
A New World and Beyond.

Oscar could here something in his ear, as if someone is talking to a person nearby. He could hear the person say the words

"Edward. What should we name him?"

Edward? Who is Edward? And where is he even?

Oscar opened his eyes and looked around. He first saw the high ceiling which looked so decorated with such a design which looked as if he were in the medieval ages. The ceiling made him feel as if here were back home, in his palace where he as king always stayed. He then saw a fireplace with a kindling fire making the room warm. He saw that the room was spacious and filled with many things fit for a royal prince. He then saw a woman and a man in the room, the woman staring with calm and such gracious eyes which felt so peaceful when he saw her.

"Edward, my husband, he is awake."

Oscar saw that the woman wore a dress which some gold ornaments which looked so wonderful and beautiful. She had long brown, nearly black, hair. She had a happy smile and looked beautiful as if she were a famous celebrity from the United States. She had a tender touch and made the room and atmosphere so peaceful and silent. The man which was nearly hiding in the shadows walked toward the crib. He had such delicate clothes, looking as if where a king. He had a fine ring in his left hand, which had a symbol on hits head. He had such silver eyes and had such black hair with some white to show his age. His face was as id he were 30 years in his life and he walked as he showed his elegance. He had a feeling of hope and joy around him and spoke with his voice calmy saying, "Let us name him Oscar."

When Oscar heard these words he wondered where he could ever be. "Where am I?" He said to himself. " And what am I doing here?"

Then, he suddenly remembered what happened. He remmembered that he was at a hospital and was having a seizure and the doctors were tryong to stop it. He remmembered that he suddenly fainted. Knowing of his body's state it means that he did survive the seizure. So Oscar Pine, a famous celebrity in this world, has now died and has been reincarnated into a body of some sort of family that luckily named him Oscar. Now he is here now, not knowing where he is, he decided to live up his life.

Three years later...

It has been three years since our protagonist was a little baby. Now, in over three years, he gathered up everything that he had learned. This world is like his world, the only difference is that magic existed and it comes in many didferent forms. He also found out that the language is exactly the very english that he spoke in his world plus the spellings and pronounciation. Like his world, he discovered that there is at the least which he knew of 10 kingdoms with five different languages. He discovered that this world, also named Earth like our world, had at least three continents, Malgore, Florain, and Pacis. He also heard from his tutor that they have also found one more continent, which was being colonized by those kingdoms from Pacis. And where he his, his family, the time, the era, we will discuss about it later.

So about where he is, he is born in the continent of Pacis during its middle ages in the kingdom of Salem, a peaceful nation. Around to the northwest side of this continent is called Malgore, a place filled with so many evil and unrest. In the continent of Pacis thre are at least 3 kindoms, namely; The kingdom of Salem, the kingdom of Valorman, and the empire of Marr, from the Continent of Malgore. He is born to a rich family and has so many maids tending to him. His father is a great leader and also a great king. That's right. He is also a king, or to say the king, the king of Salem, which means Oscar is part of the royal family. The kindom of Salem is a kindgom ,which translated into english, means peace. Though the continent is around it is filled with so many woodlands, grasslands, higlands, and forests, the kindom is thriving enough from all four biomes. War is rare enough here in this kingdom which made man to train with the wild animals to fight, other than hunt, them. In this kingdom, the are also filled with many churches controlled by the pope like in our world, but accept whiches and wizards as helpers of God.

Thinking about all of this, Oscar, who remembered that other than being a celebrityand that he is also a genuis engineer, he thought to himself that he will have a lot of fun in this world.

hello to the readers. this is just a test because i dont know how to use this app

David_John_Empleocreators' thoughts