
Back to Tortus

After the talk with the Hokage, Takeru and the others are guided into a building just near the Hokage Building by an ANBU. On the way, the three students are looking around in curiousity.

"This is amazing. We're really in the Naruto World." Nagisa said lowly, afraid that the ANBU will hear.

"Sensei." Karma called him.

"Yes?" Takeru turned to look at him.

Karma walked closer until they can converse using only low voices.

"The T&I Department will probably check our memories. How can we escape that?" He asked.

"It's fine. I'm a god." Takeru whispered as he patted his shoulder.

The group reached the building. They entered while following the ANBU.

But as they are entering the door, the group disappeared.


The group reappeared in the same place they were before going into the Naruto world.

""Eh?"" The students exclaimed.

"We're back." Takeru waved at Koro-sensei who is runnung away from the angry 3-E students.

"Hm? Takeru-san, welcome back. How did the trip go?" Koro-sensei asked as he dodged the combined attack of the students.

"I decided to talk to some people then disappear in their face." Takeru answered as he walked over.

Nagisa, Kaede and Karma also followed him.

"Isogai-kun, can you call Karasuma over?" Takeru requested.

"Okay." Isogai ran towards the class building.

Takeru then proceeded to wait while watching the students try to kill the slimy octopus. As he is waiting, he thought about how Koro-sensei can help create a live-action of tentacle hentai.

"Ebisawa, you called me?" Karasuma came over.

"Yeah. I want to ask something." Takeru turned at him.

Karasuma got curious at what the god would ask him.

"What is it?"

"I want to go somewhere for 2 months." Takeru spoke, surprising Karasuma.

"Is that okay?" He asked Karasuma.

"Is that so." Karasuma looked at the students having fun trying to kill Koro-sensei.

"You can go whenever you want. None can stop you from that. Just bid goodbye to the class or they'll hate you. I'll tell it to the higher ups." Karasuma walkedback to the classroom.

Takeru just nodded. He decided to go back to Tortus and stay there as he needed to watch over Hajime and make him be able to return quickly. A week after going in this world, he sent a letter towards Hajime and continued the time in that world.

He didn't actually have any reason for returning other than boosting Hajime's progress so he can abduct him and some other people to his world and help him in the upcoming war.

While staying in this world, he also returned to his original world although the time in that world is stopped. He found out after reading some ancient books from some ancient clans that the war is not so simple. There are even more enemies stronger than him.

They are the angels from Heaven and devils from Hell. The literal sense.

To win the war and get the Holy Relic to be granted a wish, he is going to need allies. Even though he is stronger than the angels and devils if matched one-on-one, in a group fight, he will lose. Not to mention that there is also the Biblical God and Satan.

If he got the Holy Relic, he will be able to grasp the whole concept of the universe; possibly even the omniverse. Once he grasp that, he will be pentacontillion times stronger than the current him.

The reason he wanted that power? He wanted to dominate and rule over everything. He is going to be the protagonist while being the antagonist at the same time in terms of morals. He will protect everything he rules while simultaneously keeping domination over the universe.

Takeru imagined himself being a literal omnipotent being and couldn't help but laugh silently.



"When will Takeru-san return? He's gone for almost a month now." Hajime complained as he used his pair of revolvers to explode monsters' heads.

"He'll return..." Yue said as she sat under the shade of a tree.

"HIYAAAAA!" Shea is in the front, smashing the monsters into meat paste.

Just as they were fighting the monsters that engaged them, a vortex appeared nearby. Takeru walked out of it, wearing a casual white shirt and black pants and an orange hoodie.

"Yo." He greeted them.

Yue rushed over and hugged him.

"Takeru..." She muttered as she sniffed his scent.

'Oh no! She's showing Yandere symptoms!' Despite that thought, Takeru's face remained casually smiling.

"Takeru-san!" Hajime managed to kill the remaining monsters and came over.

Shea also followed, a sledgehammer-looking weapon on her shoulder.

"Welcome back, Takeru-san." She greeted him.

"Where did you go?" Hajime asked him but got a flick in the forehead instead.

"You didn't read the letter I gave you, right?" Takeru narrowed his eyes.

"E-eto...Hehe." Hajime could only scratch the back of his head. He may or may not have accidentally used the paper as fuel for the bonfire before reading it.

"*sigh* I went somewhere far." Takeru sighed as he separated Yue from him.

"So, how are your progress?" He asked them.

"Well, I was able to clear the second Great Dungeon amd gained a new magic. We are now on our way to the third one which is a day away from our location." Hajime answered.

Takeru nodded and touched a nearby tree. With a flash of bright light, a sail ship appeared out of nowhere.

The others got surprised and let out surprised sounds.

"W-what is this?" Hajime asked him while staring at the huge sail ship in surprise.

"Creation Magic, duh." Takeru rolled his eyes as he used gravity magic to make the sail ship float and hover just a meter above the ground.

He jumped up and landed on the deck of the ship. He also used magic to get the others on-board. The ship began to fly higher under Takeru's command.

"Where's the location of the Great Dungeon?" Takeru asked Hajime as the latter stared at the ground from the ship.

"E-eh? Oh, it's north of that forest." Hajime pointed to a forest with monsters grouped into groups.

"Yosh! Let's go!" Takeru went to hold the ship's wheel as the ship flew on the sky.


AN: I published a new fanfic. It's just slice-of-life, some action, some comedy, some school-life and no pairings until the readers forced me to. It's 'ALREADY OMNIPOTENT'. Btw, Subscribe to Heiakim. He's a good music producer.

I may or may not have played osu! the whole day.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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