
How to raise your Night Fury

In a world filled with dragons, legends, each more epic than the other, are heard daily. However, none of these were proven true or false until the legend of Dovah Audgrim II was born. People would hear about a man, who travels the sky on the back of a dragon, protecting no one, but the worst fearsome enemy of men. While doing so, he made nothing but enemies among men except for a few isolated groups. While facing the world, he discovered the dragon's greatest secret and used it to push forward the world at speed never seen before. Come and listen to the epic story of a man who betrayed humanity to become its greatest benefactor. --------------------- This is an alternate universe of 'How to train your dragon.' I don't own the world of 'How to train your dragon.' I only own the character I created.

Xav232 · Movies
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16 Chs

The first flight

It's been three days since Dovah found a good place on the plateau.

His project for that place was to be a secret place where he could be with Grey all day long without wasting time.

With time he wants to build a workshop where he would create medicine and do the leather work his mom asks him to do. However, he didn't have time to make anything he planned yet.

He only had the time to make a small camp and bring his tools and some supplies.

However, Dovah was already very happy because of what he got from that meeting place.

Before having this place, he needed to go to the forest and hope to meet Grey by luck. Of course, Grey doesn't hide from Dovah but will stay hidden until it sees him. So there was a time when it took Dovah 6 hours to find Grey.

However, now he walks only an hour to get to the plateau, and Grey is there doing its life.

This allowed him to learn much more about a Night Fury's habit than he did in the week he needed to find Grey. For example, Dovah learned that Night Fury likes to use their flames to warm up where they sleep before laying down.

He can still do simple work with what he brought until now, but he is not doing this today. He has been studying Grey's flames since he arrived on the plateau today. He has been doing various experiments, making multiple requests to Grey, asking it to hold its fire as long as it can, or asking it to make the smallest blast possible.

Dovah studied Grey's fire because he got curious after observing Grey until Eyepatch got bored. Eyepatch always follows Dovah everywhere and is very happy about it, but watching Dovah, who does nothing fun for multiple hours, gets boring.

That's why Eyepatch is bothering Grey and Dovah so they could do something more interesting. At first, it was just making tiny cries, which they ignored, but soon Eyepatch got increasingly annoying until they snapped, and they both started running after Eyepatch, who was dodging them by flying.

They ran after Eyepatch until it got too tired to run away, and they caught it. Now, Dovah was taking his breath while Grey was taking its revenge on an unmoving Eyepatch by tapping its head annoyingly.

Once Dovah took his breath, a big thunderstorm cloud caught his eyes coming closer and closer.

"Grey, release Eyepatch. I need to get home earlier."

It would be dangerous to get home in a thunder this big, so he must be home before it falls on him.

Grey raised its head to look at Dovah and noticed the same cloud. Then it did as Dovah asked and released Eyepatch, who immediately flew on Dovah's shoulder.

Dovah quickly made sure that what he already had brought to the plateau would not fly away in the storm and left with his sword. By the time he finished gathering his thing, there was already a strong wind from the storm.

The wind was strong enough to tear out branches from trees and lift Eyepatch if it was not careful.

Usually, Dovah would have used the secret entrance, but it would be quicker to go directly down the plateau and make sure to get caught by the storm. It is hard to get on the plateau but easy to get off. That's why not using the secret entrance makes it quicker to leave the plateau.

Grey decided to accompany Dovah and Eyepatch until they were close enough to the village.

After 10 minutes of walking, they got near the plateau's edge. The plateau's edge is a rocky cliff with strong wind, and the wind is even stronger because of the storm. Dovah chooses a place on the ridge where the rocks form a natural stair inside the stone. It's not without risk, but it is safe enough for Dovah, and after a few jumps, he would be down the plateau safely.

He could have asked Grey to carry him down the cliff, but Dovah is afraid of losing the trust he has gained with Grey, and he doesn't believe he needs it.

Dovah prepared himself with Eyepatch on his shoulder to jump down to the first rock just a meter under him while Grey watched closely and ensured he didn't slip. As Dovah put more weight on the rock to get down, the rock he was standing on crumbled and made him drop off the cliff.

The strong wind, the weight he was putting on it, and the fact that he was on the cliff's edge were why it crumbled.

