
How to Feel in Love

Jewel is a girl who has never fallen in love since her birth. She's the type of girl who only knows how to go to school from home and from school to her home. Then, when she starts working, she only needs to go to work from home and from the working place to her house. All in her mind is how to return the hard work her parents had given to her. Co-workers: Why are you still single?" Jewel: Because I don't have money to buy rice" Co-workers: "............" Lavor is a celebrity/idol who loves to party and famous for playing around. One night before having his concert, one of his friends in the country decided to invite him to the birthday party of his friend's sister. Dead drunk after the party, he left and escape from the hungry wolf in his friend's house without knowing the way. Without money and there's no phone, Lavor a foreigner in the country doesn't know how to go home. Never been in this kind of situation, drunk and desperate he decided to beg the first person who passes by for a roof to sleep tonight. It just so happen that a person who seems like just got out of work happens to pass by. Jewel: If I really don't have any integrity and can only see the money. Don't you think I should have already decided to sell my body a long time ago?" Lavor: I don't know. Isn't it because you're not beautiful?" Jewel: ".....(+.+")." __________ Jewel: Give me one good reason why should I accept you as my lover." Lavor: Isn't it because I'm handsome." Jewel: "............" Jewel: Can it be eaten?" Lavor: "............." Jewel a person who never really cares about the so-called sentence "falling in love" and Lavor who doesn't know about true love. Let's witness the journey of these two different people but are exactly alike in their journey to the world of love. _______________________ The cover pic was not mine. Credit to the owner of the pic. It's from this link https://www.wallpapertip.com/wpic/Thxoxx_boy-and-girl-looking-at-the-stars/

AG101 · Urban
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19 Chs

Chapter 6

Chapter 6- Day of Coughing

Jewel stand up decided to clean the table. She stopped waiting for the person and just take all the plates including Lavor's plate on the table in order to wash them

Lavor no choice but could only helplessly watched his plate that still has food left to be taken away.

"I think you're done eating because you're just talking and not eating." Lavor heard Jewel said that.

These girls are not just mean in words but also mean in action.

Lavor just decided not to talk.

The kitchen then turned quiet, only the clinking of the plate from Jewel's washing can be heard.

"I heard you're a celebrity?" Jewel suddenly asked in the middle of washing the dishes.

Lavor smiled at Jewel's question, thinking that this girl actually knows him. After all, he's quite famous, maybe this girl might be also one of his fans and she just can't say it because of her attitude. He answered "Yeah".

Maybe she's shy and just trying to hide it through her mean words.

"You heard of me?" Lavor asked while smiling, full of expectations.

"Mother told me earlier while your mind is still out of this world." Jewel answered dully. She didn't even look at Lavor while answering and just continued washing the dishes.

Lavor just shut up. It's really very hard to talk to this girl. He didn't want to talk anymore.

When Lavor thought that the girl finally stopped talking and his mind could finally be in peace, the person asked again.

"So what's your plan?" Jewel asked Lavor while looking on his way this time.

But Lavor wasn't able to answer immediately. He didn't quite understand what this girl wanted to talk about. What does she want by asking him about his plan?

The way this girl asked the question, it's as if they were closed enough and that she cared for him that's why she's asking for his plans.

Maybe this girl was secretly interested in him and her mean talking was rust how she talked?

Her mother did say earlier that she has a sharp tongue. Saying that it's just how the way she talked.

But the way this girl talked to him, it couldn't be possible.

" What do you mean about my plan? Why are you asking about it?"

Lavor just decided to ask her.

Why is it so hard to understand this person? Even he felt a bit stupid because of his own question. It felt like he was suspicious of Jewel.

"What do you mean 'what'? 'Why'? Are you planning on living here for the rest of your life?" Jewel answered with a question.

She was a bit annoyed. This person was actually thinking she's interested in him.

She was used to reading people's faces because of the nature of her work. She sometimes read their mood to avoid troubling situations.

" What I was planning to ask is when are you going home? When are you leaving?"

Jewel was now frowning. She felt that she's talking to a stupid person that's why she decided to be frank and asked him directly.

*Cough* *cough*

Jewel suddenly heard a coughing sound outside. She looks in that direction and she can clearly see two shadows outside the kitchen door. The brother who's supposed to be resting and the mother who's watching television are just outside the kitchen door and was listening to their conversation.

