
How to be a hero

It’s the second year for Class 1-A! And they have a new student name Hime! But weird things have happened ever since Hime join in. Monster keep appearing, people are disappearing off the streets, a new drug lord takes over the street. Now it’s up to them and their new friend to save the day. But what is Hime hiding? Is she connected to the disappearance?

cicigonzalez1996 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Chapter 7: Looking for club members

It's five o'clock in the morning. The alarm have set off, alarming the sheepish owner to wake up. As the covers turn, she press the snooze button to shut it off. She look over the clock as she groans by the time. Her wire cable hair poke her eyes a bit. She can feel the warm body press next to hers. She grin towards the person to see her "partner" pulling her next to her.

"Well good morning." She smile. Her accent sent shivers down to her "partner". She pull the sheets next to her to uncover her lover. The woman look at her with a smile.

"Hmm, morning doctor." She laughs.

"I'm sorry to wake you love. But I do have work." The doctor told her.

"It's fine. Can I see you Wednesday?" She ask her.

"I would like that more then anything." She told her.

The young doctor got off bed with her lover to get ready for the day. The young woman kiss her goodbye with a smile. The doctor have went to the kitchen to start making her coffee. She went to her front of her house to open up the place. The doctor pour three glass since she knows who well be showing up soon. She can hear noises coming from the stairs. A young woman with short pixie like grey hair came down wearing a maids outfit, greet the doctor.

"Morning Doctor." She bow her head. She look rather young in her twenties. She look to be emotionless. Her voice sound calm and smoothly. Almost sheepishly. Then another footsteps came down, a man with green scales and long light pale violet hair came down yawing.

"Seriously William!" He groan at her. "Do you have to bring girls around when we're here?"

"Aw, jealous?" She smirks at him. "Mad that you weren't the one in bed with me?"

He blush a bit at her, "Tch Yeah right! I could imagine how many STD you have."

"Ouch!" She laughs. Andrea takes a sip of her coffee. "I can assure you I'm clean."

"Ha! I don't think you know what clean means."

"Oi, you're in a grouchy mood today. Aren't you, lizard?"

"I told you to stop calling me that!" He takes the coffee mug that she pours for him.

"Doctor!" The maid talk, "I have your schedule for the day. Would you like me to go through them for you?"

"Sure, why not. It's not like I got anything better to do."

"Right, Tomaru we'll be coming over today to discuss the drug progress that you've made."

"Figure." She sips to coffee more.

"You have a 7:30 morning appointment with one of your clients. Then one in 8:20 that made a house call. 9, for a regular checkup."

"Uuugh, I should have stay in bed." Andrea complain. "Sora, have Hime call me?"

"Apparently no. I try calling her but one of her classmates answered and said that she was a bit sick."


"Yes madam!"

"Well you calm down. She's fine! Adam is with her." Her roommate told her as he sips the coffee. He sat down on the chair by the table to read the newspaper.

"How do you know that?"

"Mr. Iguchi  have talk to her, Doctor."

"And she cant call me!" Andrea sound mad.

"Let her be!" Shuichi (Villain: Spinner) groan. "If she wants to talk to you, she'll call you."

Andrea lean towards him with a glare. His eyes didn't leave the paper. He can tell that Andrea is completely jealous now. He try to ignore her but her glare became too intense.

"Let it go William." He call her by her last name.

"NO FAIR! WHY IS IT THAT YOU GRAB MY SWEET LITTLE HIME'S ATTENTION! I'M THE ONE WHO SPOIL HER, LOVE HER, AND BUY HER THINGS!" Andrea complain like a little child. Spinner watch her whine and fake cry about the situation. He groan at himself by this. Man, why am I stuck with her! Spinner look at Andrea who was still complaining like a child. She even cry over Hime's oversized wall picture that she have as a poster.


"WELL YOU SHUT UP ALREADY! SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO HAVE A QUITE MORNING!" Spinner drink his coffee. He groan at her. He look at Hime's picture. Kid, I'm glad your not stuck with this idiot.

-Back in U.A.-

Hime look blankly over a little girl who have silver white wavy hair with crimson eyes. She have a small horn on the right side of the corner of her forehead. She noticed Hime too but she tug herself behind Aizawa's leg.

"This is Eri. You two didn't seem to meet." Aizawa told her.

"Ah." Hime look uncomfortable to be around with a child.

"Huh? Hime, you okay?" Izuku ask her.

