
Part 3 Synopsis

Why is it being called a Synopsis? I have already described what it is and given general information on why using a synopsis is not the best idea. I'm actually thinking of deleting that chapter. Maybe just make it an 'info' page instead.

Back to the topic. Don't make a synopsis for your book, make a Blurb instead.

Book Blurb/Back-Cover Blurb/Book Description: the persuasive summary of any book, film, or creative work, a blurb is a short promotional description.

Blurbs are Made to gather readers and Sell. I swear most all of the authors have seen the word Synopsis and looked it up so that they could write about the first few chapters of their book. Is there a need or desire for me to read the first few chapters when I've already read that information? Not really.

So I need to tell all of those authors out there, "Please, stop looking up synopsis and start looking up Blurb." Like, I'm sure that there's Tons of good books out there that I'd love to read. I just can't read them because synopsis doesn't make me interested like a halfway decent blurb does.