
How to raise your Night Fury

In a world filled with dragons, legends, each more epic than the other, are heard daily. However, none of these were proven true or false until the legend of Dovah Audgrim II was born. People would hear about a man, who travels the sky on the back of a dragon, protecting no one, but the worst fearsome enemy of men. While doing so, he made nothing but enemies among men except for a few isolated groups. While facing the world, he discovered the dragon's greatest secret and used it to push forward the world at speed never seen before. Come and listen to the epic story of a man who betrayed humanity to become its greatest benefactor. --------------------- This is an alternate universe of 'How to train your dragon.' I don't own the world of 'How to train your dragon.' I only own the character I created.

Xav232 · Movies
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16 Chs

1 Vs 26

"If we are outside the village, I can finally stop holding back."

This made Jeff laugh again because he thought it was just a bluff to look strong. A few goons were mad because they had been following Jeff for a long time and had faced Dovah often. It infuriates them to hear Dovah say he was holding back until now. The rest of the goons meet Dovah for the first time and are angry that Dovah is underestimating them.

After all, they were far away from the village inside the forest. The only thing around is trees and leaves that fly in the wind. No one would help Dovah. He was completely outnumbered.

Dovah saw that he was making them angry and decided to add salt to the wound.

"What? You thought I would be in trouble against you? I ate yak for breakfast today. You are not so different."

When they heard that, twenty of the goons saw red and rushed toward Dovah. Jeff quickly called them back, but their formation was already broken. Their formation wasn't great from the beginning, so it was easy to break.

Dovah was only talking to gain time to make a plan. He has been evaluating his enemies since they appeared in front of him and has been making a plan since then and once his plan was ready, insulting a bunch of idiots was an excellent way to make them make mistakes. Like running in a battle while forgetting every plan, they had made before.

Not all of them made the same mistake, but the fact that twenty still did proves Jeff's choice of goons isn't good. The remaining ones had faced Dovah before and learned the hard way what he was trying to do so well that they could guess what he would do next, and they were right on their guess.

Dovah dropped a fog bomb; it quickly created a thick cloud of fog and made everyone blind temporarily. Jeff had warned everyone that he would do that. He also told them the strategies he had prepared for this fog.

The goons can still see a few meters around them in the fog. That's why they use the others standing close to cover every angle and avoid any sneak attack. As soon as they hear battle, if they stand close to it, they help or stay where they stand to avoid creating confusion.

With this, Jeff thought he had utterly foiled Dovah's plan, and now he only needed to fight and win. However, he misunderstood two things. First, if Dovah uses plans like that is only to make his win easier. He is confident enough to win without that. Second, Dovah's plan's first step was to make Jeff believe he was close to winning. The second step was coming right now.

Dovah quickly ensured no one could see him in the fog before calling Eyepatch.


As soon as Eyepatch heard it was called, it went to Dovah and sat on his shoulder. Jeff and the others were only confused by the sudden screaming and could only wait for Dovah's next move.

"Eyepatch, go back up in the sky outside the fog and shoot them one by one with your fire once I say 'fire bomb.' Use my smell to avoid touching me. I will do the rest."

Eyepatch quickly flew in the sky and waited for the signal.

Dovah is now finally to start for real and immediately went into action. He started running in a random direction. As soon as he saw a silhouette, he attacked it with a downward sword swing.

The silhouette managed to react and block the sword.

Even though the sword was sheathed, it was still a better weapon than the goon had, and it managed to deal damage to his weapons.

In front of Dovah was one of the average Jeff's idiots, with another looking the other way. They both had handmade wooden clubs; however, their quality was awful.

Dovah quickly followed with an upward swing and managed to disarm him. The idiot, without any weapon, panicked before getting hit by the last swing to the head that knocked him out.

All this happened so fast that the goon standing behind the first one only managed to swing his weapon when Dovah landed the last swing hit on his friend.

Dovah managed to easily block it and counterattack by kicking his opponent's legs to break his stance. Then he dealt the final blow on his head, rending him unconscious.

They were goons standing nearby, and when they heard the battle, they tried to come quickly, but Dovah was too fast. It was already finished by the time the first reinforcement arrived. Dovah didn't have the time to leave, but he didn't want to.

The reinforcement attacked as soon as they saw Dovah. They tried hard, but Dovah was too strong, and they couldn't hit him even while they were attacking all at the same time, and they were five of them.

Dovah was easily dodging and blocking all of them while counter-attacking. It wasn't all he did. As soon as the second fight started, he initiated the last step of his plan and started talking to Jeff while fighting.

"Hey, Jeff! I don't know where you are, and I wanted to talk to you while I train with your friends."


"You see, I wanted to show you my new invention. I made it long ago, but it was too dangerous to use in the village. So thanks to you, wanting to train in the forest, I can finally test it. I called it: 'fire bombs.'"

Instantly, small explosions were heard all around. The blasts weren't strong enough to kill a goon but strong enough to hurt a lot and even knocked out if they were unlucky. The fog hid the origin of the explosions, which was very accurate.

It quickly created chaos, and Dovah used it to his advantage. He managed to beat the group he was facing then he took care of the panicking goons one by one with ease.

Jeff knew he was already losing the fight. He couldn't hold himself back and let out a roar of anger.



Eyepatch attacked him with a fire attack as soon as it recognized Jeff. This had, as a consequence, interrupted Jeff's pitch in the middle of it.

Eyepatch didn't like jeff at all. It is aware of every trouble he brought to its master for seven years and was happy to attack him.

Afterward, Dovah's job was easy. It took him a total of fifteens minute since they appeared in front of him to beat all of them. Once the fog cleared, Dovah made sure they were all unconscious before leaving.

Grey was observing from a distance everything and was impressed. With its sense of hearing, it even managed to guess how he fought in the fog. It was aware of how a Viking fought, and although the ones Dovah was facing weren't great, they were numerous, and someone else would have been in trouble. However, Dovah created chaos with the fog and Eyepatch to ensure an easy victory.

When he was far away, and sure there was no one around him, he called Eyepatch back, who immediately went on his shoulder. Eyepatch was waiting to be congratulated by rubbing its head on Dovah's cheek.

Dovah, of course, quickly congratulated Eyepatch for its excellent work while patting it.

"Well done, Eyepatch! Once home, I promise I will reward you."

Eyepatch was so happy it started to sing in happiness. Dovah was about to leave for his home, but he wanted to say goodbye to Grey.

"Grey! Are you still around? Could you come out?"

The Night Fury then went out of hiding and got closer to see if Dovah was injured. After a quick check, Grey made an approving croon and waited for what Dovah had to say.

"Just wanted to say goodbye since I'm going home now. Tomorrow I will come back again, so let's spend time together again."

Grey produced a quick croon before flying away.

"See you tomorrow!"

After the Night Fury was gone, Dovah started walking back home. Nothing happened on his way, and he got home safely. It was the same for Jeff and his group after they woke up. In short, it would have been a peaceful day without Jeff.


(If you spot mistakes, tell me I will correct them. Thanks)

Sorry for the long wait. I am rewriting the start of my story, which takes a lot of time. I should be done by tomorrow or the day after. I will continue to write, but what I write from now on will be according to the change I'm making. So they might be plot holes that will be corrected once I'm done rewriting.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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