
Crowd Control

Following the broadcast, 1-A resumed their Monday classes like usual. The first period was homeroom with Midnight, where the R-Rated Heroine rather unceremoniously announced that they'd be competing in the school's sports festival in two weeks, so they'd better train for that.

The following few days passed quickly, for Yousuke, at least. He could hear Kaminari complaining about the classes in a hushed tone every now and then, so he supposed they weren't as easy for everyone else.

Outside of classes, the teens continued with their own private training in preparation for the festival. Yousuke briefly entertained the idea of planning a group training for the entire class, but there was only so much training at that point could do.

Something odd happened during lunch break one day. There was only about a week until the beginning of the festival, so tensions were high all over the school. As such, when Shoto opened the sliding door of the class, intending to go to the cafeteria, he was met with a sea of students just outside their classroom. The two-toned teen saw that he'd have to push his way through the students if he wanted to reach the cafeteria, and that was if they didn't try to hold him back, and closed back the door.

The youngest Todoroki turned to look at Yousuke with an expectant look, as if to say it was his job to fix that since he was the class president, but the taller teen was trying really hard not to laugh, seeing that Shoto gave him the closest thing to puppy eyes without looking gay.

"Could you do something about that?" Shiozaki vocalized Shoto's inner thoughts.

Honestly, Yousuke had half a mind to head there and try to deal with the students, but before he could even stand up from his desk, Bakugou, ever so foul-tempered and frothing, headed to the door, mumbling something along the lines of "...fucking idiots can't do a damn thing without him."

Perhaps it was the fact that some of his classmates were willing to just defer to him when in need, but the fact that he could barely hear Bakugou complain, marginally different from his usual loud self, stunned Yousuke. These actions were most likely resultant from his actions at the USJ, where he'd incapacitated (read: killed) Nomu, made Tomura and Kurogiri flee the scene, after which he helped his teacher, but without simply forgetting his classmates, even if he'd have liked to help out a bit more at the time.

The blond teen opened the door brusquely, making the few students who tried eavesdropping on them almost stumble and fall. With Bakugou opening the door entirely, the rest of the class could see clearly the students gathered outside. As everyone who hadn't seen the students before started to wonder why they were here, the explosive teen scoffed loudly, and placed his hands in his pockets.

"You losers still haven't figured this shit out? I expected them to be sulking around sooner than this, but I guess bottom-feeders will always find out a way to disappoint, even though I had no expectations for them." the blond seemed extra abrasive to the new arrivals, making the mood immediately shift to one of aggression.

"Who does he think he is?!"


"Don't think you're hot stuff just because you faced some villains! They must've been really weak!"

"I bet you haven't even faced them!"

Complaints, jeers and the like began raining down on the heroics class, many wondering why the blond had done so. Not that the explosive teen seemed to care for the angry mob of students outside.

"It doesn't fucking matter what a bunch of weaklings like you think or say about me! At the top, all the garbage doesn't affect the winner. I'll reach the top and I'll be the best! That is all there is to it!"

Like a declaration of war, Bakugou sparkled the flames of conflict and threw gasoline on top. Some were stunned by his words, while others were completely upset.

"If you garbage think you amount to anything, then try me! Reach my fucking level before you talk smack. When you sacks of shit do that, then I'll consider wasting my time on your empty words." Bakugou wasn't even shouting by the end of it, as most students quieted down to listen to what he had to say.

Though, the silence didn't last for more than a moment after the teen finished his words, as the last statement almost caused pandemonium among the students. By that point, Yousuke stood up and walked up next to Bakugou.

'Thank god Yousuke/Prez went to talk to them. He'll calm the crowd down.' though the people in the class sans Bakugou.

He was thinking what he could even say at that point. The teen initially wanted to dissolve the situation calmly and rationally. But after Bakugou's display, he would only seem weak if they even stopped to listen to him at all.

And honestly, the brown haired teen was rather annoyed with the crowd too. The losers (as Bakugou put it) came here to check them out, see how tough they were, yet none dared to talk back after the blond's speech.

"So you're the famous class 1-A, huh? You don't look like much, if I'm being honest." spoke out a blond teen as he pushed his way through the crowd. He had an arrogant expression on his face, as if to say he thought himself better than class 1-A (he wasn't). He looked at Bakugou before speaking again. "I came to see the so-called special powerhouses of UA, but if this is the best they have to offer, I guess I won't have to worry."

The class looked at Yousuke, wondering how would the tall teen reply to that. Even Bakugou gave him a side glance.

"Hm." hummed the teen. "You there, blondie. What class are you from?"

The teen asked that question in a casual tone, making the crowd falter somewhat. They'd expected someone as or more intense than the last guy, after all. The blond being questioned in particular took a few moments to readjust to the lack of hostility.

"I'm from class 1-B, and let me tell you class 1-A bastards, just because you survived a villain attack doesn't make you better than-"

"But we are better than you, no?"

The teen's almost caustic reply made the blond before him sputter for a second.

"Didn't you hear me? I said that beating villains doesn't-" he started again, only to be cut off by Yousuke.

"But it does, doesn't it? Everyone in the class behind me fought -and beat- at least one villain each, and that means infinitely more than your class' zero experience. Surely, class 1-B isn't so behind us so as to not understand the logic behind my words." came Yousuke's biting retort.

"But that-"

"I don't think you understand what it means to face people who want to kill you and come out alive, unscathed even." Yousuke's eyes became just a little bit colder, and he bore down on the blond teen. "Have you ever felt fear take a hold of your heart in an icy grip of death? Or killing intent so thick you could cut it with a butter knife? Bet you didn't ever break a bone in your life, you pithless coward."

Yousuke's words must've made the blond swallow his words, seeing as he was opening and closing his mouth without uttering a noise.

"As for those of you who got in General Studies, you should've really reconsidered your school choice when you couldn't get in Heroics at UA. Perhaps other schools have lower standards fit for you."

Yousuke gestured at the crowd behind the stunned blond.

"Take the inexperienced rabble with you when you leave. And the trash who can neither save people nor defeat villains." he spoke, referring to 1-B and the General Studies students, respectively. "Class 1-A, we're leaving."

He cut a path through a crowd, not looking back as he walked. Bakugou walked closely behind him, and a few steps away, Hitoshi and the rest of the class followed. None dared to speak at the time, until class 1-A took a corner and was out of sight.

"Fuck! 1-A is intense!" commented a teen, while pulling at his shirt's collar.

"Yeah, no kidding." spoke another.

"I think the sports festival is gonna be interesting, Tamaki."

"If you say so."

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