

Yousuke was sitting around in his room on I-Island, watching one of the thousands of channels on TV. There were thousands of scientists from all over the world living on I-Island together with their families, so there had to be enough channels to cater to each and everyone's taste. Currently, Yousuke was playing with his balls while the TV played some boring show about Polish food, hosted by famous culinary critic Rordon Gamsey.

As he was laying down in bed, Yousuke decided he'd quickly rub one out before meeting with Melissa later in the day. The only problem being that he wasn't hard yet. Grimacing in annoyance, he brought up his hand to start stimulating his member, only to realize he still had his ball spinning in his hand.

'Could I use this to... harden?' he'd thought.

He'd already seen how many things the balls can do, after all. Yousuke's curiosity got the better of him, though he wasn't stupid enough to use it on his junk. Not out of fear of permanent injury, of course not. He was on I-Island, after all. It wouldn't be an island of scientists if they weren't prepared in case their experiments blew up spectacularly. But it would be harder to explain (and more painful) if his dick got accidentally blown off or something.

In the end, the boy settled for a finger. Small, easy to recover, and the effects would hopefully still be noticeable. Placing the ball against the finger, Yousuke could observe that his finger, while retaining its mobility, seemed to be made of stone. It was weird, though Yousuke couldn't feel anything different about his finger.

That wasn't really what he wanted, so he decided to approach this another way. Instead of wanting the affected part to 'harden', he wanted it to 'be excited'. Trying it again on his finger, the teen quickly pulled his hand back, reeling from the shock.

When he touched his finger with the ball, he felt as if his finger was zapped, but not like static-electricity-zapped, more like taser-zapped. He couldn't feel his finger at all, it was completely numb. Yet, as he looked at it, he could see his finger was trembling. It was like he had overloaded his finger. His body, who was made to take more energy than usual, was overloaded. Though, doing that seemed to have consumed all the energy the spinning ball had made, seeing as it had stopped after that.

He and Melissa still had no idea why and how that energy came to be. It was baffling, but the spinning motion somehow generated more energy than Yousuke put in the first place. So what just happened must've consumed all of that energy generated into exciting Yousuke's finger.

This wasn't it either. Yousuke didn't want to zap his dick. Making the ball spin again, the teen thought that he wanted to 'slowly be excited'.

This one seemed to work better than the last attempts, considering Yousuke could still feel his finger. The ball was still spinning, and the teen was getting that restless sensation when you don't move for a period of time and start to feel twitchy, only in his finger.

That feeling was only intensifying in strength as time passed, but when the teen took away the ball from his finger, the sensation remained. Yousuke smiled. This was it. It was perfect for jerking off.


"Uncle Might!"

"Young Melissa!"

As the two blondes hugged each other, Yousuke was sitting a few meters away from the Nr. 1 hero in Japan, and the idol to many youngsters such as he back at home. The boy was... shell-shocked, for lack of a better term. He knew Melissa's dad was friends with All Might ever since the hero went to finish his studies in USA, but he didn't expect him to be so familiar with Melissa. The girl doesn't talk that often about the Symbol of Peace, a man who was known internationally, not entirely for good reasons.

USA loved him, for one. And thanks to Japan's love for American culture, the fact that the Nr. 1 hero of the country was wearing another country's colors went quite well. But not everybody was so accepting of things like this, and not every hero is as flawless as All Might.

Shaking out of his stupor around the time the two ended their hug, Yousuke had the time to school his expression properly. He had to make an impression on the man.

"It's nice to meet you, sir." he said, extending his hand.

He was talking in English, for Melissa's sake, despite talking to a Japanese speaker. Yousuke was aware that the girl was making efforts to learn Japanese too, which was touching considering she was mainly doing it for him, saying she should know something in her friend's native language, but she wasn't quite at the level where she could keep up with two native speakers in a conversation.

"You must be Melissa's friend. Likewise." replied the much taller man.

'I swear, 1 meter is just from the hair.' thought Yousuke.

Similarly, the Symbol of Peace was having his own thoughts on the teen before him.

'He's the one David was talking about, the one he heard getting frisky with Melissa. David might've accepted that, but I won't.'

Yousuke felt a shiver go down his spine, but he didn't let it show.

Imagine discovering abilities by being horny.

RealSam11creators' thoughts