
How to run from a ghost if it's me

My first life was a lie. While my second life... It is summed up as complete stupidity. When I wanted, he ran away. When he wanted, I ran. When we were both tired, we fell in love...

CorujaSOS · Urban
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The cold that freezes the soul

Hello! Here is the author!

I would like to inform you that I consider the first four chapters of this book as an introduction.

Used to inform readers of the adversities that Fernanda went through before and after her death.

I haven't written directly who the character in the book is yet, mainly because the MC still doesn't know who she really is

I have the next chapters planned, but in the region where I live in Brazil, there was a bone-freezing cold. As an unsuspecting person, I went to rest to recover from the flu.

With the current world in a chaotic state, rest is the key to maintaining peace.

On my last cold warning, I was forced to quarantine.

Thus, recovering in silence at home is the key to gaining freedom…

As the cold was boring, looking at digital devices caused pain in the eyes. Blame me, but writing about something that makes you cry is excruciating.

Leaving both my work and my newly acquired hobby of writing abandoned novels, I started to howl at the moon!

I will return to writing properly the moment my body becomes mine again.

Thanks to everyone who read my poor writing skills, I hope you vote and comment on my book! This encourages my work.

Note: I'm having a lot of fun creating characters based on indigenous legends.