
How to love a sociopath

Love.... What is this emotion that you speak about... Does it even exist.... To me?.... I'd never forget the day she smiled at me after I asked her why she was the way she was, I remember her asking me if I could handle it, if I could handle her...I laughed and look away from her eyes in moments like this, her confidence overwhelms my heart, so I crumble and and look away before I collapse. "I'm a sociopath...." She whispers making my neck snap back to her searching for that joking smile or laugh but she just raise a brow and struggled to hold in a laugh. "Ha see I told you, you can't handle me Khalid, stop wasting your time not that I mind though" she mutters before looking back up at the sky and sliding her eyes close probably due to the beautiful wind that caresses our being. For some weird reason I was unable to say a word but instead I just stared as her face that was now exposed due to her laying down on her back, every time she says those words I'm speechless, and she feels the need to remind me every time about her diagnosis, even though I want to pretend that it does exist, I guess this is her own way of caring, telling me how dangerous she could be...I probably should listen but I can't- "I know what you are thinking right now....I would not waste my time trying to defend myself nor would I try to proof to you about how am a good human being and blah blah blah, this is just me, emotions don't exist to me but transactions of self gratification do...if you don't like me then I dare you to walk away" those were the words she said to me the first time she ever revealed her diagnosis to me while staring up at me with her beautiful gummy smile. as if what she had just said to me was nothing big, as if it wasn't something that could make a human run far far away from her being, as if it was not something that could make me neurotic, and I don't know if I'm just plain stupid or not right now, but my feet still refused to move no matter how heavy the word that escaped from her lips felt against my being, I didn't move.. not even an inch, as my brain yelled at me to leave, Run and to flee, because these are the very people my parents told me to stay away from when I was younger they gave the word danger the meaning it has today,for they were the complete nuisances and deviants to society, or at least that was what everyone said simply because there is still currently no cure to this type of wounded minds in which these specific section of people possess, so of course,it's better to stay away from them right?, right?. But maybe she herself knew that I couldn't do it, that I couldn't walk away from her while being entrapped in my emotions and being enchanted by her beauty. I've heard from people that love always tend to make one weak and indeed she already has me on my knees and she knows it and I guess that's the scary part of it, maybe that's why she dared me walk away, with her cold eyes captivating me in a trance along with her beautiful smile, perhaps I'm stupid...because this was a very clear red flag, but here I was ready to sign myself up for that. "Pleasure to meet you once again" was all I said in reply giving her a goofy smile making her raise a brow at me, with a thoughtful look on her face before she smirked and shook her head..I wonder what she was thinking about right now... probably about how stupid I am or even more..that's one thing I've always disliked about her..it's almost impossible to read her but she knows how to read everybody within 3-5 minutes max, she reads the room like it's the back of her hand in her calculated mind...and then she goes on further to block you out with her beautiful innocent yet cold big Brown eyes..with her calculated gaze which still surprisingly able to make you feel comforted, understood and safe. And What a big mistake it is to believe that she cares about you enough to keep you safe when to her the world and relationships are simply all about what she can gain.

Wanderers_Concept · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 9: The Devil's Advocate

"𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙨 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙞𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡"

Khalid lets out an annoyed sigh at the sound of the doorbell going off, just when he thought that he would finally have peace and actually enjoy it after sucessfully breaking away from his noisy roommates back in the dormitory that do not know how to try not to disrupt the peace of others, here he is alone in his peaceful own apartment alone but his doorbell doesn't seem to give up on ringing up a storm, it was sadly becoming even harder to ignore the irritating sound as each second passed by.

 "who could it be ringing up on his door at this hour?" he thinks to himself before swinging the door open with half opened eyes that made his sight a little blurry due to sleep which he was roughly awakened from within, which he was completely missing out on.

Before the man could blink  he was caught off by what seemed like a very suffocating hug which immediately chased the sleep out of his being, his mouth falls open in protest and confusion of some sort but the words couldn't even be produced by his lips due to the hug becoming even more suffocating literally, can this morning of his get even more chaotic? He thinks to himself.

"Can't breathe" he wheezes out making the said hugger to immediately let go of him making him secretly cheer inside his head.

"oh right sorry bro" a very familiar feminine voice states in a guilty tone making his eyes snap open in disbelief, he wonders if he is dreaming he reaches out the sleeve of his clothes to wipe his eyes, only to see that this was real...they were really here?, how?, hell why!???.

"So are you going to invite us in or just simply stare at us all?" a girl with intense hazel eyes says, the others all let out sounds in agreement as they all stared at him as if he was the most rude being to ever exist, but he didn't care one bit.

"Well then?, can't you speak?" One of the females speaks up as she cocks her brow at him.

"Just give the poor boy some seconds, he looks frozen in shock, ha" another of the female said, she had a softer edge to her tone as she gently pushed "Anika" back a bit and sends him an expected look, hold up what is she expecting, what are they even doing here?!.

