
How to survive a serial killer

Neo_Folojeng · Fantasy
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1 Chs


*phone rings*



After being woken up by my phone ringing, I hear the most shocking news I've ever heard and I quickly jump out of bed  to rush to the restaurant at which my best friend Mercedes also known as Sadie and I work, as soon as I walk in, I step on some blood that belongs to a now lifeless body that is lying on the ground in the middle if the restaurant. It's Sadie, the always cheerful  and bubbly girl I've known my entire life, except the fact the her body is so stiff and cold lying in a pool of her own blood, but even then there is still a smile on her beautiful face,her afro or her crown as she always says has red roses in it matching the colour of her blood on the floor, she always did like things that match. Someone taps me on the shoulder from behind me  but I don't look back, everything feels so unreal.

"Tasha! Tasha!, wake up"  Sadie says , She sounds worried

As soon as I wake up my eyes meet Mercedes's eyes which look like they are about to pop out of her skull,I notice that She is holding a bottle of water that She most likely was going to pour on my face had I not woken up sooner. I get out of bed leaving a 'me' shaped sweat print on my bed sheet because  my entire body had been sweating while  I was asleep

"Same dream?" Sadie says handing me the bottle of water  she has been holding the entire time with the bottle cap off and I had intended to take a sip but I end up drinking it all. It only makes sense considering how much sweat is currently on my bed, not to mention my pyjamas.

I nod, I'm not necessarily in the talking mood. In all honestly I never am, especially in the morning, but more so now after having the same nightmare I've been having for the past 30 consecutive days. This month has been all but happiness for me, the only good thing to come out of this was my relationship with my boyfriend Kyle. I am well aware that we have only been going out for just a month but I honestly think I found the one. The fact that he saved my life  the first time we met just adds the cherry on top.

" Honey I know you said no shrinks but  I honestly think it's about time,  have you  at least considered that option?" She lets out a huge sigh and continues "Look Humphrey was our friend,Aaron was our friend,Lukas was our friend, so was Michael and we all miss them so much, but...but sooner or later you are going to having to move on with your life, heal, I know they would agree with me if they were still alive. I know you are going to tell me that you are just fine, but honestly living like this can not be health-"

I cut her off " I have already made an appointment with doctor Williams, Sadie calm down"

" Oh... you did?"  she inquires  and she can not hide the disbelieve in her voice and her eyes

" I did"  I answer " Before you say anything else trying to figure our if I'm being honest or not let me just tell you that Mom made me do it"

"See now that right there, that makes sense. Go fix yourself, you will be late for class." I disappear into the bathroom to take a shower.