
Chapter 0 - An SS+ Quest


huh? what's this....a Priority 1 In-game call request? These messages cost an insane amount of gold coins! (1000 to be exact) who would be desperate enough to spend so much in-game currency just to contact me? Regardless I'll answer the call to see if it's another black Op or an off the books private assassination quest.

click* (Accept)

"Hello! Hello! can you hear me dear hero?! I'm so glad you answered my request for i feared that nobody would heed my calling!"

"Your message was a priority 1 so i had no reason to reject it. My IGN is DeltaOperator_01 at your service. Who do i have to assassinate, where's the target located and what's the reward?" i reply to the caller who sounds like a very attractive adult female and If i didn't accept the call, i wouldn't get the 1000 gold coins anyways.

"O great hero, i am Goddess Misis and my only request to you is to defeat the evil that continues to persecute my followers, my fellow gods, goddesses including myself. Help rid us of this great evil and i shall reward you with anything you desire! All the wealth and all the treasures you desire, as long as it's in my power will be yours!"

hmm? a role player huh and an extremely wealthy one too but a female one? that was a bit surprising. Well I'm not surprised, we are in World Conquest Online, a global game boasting over 5 billion active players which uses a next Gen fulldive VR technology. After all so rich kids will throw as much money as they want to live up to it's fullest experience. Plus i can make good money while getting my K.D. score up but it gets repititive to just assassinate someone so I'll play along for a bit just to see what's up.

"I accept your Quest My goddess Misis but for my reward i ask of nothing but 1 wish from thee. Will you grant that to this warrior after i complete your Quest?"

"...Yes dear hero. I accept! After you fullfill my request and rid me of my enemies i shall grant you a single wish no matter what it is as long as it's in my power. I goddess Misis give you my Divine and sworn promise".

Attention: System has detected a class SS+ Quest order. will you accept it?*

An SS+ Quest!!!!???? I've never even heard of that....looks like this Lady's packing some serious heat in her bank account. I'm so getting myself a private Island after this job!

"I accept!"

Alert: system has detected unknown presence*

Attention: Intruders on Server - Asia detected. Firewall has been breached.

Authenticating secure line Aplha.

Initiating failsafe protocol and activating all security measures.

Error: Security measures ineffective.

Server reboot in T minus 60 seconds.

All players will be forcefully logged out in T minus 30 seconds.

Huh? what's happening? Is World Conquest Online actually getting hacked!?? that makes no sense! the Corporation that is behind this game boasts of a 100% security to their servers plus the entire game is watched over by the most powerful A.i. Cerebro in existence! what's happening!!!!!

"(glitch)...Dear hero...i wish i could help you in your quest but i can only do so little (glitch).....i will use the remaining power i have to send you back in time in my world with my Scared Blessing to give you the time and Strength you'll need to get strong and kill (glitch) the Evil Goddess "

Did she just say the i have to kill a goddess? this is ummm ....new, and why is she glitching? What's happening!!???

A portal opens up right before me and it starts pulling me in regardless of how much i resist it. I try to log out of the game but to no avail as the entire server seems to be in the process of rebooting and the log out button is nowhere to be seen and I'll probably be sucked in to the portal before the 30 seconds forced log out activates. Did i just make a horrible decision accepting that Quest?

"Wait ma'am!!!! miss!!!! goddess!!!! whatever I'm supposed to call you!!! what's happening to me!!! who are you really???? and who am I supposed to kill!!!!" i scream at her desperately to try and get even a little bit of information before I'm fully swallowed by the portal.

"The evil goddess is named Sumeria! Please quickly end her before she kills the rest of my followers i beg of youuu!!! When i send you back in time don't create a time paradox or start a major event that'll change the course of the future or else the Evil Goddess will know what I've done and hunt you down with her full might! If you lose your life then, you'll truly lose your life! I hope and pray for success in your journey...good luck!"

As i get fully swallowed by the portal now, i use whatever strength i have left to mouth out one final complaint before entering the abyss from the results of my stupidity.

"i made a carefully calculated decision but man am i still bad at mathhhhhhhhh!!!!"

-End of Chapter Zero-