But Labor acted as if he didn't hear it. As if there's no coughing sound just now.

It's actually because right now, he was planning something on his mind.

He was annoyed this time. This girl's mouth really has no brake.

If it was other people, they would do everything just to make sure he wouldn't leave yet. They wouldn't even want him to leave.

But this girl is different, rather she can't even wait for him to leave and decided to 'shoo' him frankly without a filter.

Since he was annoyed, he decided to just stay here instead.

She wants him to leave? Then it's decided, he's staying.

In the end, Lavor answered with a lie.

"Actually, I called my manager earlier. He said that I just finished my concert last night, so he decided to give me a vacation for a month. And since I was already here, he told me to just have my vacation here. So, I'm going to stay here for a month, and of course, I'll go back after a month." Lavor said to Jewel eye to eye without blinking his eyes. He's smiling as if what he said is the truth and nothing but the truth.

But in truth, he was completely lying. Not even a word was true. He actually hasn't called his manager yet, so of course, a month of vacation was also not true. If his manager will know about it, that person would go crazy. But whatever, he'll just call him tomorrow.

Lavor thought that since he said that, everything would be decided and there will be no more concerns, but that was just what Lavor thought, Jewel still has some concerns.

"And? "

Lavor suddenly heard Jewel's one-word sentence.

He looked at her and saw her sharp eyes looking at him intently.

But instead of getting scared, he looked at her with a smiling face.

No worries, I understand you this time.

"And of course I'm staying here." Lavor said with a confident smile.

But instead of answering him, Jewel just looks at him without saying anything. Eyes looking so intensely sharp, if only eyes could kill he would already have a thousand deaths.

But it seems like everything of this has no effect on Lavor. The person even shamelessly started to act cute.

"You see, I don't know anyone here, I have no friends here. You and your family are the only people I know here." Lavor was looking so pitiful while saying this.

Even the person outside was affected. June has to hold his mother very hard to prevent the person who was trying to go inside.

Holding both his hands in front of him, while his two index fingers tapping each other. Lavor was acting cute and pitiful.

One lie, two lies, three lies, everything was the same and it's all a lie. There is no problem in adding more lies. This was what playing in Lavor's.

Being a celebrity, he didn't just do dancing and singing, he sometimes acts in movies too. So he actually has a bit of experience in acting.

"We don't have enough money to raise one more person in a month. It's already enough that you stayed here for a day." Jewel said this as if not affected by his cuteness and pitiful face.

But you can't really say that. Although her forehead was frowning this time, at least her eyes are already not sharp and intense like earlier.

But who is Lavor? Of course, he's not the type to give up immediately.

"I'll pay for the food and the rent." Lavor said this while raising his right index finger as if having a bright idea.

Jewel just raised her right eyebrow while looking at him.

"Then why don't you just go to the hotel instead of staying here." Jewel said.

"I'm a celebrity you know, I can't just stay there without bodyguards. I can't just sleep everywhere you know." Reasoned Lavor.

"Then do you really think it's alright to stay here? Do you think we're your bodyguards?" Jewel said this and if her right eyebrow could be raised higher, she would raise it even more.


Jewel heard another coughing sound from outside, but she didn't mind it this time.

"But I thought, you and your family are close people to me. I thought we're friends." Jewel heard Lavor said this. He was acting pitiful again.


Before Jewel could answer, she heard another coughing sound again. The sounds still coming from that place.

Jewel didn't mind it again this time, looking in that direction she just says what she wanted to say.

"When did that happen?"

The person there cough again but she's not the only one who cough this time, the other person also cough ones. But it seems like the other one might have just really choked on her saliva cuz she's coughing really hard this time.

Jewel was so annoyed that she really wanted to swear but was holding back.

"Arrgh! Just do whatever you want." In the end, Jewel just said this full of irritation.

She just gets out there annoyed, without looking back. She already finished washing the dishes earlier and already put them on the dish cabinet, so she just decided to walk out.

Looking at Jewel's back while she's going out, Lavor can't help forming his two hands into a fist, raising it and pulling it down hard. He can't help saying 'yes', trying hard to lower his voice.

He then saw the two, Jenny and June getting out of their hiding place.

Lavor then saw Jewel's mother giving him a thumb's up.

It's a complete victory.

Labor can't help smiling proudly of himself.
