from the Apostle and the Old Ones made her feel rage towards Holy beings or pure beings. Her eyes slowly became bloodshot the more she look at Stephani,

"How unsurprising, I hate dull things" Stephani muttered before the light energy in her palm floated in the air dividing into hundreds of light spheres that morphed into arrows before they were sent flying towards the old woman.



The woman's movement was shocking, due to her body stature no one would expect this woman to move fast as if she never aged nor weakened at all. The scythe cut through the air knocking some light-based arrows down while breaking the rest, the old woman glared at Stephani "Are you done testing me?"

"Not really... but it will have to do" Stephani muttered, her eyes becoming pale gold while the holy aura around her body become purer, stronger. This was something she developed while training her power over angels, this was the overdrive mode that allowed her to tap into the power of Archangels.


PS: Added the MC's basic stats on the first chapter where the spoilers are located at, if I missed anything. Just shoot the comments, will double and check and add if required lol

The last chapter, normally I would only do one chapter a day only on weekends (So please be kind to me)

I will post a chapter tomorrow based on how my body feels, legs are painful and back is sore!

The Noob Dungeon was simply too disastrous! >.> That one guy streaked naked after he died several times causing his weapons and armour to break.

Now they want to do the next dungeon run without armour and just weapons, as expected of professional noobs. Only we are crazy enough to do things professionals would not dare do.

CompleteNoobcreators' thoughts