"in where? w-w-what are you guys doing here?" The boy stutters unable to comprehend their sudden appearance in front of his door but he didn't get the reply he was waiting for as the said Anika pushed him aside and stormed into the apartment Meanwhile the other of the bunch followed her lead paying absolutely no attention to his questions, making him let out a sigh before he closed the door gently, while rubbing a stressed hand over his forehead in disbelief, because how is it even possible that his whole family is here, in front of his door and in his personal space suffocating him once again, something he thought he won't experience until he was done with this semester at least, but here they are and it has only been 2 months ever since he left home and 1 week since he moved into his new apartment, just when he is finally able to explore his solitude...they appear?

Why???, He thinks to himself. 

Not that he hates the fact that they are here, it's just that they are here today unannounced. "I shouldn't have  given Amara my address just yet" he thinks to himself as he shakes his head in disbelief. 

I know you are probably wondering who Amara is, well to start of Amara is his immediate elder sister, they had a more understanding bond than the rest of their bunch, due to their close year range, with Khalid being 19 and she was 23 year old so yeah compared to the rest they are literally closer, they even communicate more, perhaps he really should have should have waited a bit before telling Amara about this, even if he tells her about everything, telling her this led to THIS arrrhh  he shouldn't expect anything less from the girl, she plays the role of the devil's advocate so well sometimes.

And almost as if Amara could read his mind, she sent him a guilty smile as he stood by the door just gazing at them as they checked out his apartment and even started rearranging the place, redoing everything all over again, before he could say anything Amara spoke up.

"Oh come on, we couldn't wait for an invite, we were dying to see your apartment" Amara says guiltily making the boy roll his eyes at her failed attempt of an apology, he could see how hard she was fighting back a grin, a smirk or perhaps even laughter..

sometimes he wishes he could throw her in the sea but without her he would probably be alone, stuck in the means of the millenials who literally come from a different generation, he doesn't want that at least with Amara around they could fight together for their own generation and win because Amara is really good at winning arguments perhaps she should have became a lawyer instead, she would have gotten away with proving the innocence of serial killers or more but oh well being a computer programmer pays more.

"Whatever Amara, I know you are lying straight to my face right now" he states in a dead tone making the girl to erupt into laughter which made him shake his head at her.

"oh c'mon Khalid, you should be glad that we are here, some of us had to literally put our work on hold just to come check on you" She states making the boy let out a sigh in reply because well indeed it is true, Amara never even goes out her room due to her job, his sister Lena has two kids and is a marine soldier yet she took time to visit, Anika is a CEO of Jonex cars and she took time to come visit, there's Zoya,she's not really having a job being a hustling actress but at least she took time to come visit...he should be more grateful.

"Fine, I am actually glad that you guys are here" He says waving off the apology not wanting to make the girl feel guilty but at the same time they still did catch him off guard and woke him from his sleep, so blame him for being cranky due to lack of sleep.

"I know when you're lying straight through your teeth, but anyways this time I'll let it go because I was the one who leaked the info about your location but in my defence, big sisters were planning a family get together and all I did was remind them about the fact that you are now in college, Anika requested for your location and the next thing we all received flight tickets in our mail" Amara tries to explain before she could finish, she was cut off by a hug squeezing them both.

"ugh my babiesssss!, I have missed you all so much" Zoya exclaims obviously filled with glee holding them even tighter.

"you literally see me everyday we both live at home" Amara replies making her sister hug her tighter.

"shhh" Zoya whispers making the two send each other a look over her shoulders...perhaps Amara made a huge mistake...not that this was the first time this has ever happened,

"sorry" she mutters to Khalid making the boy wave her off, might as well give into the hug because Zoya wouldn't be letting go anytime soon.

"if you keep on hugging them like that you would probably suffocate them both before we get to spend time together" a voice called making Zoya unenthusiastically and dramatically let go.

"oh c'mon Leena, we are not in the military here we are allowed to express our emotions"

"express, I never said we were,I'm just saying you can suffocate them"

"yeah right, that's probably why you haven't attempted to hug anyone even if you said you miss us all"

"hug, what does that have to do with anything!, I was just stating a fact-

Khalid lets out a sigh, well welcome to the Clautez family, where bickering over the most random things is a norm, even though they are all older than 15, sometime it makes it hard to remember that they are now grown women and not kids, Khalid has always been on the more mature side ever since he was a kid, so he just finds their fights ever amusing yet exhausting or at least so he believes.

"you better fix this!" Khalid states

" but its just starting to become good" Amara whines in reply.

"Amara" he exclaims making her let out a sigh.

"ugh fine!, I see you are still no fun" she mutters making him roll his eyes at her.

"like you are any better, you don't even have friends" he mutters making her let out a gasp in reply.

"that's a lie I'll have you know I have quite a few" she states confidently making raise a brow at her.

"yeah like Mr Tommy" he snickered making her to let out a dramatic gasp.

"hey!, don't bring Mr Tommy into this!, what about you huh?" she questions making him smirk at the taste of victory .

"I actually do have one" Khalid states making everyone let out a gasp in disbelief making him raise a brow what was so surprising about it.

"YOU have a friend?" Anika questions with wide eyes actually losing her usually calm composure 

"yeah" he states making them gasp again

"if you keep on gasping like that you would probably take in all the oxygen in the room" he states sarcastically making Leena to throw her purse at him, having enough of his attitude of course….ah siblings don't you just want to strangle them all sometimes?!, or is it just Khalid that is losing his mind?.


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