
How To Not Be A Villain

Since centuries ago, dark magicians have always been considered taboo and cursed. That's why, if Arina doesn't want to be executed, she has to hide her real identity from everyone. But as if some god doesn't want her life to go on easily, her identity slowly starts to be found out by some very troublesome people, with very troublesome power too. She thought she was the villain, but weirdly there were lots of nasty people too out there...

ThreeBites · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Inauguration


"Hiii…!!" Giving up, Sei finally ran out of the room to save herself from the demon's fury.

"What happened? Miss Arina is throwing a tantrum again?" Asked Helen. "Are her menstrual cramps that painful this time? Why has Miss Arina been like this since yesterday?" She muttered.

Sei wanted to answer that to be more precise, Arina was like that after failing her assassination mission yesterday. But because she couldn't, she just nodded.

Arina sometimes really likes to get angry inexplicably, but throwing a tantrum like this is very rare. That's why all the maids could only be confused at the door. Never mind the maids, Arina wouldn't even let her father and mother to enter her room.

"The noble king and queen will also come, right? It feels bad if Rina doesn't come, you know." Said Mr. Almira. "You can't persuade her?" He asked.

"She didn't even let me in…" Anastasia replied sullenly. "Hm, maybe I should just stay at home?" She continued again, unable to calm down considering that her daughter still locked herself in her room for unknown reason.

"You were also invited directly by the head priest, of course you have to come." Reply Mr. Almira. "Rina will be fine. The maids will take care of it." He said. So with a heavy heart the Almira family had to go to the palace without their daughter.

Every year, the welcoming ceremony for the new priests is actually held soberly. With a serious and solemn event which was then followed by a small garden party, which was also attended only by palace residents.

But! In the year when they had someone who was said to be the incarnation of the high priest, the palace finally decided to increase the scale considering that there must be a lot of curious people.

Ordinary people were allowed to see and greet them from outside the gates, but only nobles and special invitees who had a special relationship with the palace could enter the palace. Including the Almira family.

"Ah, Mr and Mrs Almira. You have come." Says Alex as soon as he sees them. He didn't feel the need to ask why Arina wasn't with them, but maybe it would be weird not to asked either, so… "By the way, is Arina not coming?"

"I'm sorry. Arina is a bit sick, so she can't come." Reply Mrs. Anastasia.

"Is that so. It's okay, I understand. Then you can sit down with the other nobles first, since the priest's entourage will be arriving in a moment." He said. And after bowing lightly, he left again.

After seeing Alex disappear, Mrs. Anastasia was about to sit down. But when she felt a gaze directed at her, she turned towards the balcony of the palace on the 2nd floor and smiled there. Apparently the queen was waving at her. Even Mr. Almira who saw that also had to bend his back.

But apart from the figures of the king and the queen, there was another unusual sight on the balcony. "Prince Felix and princess Iris have also come. Surprise." Mr. Almira said quietly. "Isn't that right?"

"Mm, yeah." Answer Mrs. Anastasia surprised too. The problem is unlike Alex, the two older siblings are rarely seen outside. Especially just for a welcoming event like this. "It seems that everyone is curious about the new high priestess." She added.

And the group finally arrived.

Anastasia recognized the three priests walking in front of the line, so the 7 people following behind them must be the new members who from today will be inaugurated as special palace priests & priestesses.

There was no need to be confused, at one glance, Anastasia and even everyone could immediately tell which priest was the incarnation of the high priestess. The young woman with sparkling golden hair was definitely the one.

Indeed, with her green eyes and shining skin under the sunlight, her beauty was enough to attract everyone's attention. But that red mark... In the shape of a flower and a crescent moon on her neck is the clear evidence that this woman is the incarnation of a high priest, who only appears once every hundreds of years.

Confirming it with their own eyes, some of the nobles present touched their chests and saluted, which was followed by everyone. Although on the contrary, the person who received the honor actually looked uncomfortable and tried to lower her head as deeply as possible.

That's why as soon as they stopped right in front of the palace, the woman looked calmer because at that time they were the ones who had to bow before the glorious king and queen.

Until not long after, an old man with a long white beard was also seen coming out of the palace door. It was the head priest.

Due to his old age, the priest walked with a long staff and walked slowly. Everyone had forgotten the exact age of the head priest, but it was definitely close to a century. Even Anastasia who saw that felt bad because she rarely visited him recently.

At that moment, everyone thought the same. If indeed it is time for the generation of priest to be continued by a new generation.