
How to Raise Your Regressor

A Professional Transmigrator meets a newbie Regressor. ❄️❄️❄️ He lived an average, fulfilling life and died of old age. The next moment, he opened his eyes as the Princess of Asmaria. While looking forward to his new life, he died again. And so began his 151,897,914th life as Samur Eckart. Samur is a Professional Transmigrator- or so he says, as he gets transmigrated into a new world every time he dies. However, each time, his memories return only moments before his death. If he successfully survives, he gets to live that life, if he dies, well, he just moves on to his next moment of death. Once again on the verge of death as Samur, he’s saved at the last moment by a young boy. Surprise, surprise, the young boy is a Regressor. As a man of honour, Samur intends to repay his debt then leave because the world is too inconvenient to live in. Well, that’s what he thought, at least, but the Regressor and his friends are kind of… weird, and he can’t seem to get away at all? However, not everything is as it seems. Samur’s whims have made him the part of an eternal lie. Shadows dance in glee as they concoct a requiem far grander than anyone can imagine, while the Lights tremble in delight as the apocalypse threatens the Universe. The dies have been cast, the play has been written, the characters are on the stage, and the sacrifices have been made. And so, it’s finally time to let this game begin. ~~~~~~~~ The cover photo obviously does not belong to me. Discord: https://discord.gg/qxmPDzXYTZ Instagram: @_anit666_

Anit666 · Fantasy
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240 Chs

What have I become?

NAME: Vafferan Devourer

TITLE: Queen of the Darkness

Come again?

Queen of the Darkness? What's with that, dare I say, ostentatious title?

You know what? Let's check the others as well.

NAME: Noelle Reid

TITLE: Cold blooded Kaiser


Alright, okay.

NAME: Neia Al Divul

TITLE: The White Monarch

What the fuck?

NAME: Arteria Nahaja

TITLE: The Fifth Primogenitor, Blood Lord

Damn, I'm not even surprised anymore.

What the hell is even going on here? Is this a gathering of the edgiest titles or what?

And of course, we have him.

NAME: Azell Dwyer

TITLE: Regressor

The man's a motherfucking Regressor.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, now I get it. He's a Regressor, so of course he's going to surround himself with the most powerful of people.

What's the point of having knowledge of the future when you can't exploit it, am I right?

"Is something the matter?" Noelle asked.


What might she be talking about?

"You seemed confused there for a bit."

I definitely need to get myself a mask.

"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering why a Dragon and an Ancient Vampire are the members of this Guild?"

Going by the general rule of fantasies, a Dragon would be living in a secluded cave somewhere while the Vampire would be lording over some family or something.

Having such overpowered companions right at the very beginning of this Turn is cheating, if I say so myself.

"Do you have any problem with that?" Arteria glared at me.

Why is she hostile about it?

"How could I? I'm actually thankful that you guys are here. I was just thinking about its unconventionality."

It's not every life that I find a Dragon, a Regressor and an Ancient Vampire, all in the same room.


"Let's just say that we're all here for our own reasons." Noelle swiftly cut Arteria off.

A safe answer.

"Just like me, then?"

"Yes." Noelle smiled. "Just like you."

"I see. Anyway, I'm not really sleepy, so let's go and meet the other members right now."

Might as well finish this task since we're already at it.

"Ah, then about the question before-"

"Ow, ow, ow, it's hurting again!" I clutched my head after cutting Azell off.

"Ah, I see. Let's forget about it then." He sighed.

"Oh, the pain has vanished. Let's go now." I smiled.



Not gonna lie, this is becoming amusing.

"Are you sure?" Noelle asked.


I have already checked my body's condition.

Regretfully, my Mana Circuits are still unusable as they resemble a pipe system with more holes than what someone would have after being shot by a machine gun firing at a rate of 37000 RPM.

Aside from that, my body was in a good condition. Neia had done an excellent job at patching me up; my blood vessels had been restored while my damaged internal organs had been healed.

So basically, I was back in my Shit Body which I had before I met Azell in the forest.

Looks like I'll have to recreate my Mana Circuits, which means I'll once again have to go through that pain and cough up blood.

Poor me.

"I don't think he should be moving about anytime soon." Neia interjected.

"Don't worry, I am totally fine."

I'm not even feeling any pain anymore.

"A no means a no."

What the fuck?

"But I am fine! You can check it for yourself!"


The hell? This woman's incorrigible.


You know what? Now I'm definitely going down, on my own two feet, just to spit (metaphorically) in the face of this woman.

"Yeah, sure." So I tried getting up.

But she instantly appeared in front of me, as if she had teleported, grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down gently yet firmly.

"Stay. Down." She declared with a smile that was miles away from her eyes.


God damn, is this her first time that her patient has tried to ignore her advice or what? Why does she have to be so hostile about it?

"Good boy." She let go of my shoulders.

They didn't hurt in any way, but the pressure was still there.

I guess there is a reason she's a Dragon. No wait, that sounds wrong.

It's like saying that it's because she is a, let's just say, a good doctor, that she became a Dragon. When in reality, she has been a Dragon since the moment of her birth and decided to become a medic because, I dunno, it interested her?

So what I should be saying is, 'Even if she's in a profession that saves lives, she's still a Dragon at her heart.'

Or something similar; I've made it more complicated than it needed to be.

"Just lie there like a good boy. This is an order from your doctor."

"Your wish is my command."

Hehe, as if.

"And just so you know, if I find you anywhere other than this bed until this evening, I will tie you up for an entire week."

Did she read my mind or what? Or maybe she thought that since I'm a child, my 'defiance' hormones would be at an all-time high, so I would try to get out of here and do some exploring.

I mean, she did get me there because that's exactly what I was planning to do, but not because I'm a child. I just wanted to satisfy my curiosity.

Which, now that I think about it, is exactly how a child would justify its actions.


But hey, a child wouldn't sacrifice his life for someone he met just hours ago, would he- hmmmmmmm.

Actually, isn't that something only a brat could do? Adults don't just risk their lives for strangers, after all.

Oh my god, what have I become?

At this point, it'd be better to just die- wait, no suicide jokes.

Let's just sleep like a poisoning victim who didn't get the antidote on time.

"I understand." I quietly nodded.

I am tempted to defy her, but it's not worth getting my ass whooped.

"Perfect. Now, then everyone, let's give him some time to rest."

"Alright." Noelle and the others nodded.

"I'll bring you your breakfast shortly. You can sleep for the whole day after that."


Sleeping isn't that bad, actually. It's like the trial version of death.

"Let's go, Clemetine." Azell said.

"I want to stay." After being silent for so long, she finally spoke.

She wants to stay? Why?

"Don't be like that. You're troubling your elder brother-"

"Don't worry. If she wants to stay with me, then let her."

Hmm, now that I think about it, I basically undermined Azell's authority by saying that.

"Well, if you say so." Azell shrugged.

Well, let's just hope this wouldn't have any adverse effect on their relationship.

With that, all of them started leaving the room.

"Just ring that bell if you need something." Neia reminded me before closing the door behind her, leaving only me and Clementine.

"So, did you need something from me?"

I mean, if Clementine decided to remain here with me, she must have done it for a reason, right?

"I saw it."


Sorry for the delay, I got a bit busy with my internship.

Anyway, don't forget to support by giving me PS, sending gifts, leaving reviews or commenting about my novel in the comment section of every thread of every forum you're a part of.

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