

The two teams moved to a different building from the one the previous match took place. There wasn't much structural damage in the last building, but All Might would rather be overly cautious and not risk getting injured students, even if the damage from Togaru's blades and Pony's horns was mostly superficial. It wasn't like UA's budget would suffer. Every hero course class had a different ground assigned to them, after all.

While the two teams mobilized themselves to the building, the atmosphere was decidedly different between the two of them. The hero team seemed to be in deep discussion, with mainly Midoriya talking, besides the occasional reply from Kaminari when Midoriya was developing their action plan. One would think that the villain team would have the advantage because they'd know the hero team's action plan, but that was far from being the case.

Bakugou stormed off first, but only after he'd cussed at Midoriya for being a "damn nerd" and a "fucking loser" and swore to beat him to an inch of his life, though that was putting it mildly. The bird-headed teen sighed and went after his teammate, hoping to at least develop a basic strategy, but to no avail.

Yousuke would've liked to say that the following fight was entertaining, but he'd be lying. It was like watching two groups of children fighting. One had an anger problem and had an obvious lack of coordination, and while the other group was less frothing and somewhat coordinated, it was still a close fight for all the wrong reasons.

First of all, Bakugou was completely and utterly pigheaded to anything related to Midoriya, so the villain team went in with no plan.

Secondly, Bakugou's quirk, Explosion, seemed to be the bane of Fumikage's quirk, Dark Shadow. The light from Bakugou's explosions would weaken Fumikage's bizarre creation, who was seemingly sentient and would loudly complain about the explosion user, which made the blond teen cuss up a storm and make more explosions, ending up going in a loop.

Thirdly, they were easily found by the hero team, meaning that Midoriya and Kaminari had plenty of time to find the best place to ambush the villains when one of them would inevitably head to them. Obviously, it was Bakugou who rushed out after some time, fully bent on beating the shit out of Midoriya when he found him.

Eventually, he was taken by surprise when "that damn nerd" jumped him, and Bakugou went in for a right jab. But, much to everyone's shock, the green-haired teen seemed to foresee that, and he dodged out of the way. With Bakugou wide open, Midoriya took the opportunity to attack his liver.

The explosive teen looked like he swallowed a lemon and was tranquilized at the same time. His legs trembled like jelly, but he had the nastiest facial expression the class had seen of him for now. But Bakugou was stunned for long enough for the other hero in the match to jump in the fray, and the electric teen wasted no time applicating his electricity-covered hand on the other blonde's torso.

Kaminari jabbed two fingers in the other teen's side, making sure to use a low enough voltage. He didn't want to fry Bakugou from the inside out, after all.

With Kaminari functioning effectively like a taser but without the 5 second limit, Bakugou's nervous was quickly overloaded, and the blond fell unconscious.

The heroes wrapped the unconscious teen in capture tape, and All Might's voice rang out, declaring him successfully subdued. That had the unfortunate effect of alerting Fumikage of his ally's defeat, but it wasn't as if Bakugou would be unconscious for too long, so the two heroes didn't have the option of just not capturing him yet.

Unluckily for the bird-headed teen, Midoriya and Kaminari acted with the same haste as before, even if they didn't have the advantage like before. Fumikage, rather predictably, had begun by sending ahead Dark Shadow. The sentient quirk, however, had proven to be more intelligent than Bakugou already, and kept the two heroes in its eyesight.

Its mistake, however, was assuming that Midoriya was the more threatening adversary due to his combat style. The green-haired teen clearly looked like he practiced some kind of martial arts. Perhaps boxing, but Yousuke wasn't that well-versed in close-range combat himself.

The other hero must've been annoyed at being ignored, so he used a substantial amount of electricity on the shadowy creature. Unexpectedly, the strange material Dark Shadow was made from was electricity-conductive, which resulted in the bird-headed teen getting hit by virtue of being connected to Dark Shadow.

After that, both Fumikage and Kaminari were somewhat dazed, and Midoriya took the chance to wrap the villain in capture tape, resulting in the heroes' win.

It was clear that if Kaminari hadn't snapped like that the heroes might've lost, despite overwhelming their opponent 2 to 1.

The following match was Team A (Todoroki Shoto and Yoarashi Inasa) VS Team E (Kirishima Eijiro and Shoji Mezo), with Team E acting as villains.

'Poor Eijiro was so hyped about manly fighting with Inasa.' lamented Yousuke.

The match ended almost immediately after it started, when Shoto simply used his ice-making quirk to flash-freeze the entire building, villains and all. The quick win upset Inasa, but the taller teen hadn't commented on his teammate's actions.

Afterwards, it was Team F (Tokage Setsuna and Kendo Itsuka) VS Team C (Yaoyorozu Momo and Kodai Yui), where Team F acted as villains.

The match had begun interesting, with Yaoyorozu showcasing how she can make anything. ANYTHING. And she made a fucking grappling hook to get on the roof.

The villain team hadn't expected the two to make their entrance like that, but the two swiftly reacted to the ambush.

Setsuna split her body into many small pieces and shot them at high speeds towards the two heroes, while Kendo enlarged her fists and rushed at them.

Yaoyorozu was the first of the heroes to react, and she begun by making large, bulky shields to defend against Setsuna's barrage, much to Yousuke's confusion.

'Why would she make shields that heavy? And did she just forget about her teammate?' he thought.

As expected, the heavy shields slowed Yaoyorozu down, which made her a prime target for Kendo's fists. The girl was much stronger than she let on, easily knocking back the shielded girl, while Setsuna targeted Kodai, who had taken out some nuts and bolts to throw. The heroes were swiftly defeated.

What made the heroes' defeat even worse was the fact that Yui could enlarge inanimate objects, while Yaoyorozu could make those inanimate objects. Weird, huh?

Happy 2's day!

RealSam11creators' thoughts