
How To Not Be A Villain

Since centuries ago, dark magicians have always been considered taboo and cursed. That's why, if Arina doesn't want to be executed, she has to hide her real identity from everyone. But as if some god doesn't want her life to go on easily, her identity slowly starts to be found out by some very troublesome people, with very troublesome power too. She thought she was the villain, but weirdly there were lots of nasty people too out there...

ThreeBites · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Daily Activities

As a new priestess in the palace, Effi's first daily routine in the morning is actually not much different from her previous activities. Starting from cleaning around the castle, helping to cook breakfast, to helping sweep the yard are also included in her task list.

The problem is that even though it is still part of the palace area, the castle area for priests is actually more like a special area. Not only were there no servants and soldiers roaming around everywhere, they also had special gates to demarcate their territory. Which meant outsiders couldn't enter carelessly, not without being noticed.

Only after completing all their tasks, all the priests and priestesses finally gathered at the castle to listen to a short lecture from Mr. Heka before they finally started their lesson. Starting from learning the priest's rules, priest's values, and the true essence of being a palace priest. Anyway just everything to do with it.

But when the lesson lasted for only an hour, the distractions came first. "Mr. Heka!" Called a woman who ran in just like that. She hurriedly approached to report in a low voice. But Effi, who was sitting in the front seat, could still hear it. "In the training field there were many soldiers who were injured. We'd better get there soon." he said.

"What is going on?" Ask Mr Heka.

"Prince Felix is said to have gone berserk again." She whispered lower.

The head priest frowned a little, but finally he turned to his students. "Hm, then, Joy, Kilo, Maria, Via, then…" He briefly glanced at Effi, but then immediately shook his head slightly. Even though she is the incarnation of the high priest, the hassle with the prince Felix's problem is still too soon for a new priestess.

"And Rui. You all come with me. For the rest, just continue reading the next chapter in your books." He continued, and they all left.

Effi was a bit uneasy and curious about the atmosphere. But before she could ask anyone, Dania, a woman who was also a new priest, actually approached her first. "To bring that many priests, is it that bad?" She squeaked.

"He said it was Prince Felix's doing, right? It's definitely bad." Answered Heidi, a man who seemed to be their senior. "Since returning from the expedition, his unstable temper has started to improve. But sometimes he still loses it and suddenly goes berserk, either to vent his frustration or just to show off his magic and sword skills." He told the story.

No need to ask anything else, Effi just needs to be quiet listening to all the gossip from the two of them. Even after a while, now she also knows a lot of other information such as the fact that Prince Felix has his own private knights in his castle at the end of the palace area, to the rumor that along with his new magic abilities, he also has an allergy to women.

"Hm, but I don't think that's true." Dania said. "Because on the day of the reception, I saw him talking to a noble lady. I don't know who, but I remember that woman had black hair with perfect waves and shine!"

"..." Nobles with perfect hair should be a lot. But when it was said like that, for some reason Effi immediately remembered the woman who had been very kind to her the other day, namely Arina. "Is that person—"

Effi was about to ask, but unfortunately Kilo, one of the priests who had gone with the head priest, was seen running back. "Everyone! Leave your work and come to the field too. The injured soldiers numbered in the dozens!" He said.

So with confused expressions, all the priests who were there finally started to follow Kilo outside the gate and ran to the field where the soldiers usually practiced.

"...!!" And how surprised the priests were when they saw the conditions that were displayed in front of their eyes. Because in that wide field, dozens of soldiers were seen lying down, groaning in pain as if they had just returned from the battlefield. Some were bleeding, some had broken bones, and some even had burnt skin.

All the priests, especially the senior ones, immediately rushed to help all the soldiers. But Effi, who was still shocked, continued to cast disbelieving looks all over the field. Until then she found the figure of a one-armed man holding a bloodstained wooden sword in his hand.

Their eyes met. But feeling that her heart suddenly dropped, Effi quickly averted her eyes and ran to help the other priests. Completely different from Felix who was actually regretting the situation.

