
How to run from a ghost if it's me

My first life was a lie. While my second life... It is summed up as complete stupidity. When I wanted, he ran away. When he wanted, I ran. When we were both tired, we fell in love...

CorujaSOS · Urban
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8 Chs

In the land of the blind, who has an eye is king

"A person who is going to die soon has no value. After all, you never had the power to change your destiny in the first place"

The man in front of me, in a few days, was like a stranger to me. I was incarcerated for two weeks by the man I thought I knew and for those who didn't know about my real situation, he was the one who was suffering the most from my kidnapping. Very ironic.

"Are those a husband's final words to his wife?"

I was still tolerant, even though he kept his wife in prison. However, it was foolish of me; he hoped that everything he had suffered was just a nightmare.

"Don't be naive. Are you smart enough to notice that I don't want to write an epitaph for your grave?"

Cold words. Mocking face. The fact was unbelievable to me, I never knew the face of this real man. It was just my imagination that we could both build a family.

My teeth press on my jaw, the anger that I have accumulated in this tragic period of my life bursts.

"I always did everything I asked! I corrected everything I thought was wrong for you! Everything to please you! Was my effort useless in your eyes?! "

My voice hoarse from the tortures I had suffered comes out of my throat, accompanied by a river of blood. I was such a fool!

"You bastard!!!!"

I wanted to get to that man and take his head off! How stupid I was all this time. Was the reality too cruel that I created a parallel world where I lived alone all these years?

I had the strength to scream, but my body had been paralyzed for six months.

"Did you cause the stairs to fall?!"

My heart breaks, again, with this assumption.

"Look, I didn't say that you are smart. Did your IQ come back after receiving a beating? "

He laughs. I moan with sadness and hate. Tears burst on my face. The pain of losing my legs was a blow to my self-esteem and a huge loss of my well-being.

"Ah, don't cry, my dear wife. You look much uglier when you cry. Look how kind your husband is. I'll tell you a story, before you sleep forever "

"I don't want to hear you boasting at my expense!"

"Quiet! Do you know how much I had to put up with a hypocrite like you ?! But I did it in the end; I avenged my family by killing yours! Only you are missing now. A princess abandoned and thrown in the trash is a fitting ending to the last heir of that ominous blood! "

"Hypocritical? Was it not well received by my parents? How dare you kill them?"

Since he doesn't want to be interrupted, he slaps my face hard.

"Just listen to your bitch! Your father was responsible for killing my father, my mother and sister! Do you think I would be grateful for them ?! They sold you to pay your debts and you still have the courage to defend them. Really a princess who never woke up from her childhood daydreams! "

Crying and out of control with hatred, I lean my body out of the chair where I was placed. Before I died, I wanted to at least bite him to death! But this is yet another pointless attempt.

Like my whole life.

He easily runs away and drives my weak and malnourished body away like a garbage bag.

He laughs watching my moans.

When he calms his mood, he begins to perform the last act of his play.

"You are going to die like my family died. Smothered! Burned! This is your destiny! "

When I got control of my mind, I was alone in that shed. Abandoned to the ground like an insect whose life will expire soon.

I only have unfinished desires !!!

I wanted to go back to the time where I lived happily and never put my life in other people's hands again !!!

What a pity! The smoke caused by the fire is destroying both my lungs and my remaining illusions!

I left the boyfriend I loved to be used as a bargaining chip in my parents' debt transaction. I married a man who hated me without even knowing me. I gave up on my dreams in an attempt to build a happy family! And everything was useless! Nobody was interested in me !!!

Before the shed roof falls on me, I promise that in my next life, I will live for myself!

If there is no one who values ​​me, then I will be my own most important person!

I'm a novice writer!

I hope to contribute a pleasant reading together with my readers

Thank you for being patient with me

( ˘ ³˘)♥

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