

Zaya Mars and Kabir Asad have been married for a year but yet felt like strangers in their own homes. Zaya has been trying all within her possible best to make the marriage work but all to no avail. Kabir, on the other hand has made it clear through his words and actions that he has nothing to offer since the marriage is a contract marriage and he was forced into it by his family. He blames Zaya for having to end his relationship with his long time girlfriend and as punishment, he makes Zaya suffer for it. Things took a new turn for their love story when Kabir purposely arrived home late on their one year wedding anniversary. To this, Zaya questions him about his whereabouts stating that it was their wedding anniversary and how could he come home late for it. Feeling annoyed by the pestering of Zaya, Kabir uttered in anger; “This is just a contract marriage. I have nothing to offer to you because you were never my choice so don't forget that!” In tears and on the ground, Zaya makes a vow on their wedding night to seduce Kabir, be his choice and leave him yearning for her! Making him love her would be the best plot twist to a contract marriage, Zaya said.

Hassana_Zubair · Urban
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53 Chs


She arrived down the stairs, particularly at where Zafar and Kabir were.

"Did you just try to hit my boyfriend, Kabir?" Zaya asked confidently immediately she got there.

"Zaya…" Kabir called, lost in the way she looked.

She looked so beautiful and sumptuous to him that he just wanted to tear apart her clothes and devour her. Kabir could feel the bulge rising from within his trousers. Zaya's appreance was making him hard. He didn't know why he was feeling this way but he was getting drawn and attached to the way Zaya looked. He couldn't take his eyes off her. I thought I hate her, Kabir said within himself.

"Kabir? Are you listening to me? Can you hear me?" Zaya called as she waved her hands across his face.

Kabir immediately recollected himself and decided to act like the way he use to.

"Where are you going to, Zaya?" he asked coldly.

"On a…date. Isn't that obvious?" Zaya said. Her confidence was growing by the minute. She was feeling good deep within her and was certain that she could scale through this night.

"With Zafar? Your business partner?" Kabir asked.

"Yes, with him" Zaya said as she held onto Zafar's hand.

Zafar proceeded to pull Zaya closer to him, wrapping his hands around her waist. Zaya reached for Zafar's left cheek and planted a kiss on it. Kabir watched on in disgust. He was getting slightly infuriated at the fact that Zaya could kiss another man right before him.

"I have come to love him. Zafar is a very good looking, rich and responsible man. What's not to love about him?" Zaya added.

"As they say, Business makes the heart grow fonder" Zafar commented.

Zafar and Zaya both chuckled softly at his words

"You are such a funny man!" Zaya remarked as she lightly hit Zafar on the chest.

"For you, my love, I can be anything" Zafar said seductively as he raised Zaya's chin close to him, pulling her even more closer.

"Zaya!!! What Insolent behavior is this?!! Are you forgetting that you are married to me!!!" Kabir screamed out in anger.

Zaya pulled away from Zafar and walked closer to Kabir. She leaned into his ears. Her scent was so captivating that he wanted to sniff at her nape and let out a moan but he couldn't do that because he was angry at her. Everything about Zaya was making him go crazy, he was slowly losing himself to her. He couldn't control the urge that was growing within him.

He wanted her! He wanted to leave a trail of kisses around her body. He wanted to take off her clothes and do a lot of things to her. For the first time since a year of being married to Zaya, Kabir yearned for her body.

Zaya was making him confused. He didn't know if he still hated or was in lust with her after tonight. He didn't know what to feel. Her presence was stirring up something within him. In that moment, he wanted to accept the fact that she was his wife and make love to her.

"This is just a contract marriage. I have nothing to offer to you because you were never my choice so don't forget that" Zaya whispered into the ears of Kabir before she pulled away, smirking in satisfaction.

Zaya walked over to Zafar and stood beside him.

"Well, if you'll excuse us Kabir, we would like to take our leave" Zafar said as they turned to leave.

"Zaya, if you step out that door, you are never coming back into this house!" Kabir said to her.

Zafar and Zaya looked at themselves before they burst into laughter. Kabir couldn't understand what was funny in what he had just said.

"Is that a threat, Kabir?" Zaya asked.

"Besides, she is not coming back for the night. Zaya is spending the night with me" Zafar mentioned.

"Try harder!" Zaya said.

"I don't think mother-in-law will support what you just said and if you ever get bored, you can always invite Lara over, no one is stopping you. I bet she will be able to satisfy you well." She added as they turned around to leave.

"We are leaving!" Zafar said as they headed for the door.

"Take care, Kabir" Zaya added as they walked out, leaving Kabir dumbfounded.

"Watch your steps" Zafar said to Zaya as they approached the broken flower vase.

"Don't forget to clean this up!" Zaya said out loud to Kabir.

Zafar and Zaya both headed for Zafar's car as they got out. When in the car, Zaya let go of her breath that she had been holding.

"You did well, Zaya" Zafar comforted her.

"You think so?" Zaya asked.

"I know so" Zafar replied.

"Do you think that Kabir was able to notice that it was all façade?" Zaya asked worriedly.

"I don't think so" Zafar replied.

Zaya let out a sigh of relief before saying "I think we should leave"

"Right by your side" Zafar said as he ignited the car and they drove out.

Kabir was still standing at the spot he was before Zaya and Zafar had left. He was looking so flabbergasted and in shock.

"What just happened?" he asked himself.

It took him a few minutes later before he was able to recollect himself and walked over to the couch to sit down.

His mind was incessantly having flashes of Zaya, the dress she wore and the events that transpired. No matter how much he tried to shove the thought aside, it still came up at the top of his mind.

"Arrgh!!!" Kabir screamed out loud in annoyance. He wanted to stop thinking about Zaya but it wasn't happening.

He was beginning to develop a headache because of it all coupled with the stress he received from the office. His mind was wondering when did it all happen? When did Zaya fall in love with Zafar? When did they start dating? How many dates have they been on? Has she slept with him? When did she grow this new found confidence?

Kabir's mind was jumping from one thought to another and his head was beginning to hurt even more. He made his way to the dining room. At least, Zaya would still afford to make a meal for him even though she had a new boyfriend. He knew her and she cared about him. Kabir concluded that the relationship with Zafar was fake.

Kabir arrived at the dining table and met nothing there. The place was sparkling clean with not even a plate on it.

"She might have left it in the kitchen!" Kabir said to himself and made his way to the kitchen.

Kabir got there and realized there was nothing there too. Nothing on the kitchen counter. He went through the pots and the whole utensils to check if he would be able to find anything but there was nothing there. In utter disbelief, it came to Kabir's mind that Zaya didn't make him anything.

Business makes the heart grow fonder

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