"I'm fine...but.." Hime seem to step away, far away from the child. "I'm honestly not good with children."

"Huh? Why?"

Hime lift up her brow at him as if speaking with him with her eye. "Have we forgot the fact that I look a bit scary to her. I mean I have claws, fangs, and talons. To her eyes I might as well be the boogie man."

"Hime, your not that scary looking. Just try to smile at her."

"No thanks. We all know that my smile look like I'm ready to murder someone."

"Hehehe, sorry." Izuku remember that. Fenrir walk up to the little girl out of curiosity. She was startled by the big wolf dog. She saw how big and scary he look. Aizawa kept his guard up by the dog. Fenrir sniff at her. She close her eyes a bit but she felt a warm lick on her cheeks. She open her eyes to look at the dog who was kissing her.

"Ah, Excuse Fenrir. He's a bit of a softie when it comes to cute wee things." Hime explains. "He seems to like you."

"Fe...Fenrir?" She call out to his name.

"Ah, Sorry. He can't hear you." Hime point at her ears. "He's um death."


"His eardrums are damage. So he can't hear anything."

Eri pet the big dog. Fenrir seem to enjoy the small hands grooming at his fur. His tail wag happily by this. Eri also seem to enjoy the dog's company as well.

"Welp, since the wee lad keeps Fenrir occupied. I guess I can go out training."

"Eh? Already? Are you sure? Your fever went down, right?"

Hime whack a wooden baboon stick at him that's shape as a sword, "Oi! I'm fine. I might not look like it, by immune system is actually quite strong compared to yours."

Izuku rub his head a little. He look at Hime place a black gym bag around her shoulders. She head towards the door. Hime sigh to herself once she close the door. Kids was not something she can handle. It's not that she doesn't like kids, they just fine her scary. Even the ones around her neighborhood always seem scared of her.

"SEIFUKU!" Mei catches up with her.

"Ah, Mei. Good morning." Hime look at her. She can see the grease and dark circles under her eyes.

"Bloody hell!" Hime sound worry. "When was the last time you wash up? Let alone sleep!"

"Ahahahaha, Tuesday!"

"But today's Saturday!"

"I know!"

"Go wash up! A young lady shouldn't be so dirty!"

"But this is proof of all my hardwork!"

"Hardwork or not!" Hime push her towards Mei's Dorm. "Your a living person. Not a machine! Come on now."

"Eeeeeh! But my hard work." Mei complain.

"Wash!" Hime scold her.

Hime made Mei take a shower. She even went to her room to only see how dirty it was, again. It's only been three days! How did she dirty this place already! Hime sigh to herself. She place her things outside of the door. She begin clean up the the room and take out the trash. She reorganize Mei's things again. She can see some of her chicken scratch writing blueprints. They were quite interesting and more advanced. She even recognize some books that she have read in Andrea's office before. The room look to be clean again. She took the trash out side when the dumpster was at. She can hear a few students talking. They look be third year students from general support course.

"Man! Can you believe that girl." Hime can hear a familiar voice talking. "She's still bugging that hero course student."

"Seriously? I figured she would quite by now." The girl laughs.

"Tch, I give it a week. There's no way they can make it in time to build up a club. Hatsume is an impossible person to get along with. Just watch, the minute they do managed to win. Hatsume is going to throw her team away to gain the credit."

"You think so?"

"Heh, I mean. Who wouldn't. That's just how she is. You do know she's already in top few students who got agencies asking for her. I'm sure she's just like the rest of us. Maybe even worse."

Hime threw the trash bag at the boy. He look at her in surprise.

"What the hell is your problem?"

"Your my problem you..you..jerk!" Hime glare at him. "And for the record! Mei isn't like that! She's doing her best to get noticed by agencies! She's a talented young lady who can probably out top any of you hypocrites. Mei is an enthusiasm, energetic, happy person who enjoys inventing. She doesn't give up no matter how many times she make mistakes. She'll keep working at her invention till it works the way she wanted! If anything, is you scandalous who can't seem to notice her strength. Now get!" Hime threw the trash bag at them again. They ran away from her. Hime grunt at them as soon they walk off. She turn around to see Power Loader standing there. She froze once she see him.

"... Am I going to get detention for throwing the trash bag at them?"

".... I have no idea what your talking about. All I see is you taking out the trash."

"Hah! Heh, funny.... um how long were you standing there?"

