

Zaya Mars and Kabir Asad have been married for a year but yet felt like strangers in their own homes. Zaya has been trying all within her possible best to make the marriage work but all to no avail. Kabir, on the other hand has made it clear through his words and actions that he has nothing to offer since the marriage is a contract marriage and he was forced into it by his family. He blames Zaya for having to end his relationship with his long time girlfriend and as punishment, he makes Zaya suffer for it. Things took a new turn for their love story when Kabir purposely arrived home late on their one year wedding anniversary. To this, Zaya questions him about his whereabouts stating that it was their wedding anniversary and how could he come home late for it. Feeling annoyed by the pestering of Zaya, Kabir uttered in anger; “This is just a contract marriage. I have nothing to offer to you because you were never my choice so don't forget that!” In tears and on the ground, Zaya makes a vow on their wedding night to seduce Kabir, be his choice and leave him yearning for her! Making him love her would be the best plot twist to a contract marriage, Zaya said.

Hassana_Zubair · Urban
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53 Chs


Lara.." Zaya continued.

"I know that you had imagined your life with her and so did I with my own boyfriend. No doubt, five years is not a small amount of time and ending a relationship with someone you have loved for that long would certainly hurt. Believe me, if anyone understands you more, it's me. Because that is exactly the same thing that happened to me. I loved my boyfriend so much. I dearly loved Roy but you won't see me going out to meet with him anymore. It is because I got married to you and I know that it is a contract marriage but I respect the rules of marriage and I also know that seeing someone else outside of your marriage is cheating. And…" Zaya said as the tears she was holding on finally let down.

This was a hurtful moment for Zaya because she realized just how much she had sacrificed for this marriage but yet Kabir doesn't see it or appreciate it. She was exhausted. She was tired of it all. How could a fellow human be so wicked and vile to another? Why couldn't Kabir treat her like the way he treats others? What was her sin? Being in this marriage with him.

Zaya cleaned her tears with the back of her hands and carried on with her speech.

"And I know that you spend your time with Lara because you are still in love with her. I am not against it. I just wish you would come home early or give me a call if you are going to spend the night with her, that's all I ask for. I'm not asking you to stop seeing her because clearly you have prioritized her over me but all I ask is that you treat me better. Treat me like a human, not like a disease infected person!"

Zaya couldn't hold back the tears and began to sob out loud.

"Just please, treat me like a normal person. Please, be nice to me. I know I can never be Lara in your life but please acknowledge my presence in your life and respect me. It's only for five years and after that we would go our separate ways. One year is already gone and today is supposed to be our wedding anniversary but you arrived late. I made all your favorite meals and put in extra effort to make myself look good in front of you but all you did was scoff. You couldn't even compliment me. I just wanted us to have dinner and say nice things to each other on this special night but it turned out to be the exact opposite. I don't know what I did to offend you to make you treat me this way. If it is because of what my father did then I apologize. You should know that I have been begging for your forgiveness ever since we got married. It's not like we are bounded together for life, it's just for five years and we only got four left!"

Zaya poured out her heart in between tears as she began to sob harder. She had utterly given up on this marriage and her act of making Kabir good to her. It seems like no matter what she does, he would forever hate her. Tonight, she is begging him to be nice to her. She had imagined how the night would go and this scene happening was not anywhere in it.

Kabir could not utter a single word. He knew that he had crossed the line big time. Zaya is extremely offended and saddened by his words. As she poured her heart out to him, Kabir listened with utmost attention and came to realize just how much he had hurt her. Zaya is really an easy going person who wasn't asking for much. She just wanted them to be friends. For him to be nice to her and it wasn't so difficult but he made it be.

Kabir had been so happy hurting Zaya, thinking that it was a lifetime achievement on his own side not knowing that he had been shattering her heart and mind. He had been a monster to her and never in the slightest did he actually stop to think and question if she really deserved the treatment he was giving to her. Yes, he was angry that he got married to her even when he didn't want to but it wasn't her fault and her father's only, his father also had a role to play in it so why was it that he decided to put all the blame on Zaya.

Zaya was innocent in all of this just like he was. She is just doing what her father told her to do and if she had the choice, she would have certainly said no to this marriage. Reviewing all the hurtful things that he had said and done to her, Kabir came to see that he was actually the problem because Zaya had never done anything to deserve what he was doing to her. She was right! He was the problem! She deserves a person who can treat her better than he did because all he ever did was hurt her.

Watching her cry her heart out was actually uncomfortable to him. Kabir never loved watching women cry or so he thought because from everything he had done to her, he had one motive in mind….to make Zaya cry. Kabir wanted to hold her and comfort her. He wanted to apologize for all his bad actions and promise her that he would never do it again but his pride had a mind of its own.

Kabir was fighting an internal battle within himself. He was torn apart between doing what is right or letting his pride take over. As Zaya sobbed silently, Kabir couldn't take it anymore. Everything that she said came running to the top of his memory. She even made dinner. She wasn't even expecting any gifts from him. She went the extra mile to make herself look beautiful for him but all he did was scoff. Why did he even scoff in the first place? What was he thinking?

"Kabir, what did I ever do to you?" Zaya asked with tears in her eyes.

"Why can't you love me like you love Lara?" Zaya went on.

"Am I not human too? Am I not deserving of your love? I am still your wife so why can't you show affection towards me? What does Lara have that I don't?" Why can't it be me, Kabir? Why can't I be the one you love?" Zaya let out as she held on to Kabir's hands in tears.

The pity that Kabir once felt for her immediately vanished and was replaced with anger and disgust. How could she compare herself to his precious Lara? Was she in love with him when she clearly knows that he cannot love her?

He could never love her like he did with Lara.

In a fit of rage, Kabir flinged Zaya's hands away from him forcefully and she fell to the ground.

"This is just a contract marriage. I have nothing to offer to you because you were never my choice so don't forget that!" Kabir made it clear to her and walked away.

"I'm sorry, Zaya" he said in his mind. Kabir didn't know what prompted him to say such but he shove the thought aside.

Zaya could not believe her ears when Kabir uttered those words. So, after everything she said it was still not able to change or soften his mind. How could he be so wicked to her? Zaya had had enough of it all. It is time to show Kabir that she is not a weakling. Her condoling his act didn't mean that she was a fool.

Zaya stopped crying, cleaned her tears and with the dried tears line on her face along with her being on the ground, she makes a vow on their wedding anniversary night to seduce Kabir, be his choice and leave him yearning for her! Making him love her would be the best plot twist to a contract marriage, Zaya said.

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