
The new world

The stunning light was slowly regressing, his eyes were finally open, the place was getting darker and only a little amount of light was kept, all he could see was two land separated by a lake, the silver haired man got on his two feet and walked towards the lake, then suddenly a boat appeared in the lake just next to him.

'there's something on the boat' thought the man.

Then he walked towards it more until he could see the boat clearly, it was a being covered from head to toe with a black veil, then the dark being reached his arm to the young man who took it silently even though he was scared and mounted the boat without a single glance to what was behind him.

Then the dark being made him cross the river and helped him come down of the boat then suddenly lifted without a single word, the blue eyed man started walking in the new land that was as dark as the previous one.

Suddenly a flashlight appeared from no where, a screen suddenly appeared in that dark land, the man started walking towards it and the more he walked the more he short he was getting it looked like he was .... getting younger.

Once he reached the screen he looked like a 15 years old, and saw on the screen a single question.

'what is my name?'

As much as he could research he couldn't find the answer, he had no other memories since he got here, he doesn't even know why he's here or how he was brought here, all he remembers was the time were the lights were blocking his sigh because of their intensity... But then the boy remembered a worried voice calling him before he came to the dark land.

"Ka..il..is ... My name is Heera... Kailis"

The answer and the screen turned green a sign of a good answer, the boy smiled as a sign of his victory then the screen started playing a video, it was a similar boy same hair, face, the boy thought he was looking at his twin in the screen, the video shows that the same boy was in a drawing room sitting in a chair next to the desk while reviewing the documents in his hand when suddenly a man bagged inside the silent room.

" How dare you HEERA AIDEN!!"

The man was even more furious when the so called Evian didn't do a single movement when he bagged inside the room, the boy was clearly ignoring him while the older was clearly an important person looking at his clothes.

"Are you playing with me?, do you think I am person you can joke with like how you did, I am duke Eddrick and you dared to take my estates from ME??!! ... ANSWER ME HEERA... "

"Kailis, I am not the Heera Aiden you are searching for", interrupted the boy with a very calml tone, but it was like adding wood to the fire since the man turned even redder and shouted at him again.

"A lowly omega tries to... "

Suddenly the guard came inside the room and stopped the angry man who got kicked out of the room, but before they could finally leave, the omega who was still at the same position since the beginning of the scene made a move with his hand making the guards stop, then he looked at the intruder with an playful face and said:

"You are wrong... I am not a lowly omega, I am Heera Kailis the omega who was able to ruin 3 historical families"


The man was finally taken out, and the beautiful omega was back to his work, and the screen was turned off.

Only a few seconds passed and another screen appeared, it looked smaller than the first and far away from were the boy was standing, so he moved towards it only to get younger and younger until he couldn't even walk since he turned into a little baby, the screen light seemed to be growing larger and the man who turned into a baby felt a déjà vu scene, his sight was blocked by the strong light.

When he could finally open his eyes he found himself in the arms of a heavily breathing man, he looked very tired but smiled towards him when he remarked that the baby was looking at him, even though he was tired the young omega was really beautiful, his eyes were diamond like eyes just like his baby with blonde long hair, then another man with purple eyes and white short hair came towards them.

"My wife, the doctor said that our baby was born healthy"

"What a blessing, come to see him, he looks like a little angel!"

The little baby was really beautiful with diamonds like eyes and a beautiful white hair.

"Indeed he is a little sunshine, what should we name him?"

"Heera for his beautiful eyes, what do you think dear?"

The white haired man took the baby from his mother's arms and placed him in his then said

"Then be it, your name shall be Heera Aiden the second prince of the fire kingdom, may the flames guide your path my beautiful son"