
How To NOT Fall in Love

Two best friends find that they could be more than friends. Their relationship fails, and they go from being friends to strangers. One friend wants to try again, while the other is struggling with heartbreak. Read as they try to fall in love, even as they try not to.

JustAReaderlmao · LGBT+
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2 Chs

How to NOT Fall in Love: 1

Dani knew something was up when Zack stopped answering his calls. Sure, it had been a month since their break up but the two had been best friends, and it was just so unlike Zack to act this way.

Picking up his cracked Samsung 7, Dani dialed Zack's number once more, running a hand through his strawberry blonde hair. He sighed, watching the phone ring, yet the person on the other line never picked up.

'Fine, hate me I guess,' Dani would think, tossing his phone onto his bed. Getting up and off of his uncomfortable seat at his desk, Dani opted to take a shower. His parents wouldn't care, they were never home anyway.

Just before Dani could walk out of his room, his phone rang, and he raced over to answer it. He was pissed when the contact information read !Suspected Spam!.

"Damn phone, what an asshole." Dani would mutter, leaving his room to do what he wanted. He had given up on his shower, and had now decided that he was in the mood to watch whatever was on television.


Zack groaned as his phone rang once more. Dani had tried to contact him once again, but he couldn't bring himself to speak. It had been less than a month, and he was still hurting. He had truly fallen in love, and now all he knew was heartbreak.

Alas, he was only 17. He'd meet someone eventually and he'd fall in love with someone new.

The sad part was that he didn't want to fall in love with someone else. Zack would only forever be in love with Dani, and it hurt to think about loving someone else.

"I wonder what he's doing..." Zack would ask himself, thinking aloud as he rested his head against his bed's frame. His blankets had been pushed off already, a single pillow, along with Zack, being the only things left of the bed.

"Zack, dinner is ready." His mom would call him from down stairs, and Zack could only groan in response.

"Coming mom. Give me a minute." Zack would shout back, arguing against the value of dinner and simply staying in his room.

"Any time now Zack." His mother would call again. Grumpily getting out of bed, Zack stomped down the stairs and into the dining room. His little sister, Sarisha was patiently waiting for him to sit down, waiting for Zack to settle down before asking him questions about his day. The two conversed for a few minutes before their mother brought in today's mystery meal. It seemed to be a mash between meatloaf and hash browns, and the siblings accepted the challenge, taking a serving before wishing each other luck.

Surprisingly it didn't taste that bad, and Sarisha even wanted more. The family continued to eat, remaining in silence before Zack excused himself from the table. "Before you go, we'll be dining with the Ezarians tomorrow." Zack's mom stated, and Zack froze.

"Do I have to go?" He said in a hushed tone. His mom sighed.

"Yes, you do. Besides, you'll get to see Dani there. I haven't seen that boy in forever, he never comes by any more." Zack hadn't told his mom about his relationship with Dani, so it made sense for her to wonder.

"Will his parents even be there?" Zack asked. His mom nodded.

"They were the ones who invited us." Of course. "I also said that you'll spend the night after dinner."

"Mom! How could you do that?"

"You've been friends with that boy since you were an infant, what's with this attitude?" Zack's mom scowled. Zack sighed.

"I'm sorry. I'll pack tomorrow." It's just one night, it's just one night. Zack could handle one night. One night with his childhood best friend, one night with the love of his life, one night with his ex… yeah. He could survive one night. Walking back up the stairs and to his room, Zack flopped down on his bed.

It will be fine, just don't act like you're still in love, easy, Zack would think. He would get ready tomorrow, no need to prepare right now. Thankfully tomorrow was Sunday, he could pull this operation then go to school and disappear. Turning off all the lights, Zack decided to sleep without his sheets, switching into his pj's before closing his door for privacy.

He'd deal with the situation in the morning.