Grey and Dovah were stunned for a second there. Dovah didn't know what to do. One second, he was standing on a cliff, and the next, he was falling from the same cliff. On its side, Grey was ready to act if Dovah slipped on the next rock, not on the first one, but it quickly reacted and jumped down to follow Dovah.

Now they were both in the air falling, but Grey was catching up to Dovah quickly. Eyepatch couldn't do anything in the situation but wasn't leaving Dovah's side despite the dangers of the problem.

After a few seconds in the air, Grey caught up to Dovah and managed to catch him by his shirt with its front paws. Then Grey deployed its wings to start gliding upward. Dovah would have hit the floor if Grey didn't save him at that moment.

"Thanks, Grey!"

They were now quite close to the forest below, so to avoid hitting trees higher than usual, Grey flapped its wing to go upward until they were even higher than the plateau.

Grey's grip on Dovah

Once in the air, Eyepatch knew that Dovah was safe, so it started flying beside Dovah with a big grin.

It took a few seconds for Dovah to understand what was happening while looking at Eyepatch, but when he did, he couldn't hold his voice back.


Dovah imaged himself flying with Grey often, but he couldn't imagine what feeling it gives to fly freely in the sky.

Despite being hung by his shirt, he was already feeling something entirely new, and he couldn't describe it. This new feeling made the young boy over excited, and he started rambling about this with Grey and Eyepatch while moving as much as Grey's grip on him allowed to because of the excitation.

"I am flying!"


"Look, Eyepatch, I'm flying!"


"It's awesome!"



"What was that?"

Dovah's shirt wasn't able to hold him in the air and was gradually torn down. When Dovah understood what was happening despite the cold wind, he started sweating and tried to warn Grey.

"Grey, change your grip. I'm goi-" *Tear* "-AAAAHHH"

However, he didn't have the time to warn Grey before his shirt gave up and he started falling again. When Grey felt the grip he had on Dovah change, it looked down to see where he was and instantly noticed Dovah was gone

Grey immediately stopped to search where Dovah was falling to catch him again, but it couldn't find him.


Grey only found Dovah when he screamed for help and immediately fled to his rescue. This time he was a lot higher in the sky than the last time, so Grey had more time to rescue him. Grey quickly caught Dovah, who was falling head first by his legs.

Dovah was now hanging upside down with a bare chest by Grey, but Dovah, despite the embarrassing position, still released a sigh of relief.

"Fiouh! That was scary. Thanks -" *Slip* "- GREEEYYYYY!"

Dovah again started to fall because Grey's grip on him was terrible, and he was hanging only by the cloth of his trouser, which caused him to slip out of his trousers, meaning he was falling down only in underwear.

Grey, this time, reacted instantly and dived to save Dovah, but it didn't catch him this time; instead, Grey made him land on its back so Dovah couldn't slip in its grip again.

Dovah was now on Grey's back, flying with it like a real dragon, and despite the cold air, he felt it was the best experience of all his life. Flying on a dragon's back gives a colossal sentiment of freedom that nothing else can compare.


Grey took this opportunity to give Dovah some fun and did multiple stunts in the sky while Dovah hung on tight to Grey. They did looping so close to a cloud they could feel the wetness of it on their faces. They flew so close to the tree that Dovah managed to catch a leaf.

To finish this flight before leaving Dovah close to his village, Grey went the higher it could to show something to Dovah.

They flew higher and higher until there was no cloud higher than them. Dovah and Grey struggled to breathe, and it was freezing, particularly for Dovah, who was only in underwear. Once there, Grey made Dovah look at the horizon with a movement of its head.

Dovah looked and saw something that shocked him. In front of him, what should have been a flat sea if what was taught to him in the tribe was true was, in fact, a slightly curved sea. For him, it means that everything he has been introduced to in the village may be wrong.

All this time, Eyepatch was seeing all this without being able to do anything to help when Dovah was in danger.

However, now it was laughing its ass off because of how ridiculous Dovah looks. After all, he has a dumb expression on his face while in underwear, flying on a black dragon high in the sky.

What a first flight!


I'm rewriting everything I have written, so to avoid correcting the chapter I'm writing later, the change I've already made to the story is visible in this chapter and the last one. That's why it's strange, but I will soon be done, and you will need to reread the first chapter to understand the change I made entirely.

(If you spot mistakes, tell me, and I will correct them. Thanks)

Big chapter today. It took me a long time to write. I will write shorter chapters from now on. It takes me too much time to write a chapter of this length.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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