"Long enough to hear what you have to say about Hatsume."

"Right then..." Hime blush a bit.

"I was going to discuss a few things about her about the club. But I'm guessing you'll be join in as well."

"Y-Yes!" Hime throw the trash in the dumpster.

"Good, because I need you to send a message to her." Hime listen carefully to Power Loader. Hime widen her eyes in shock. She look a bit gloom by it.

"But I thought we have a month to gather a group."

"No, you have a month to build an invention with a group. You two need to gather at least four more people to form a club and have one senior student to join in with you."

"Why do we need a senior student? What if a senior student doesn't want to join us." Hime ask.

"The club contest want to involve seniors who have more knowledge by this event. They want to see if the senior's can be leaders and management their classmates during this event."

"I see, in other words. They're looking for future managements that can take control of projects, if they did well, then they can hire them to their agency in the future."

"Exactly. I try telling Hatsume but she wants to join in this club contest more then anything."

"More then anything?" Hime look at the teacher in a bit of daze. She thought for a minute in Hatsume's position. She knows how that feels. She tighten her fist up to a ball. She place it over her chest, "We'll definitely get four students to join the club! How many days do we have?"

"Two weeks left."

"Two weeks!" Hime turn more white then her fur. "Two weeks!"

"Yep. If you don't get those club members in those two weeks. Your club well have to forfeit the match. But I'm sure you'll be able to get club members. Welp, see yeah."

Power Loader leave Hime speechless. To this point, she have no idea what's she going to tell Mei about this. She went back inside 2-H. She blankly start to cook breakfast for Mei without even thinking. Two weeks is all they have. Hime and Mei needs to think of a plan on how to get members to join in.

So Mei wants to join in the contest more then anything...

Hime starts to think back when she have the talk with Andrea.

-Not too long ago, flashback-

Hime sat down across from Andrea in the kitchen. Sora have place teas for them to drink. Hime look shy and uncomfortable when facing Andrea. She smile at her cousin with joy. She have lay out the letters of schools that have accepted Hime.

"All four of them accepted you. Aren't you happy? It's going to be hard to choose, love. But what ever you accept, I'll be happy for you."

"Whatever I accept?" Hime twirl her fingers around. Andrea drink a bit of tea.

"Of course love. I just want you to be happy."

"Then,..." Hime slides a letter that she have open first. Andrea look at her with a smile.

"What's this?" She open up the letter. Her smile soon faded once she read through it.

"It's a letter from U.A." Hime look up to see Andrea's face. "They have a scholarship of the hero course. I got accepted. I pass both written and physical exam. Andrea... I love science. More then anything. I could help people, I could cure them but,.... I want to help those who can't fight for themselves."

Andrea slam her hand on the paper to the table. Hime jolt a little. She can tell that Andrea look mad. She was not please by this. Hime lower her head.

"I thought we agree you were going to give up about this hero career."

"Andrea...I want to help people."

"You can help people by being a doctor."

"I don't want to be a doctor! I want to be a hero. I want to save lives! Stop people hurting each other. I want.."

"THATS ENOUGH!" Andrea slam her hands on the table. "We had a deal! You were going to stop thinking about becoming a hero. We agree that you if choose a school you wouldn't be thinking about joining in the hero course."

"I know." Hime look at the U.A. Letter. "But I want to help others in need. I want to.."

"No!" Andrea tore the letter in front of Hime. Hime try to stop her but Andrea didn't listen to her. "I don't want you to go any where near that school! Do you understand me!"

-end of flashback-

Mei check on Hime to see her set a plate for her. The breakfast look delicious. Homemade waffles that were in a sandwich stack of eggs, bacon, ham, cheese, lettuce and tomatoes. On the side, Hime made hash browns that look golden and crispy.

"You made this?" Mei sat down right away.

"Yes. I even clean your room again."

"You do know you don't need to do that!" Mei stuff the food in her mouth.

"It's my choice." Hime sat down, drinking some tea that she made for herself. "If I choose to do so then I choose to do so."

"Yeah but people are going to think your more of a maid then my lab partner."

"Let them what they think!" Hime sips on her tea. "Their words are meaningless to me. I choose what to do with my life."

"Hehe, so!" Mei hum happily as she eats the waffle sandwich. "Since your here now, I was thinking we should go over the plans about the babies I was thinking. I like your ideas but I add a few ideas of my own along with yours." Mei hands her with the blue prints that she added along with Hime's drawing. "So, What do you think?"

