
MC Status


Name: Dell Creed

Race: Human

Age: 17

Health: 100000 (extremely healthy)

Mana/Energy: 150000 (increased Mana/Energy and regeneration because of energy reactor)

Strength: 170 (10 points for a normal man) (defense placed here)

Speed: 155 (10 points for a normal man)

Charm: 50 (it depends on people but 10 points is for normal)


* Learner - Increase mastery and speed in learning and improving anything. (-)

* Adaptation - You can adapt in any environment, any opposing concept and power and mutation. (-)

* Space Magic - Can control space and use any skills related to it. (82% mastery)

* Gravity Magic - Can control gravity and use any skills related to it. (85% mastery)

* Eidetic Memory - Can remember anything. You can think more faster. (-)

* Limitless Body - You can exceed the body limit and increase your strength infinitely. (-)

* Telekinesis - Can control and levitate anything just by thinking it. (80% mastery)

* Energy Reactor - Combined with your heart. A magic item that can store unlimited energy. You can gain energy infinitely from any light source. (-)

* Parallel Thinking - Can create 5 separate minds to think different things in one go. (-)

* Identify - Can identify the status of the person you're looking. (-)

* Plot Armor Stopper - Can stop plot armor of any character you wants to. (-)

* Inventory - Can place items in an inventory. Mentally speak 'Inventory' to see the items in the inventory. (changed as it combines with the function of interface.) (A planet size space)

* Spatial Magic - Can create portals to another place and fire spatial orbs. When touched, you can make them teleport in any place. (80% mastery)

* Aether Slash - Can cut space, light and basically everything that exist. (70% mastery)

* Swordsmanship - A passive skill. Mastery percentage shows your swordsmanship level. (93% mastery)


* Technomagic - Can combine magic skills on any objects that the user desires. (63% mastery)

* Knowledge skills - Engineering, Genetics, Researching, Medicines, Cooking, Teaching, Singing, Dancing, Languages, Business handling, Gardening, Herding, Farming, Artistry, Instrumental music, Architecture, Hacking, Weapon handling, Strategy and tactics, Leadership and Acting. (Just simplified all) (-)


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