"Hh, if only I could kill her right now." He muttered sighing.

Without the presence of her immortal bodyguards, the palace was actually the ideal place to kill the high priestess. But along with that, it's a shame that there are too many eyes watching. So that Felix, who doesn't want to be a fugitive from the kingdom, can only stare at his prey without being able to do anything.

But while watching her like that, Felix suddenly realized something. That unlike most other priests and priestesses, Effi was seen using medicinal herbs before using her healing magic. If she didn't have the title of high priestess, Felix would have assumed that Effi was a weak priestess who couldn't completely rely on her own magic.

Felix wanted to take a closer look to confirm that. But since he couldn't just get closer, he turned left and right to find another solution. "Hey, come here for a second." Call him to one of the nearby knights.

The man who was lucky not to get any serious injuries immediately became agitated as soon as Felix called him. But since Felix was the prince, in the end he walked closer.

"Your hand." Asked Felix then.

"M-My hand?" He asked back. But since Felix was still holding out his left hand, he also ended giving his. Though unlike his worries, Felix actually just held his hand like a normal handshake--Or so he thought.

Because after that Felix immediately exerted all his arm muscles to squeeze the poor man's hand.

"GAAAHH!!" So of course the man immediately screamed in pain before finally collapsing to the ground to mourn his crushed hand.

While Felix was laughing, everyone could only stare in silence at that. They don't even dare to help, let alone rebuke. Even the priests pretended to be even busier as if hoping they weren't the ones who had to go there to treat the poor soldier.

Including Mr. Heka. "...Kilo, quickly go over there and treat him." He asked.

"Eh?! B-But I still healed this knight's burn." He explained.


"I'm also still wiping the blood of this man!" She shouted too, and it went on and on until the fourth person he summoned.

Mr. Heka was about to give up and decided to leave it alone until at least Prince Felix left first, but then his eyes caught Effi's figure who was still looking at the soldier with her pity eyes. "...Effiria." Call him then. "How about you treat him?"

"Eh? Ah, I understand." Whether because she really cared or didn't really understand what she was doing, Effi immediately complied and immediately ran to the sidelines to approach the man whose arm was crushed. She didn't even turn to look at Felix who was clearly still watching her from the side.

"Let me see your hand." She said while carefully examining the man's hand. And it wasn't just crushed, some of his finger bones were even sticking out.

Seeing that, Effi immediately took out her medicine bag and took a small bottle with a green liquid in it. She immediately spilled everything into the man's hands. And as soon as the man started grimacing again, she quickly bandaged his hand and started to use her healing magic.

And just as Felix suspected, Effi's magic certainly didn't look as powerful as one should expect from a high priestess, perhaps even an ordinary priestess. Her magic light does seem softer than the other priests, but it really seemed weak.

'Even the healing time was also noticeably slower. Was it because she was still young…?'

"It's done. Does it still hurt?" Effi finally said after a while.

The man tried to move his finger timidly, but it looked like his hand had already healed. "N-No, it's not! Thank you very much!" He said excitedly.

Effi was still smiling with relief at seeing the man. But suddenly Prince Felix, who had been watching from the side, couldn't hold back his thoughts anymore. "For a high priestess, your magic seems weak, huh." He commented offhandedly. "Without the medicine, it looks like it will take you twice as long to heal him."

But as if she was used to that kind of sneer, Effi didn't even frown when she heard it. "I'm sorry. I will try my best to improve." Replied Effi as politely, and as short as possible. "Now I'll excuse myself--"

Effi was about to get up to go back to treat the other knights, but Felix spoke again. "If it weren't for the mark on your neck, I bet you wouldn't even be able to become a priestess in the palace." He smirked, and this time Effi looked slightly affected by it.

So the happy Felix decided to walk closer to her so he could whisper right in her ear. "And if it weren't for your boyfriend, you wouldn't be living the way you are now either."

Having a heart attack, Effi suddenly widened her eyes in shock. But not letting her reply anything at all, Felix just laughed and left her by herself.