"Honestly,.." Hime look thought her calculations. "This could work. But the invention I drew was just a thought. I didn't think you would like it."

"You name it microdots. Right?"

"Yes, But, they are tiny robots that can help construction work or dangerous missions. I was thinking about it for some time now."

"And I think it's the best idea for it. If we work together, I'm sure the judges would like it."

"Um,.. about that. We need to find club members ASAP."

"Huh? Why?"

"We only have two weeks to look for club members. If not, we have no choice but to forfeit the match."

"TWO WEEKS!" Mei complain.

"I thought you would hate that." Hime sigh. "But I do want to show you something." Hime open up her bag to only the kitten sleeping in. "What the... you little stole away. Why are you here." The kitten ignore her. She sleep soundly in the bag. Hime grab her sketchbook that she carry around. She open up a page to show Mei her idea of a poster. The paper have gears and bolts all place together as a pattern. She even place the words in it to.

Join the support club.

Anyone can join.

Meetings are in the support lab after school.

"What do you think?" Hime smile, "think it'll grab anyone's attention?"

"I like it! Let's make copies!" Mei told her. They used the copy machine in Mei's dorm. They made enough to place them around.

"We should leave one poster around the dorms door. I think that way we can get more grounds. And we can place them at the schools." Hime told her.

"Okay! I'll get the seconds years."

"Then I'll get first years. We'll meet up at the third year dorms."


Hime and Mei Both spilt up to pass around the posters. Hime place her bag over her shoulder. She let the zipper in Zip a bit to let the kitten breathe. She stick her head out more then a few times. Hime saw a few first years. She went up to talk to them about the club. Hands them posters to think about it. Some were interested, others weren't. Hime still pass around a few on the dorms door. She head out to got back to the dorms in third years but she heard a few girls talking harshly.

"Man, are you mental!" a third year push the girl with glasses towards the wall.

"I...I-I'm sorry." The girl voice stutter. Hime knew that honey lavender smell from anywhere. It was that girl from the nurse office. She was being bullied again by the girls.

"Your sorry! Your the reason why my boyfriend broke up with me."

"We-we're just friends."

"Friends my ass! Your stealing him all to your self!" The girl grab her by the hair.

"Hey!" Hime yelled at them.

"FUCK OFF!" The girls flinched once they saw Hime's face.

"Watch your bloody language! And leave that poor girl alone."

"You think your stupid scary face scares us," They back away from Hime.

Hime walk closer to them, her eyes got more intense then ever, "I said, leave her alone!" Her fur stood up. She growl at them. The girls ran off from her scary expression. Hime scuff at her breath at them.

"Tch, such ill manner young ladies. Talking rubish about some idiot boy who broke up with her." Hime look at the blue eye glasses girl. She held out her hand towards her. "Are you all right?"

"Y-y-Yes. Th-Thank you." She grab her claw like hand. Hime pull her up.

"You shouldn't let them walk all over you like that. Girls who are not  taught to respect others , we'll grow up not knowing their place."

"Y-y-you help me again."

"Hmm? Well anyone would help you."

"N-not r-really." The Girl look down.

"Tell me which dorm your staying. I'll walk you back."

"I'm not s-staying in a dorm."

"Your not?"

"N-no. I only came to v-visit a friend."

"I see."

"Th-Thank you."

"All right then. I hope to see you later!" Hime wave at her.  The blue eye glasses girl blush bright red. She watched Hime from the distance as she pass around flyers.

- one hour later-

The two girls groan in exhaustion. They lay thier heads down on the coffee table that's in the living room in 2-A's dorm. Asui was there with them, braiding Eri's hair as she play with the small kitten.

"Ribit, any luck finding club members." Asui ask them.

"No!" Mei groan.

"Apparently, the moment they were interested in it. They soon ran away once Mei ask them questions and well... You get the memo."

"It's not all my fault!" Mei point at Home. "As soon you smile, everyone thought you were going to hurt them."

"Not only that!" Hime pouts, "They keep shoving thier wallets at me. I have to place them in the lost and found!"

"What's a club?" Eri ask them.

"It's a after school event where a group of people gather together to know one another. Making friends or allies." Adam hover in front of Eri.

"Back already from your training?" Hime ask him. Adam cuddles up to Hime's cheek. He look a bit beat up and worn out but still managed to have energy to be with Hime. Adam have been training for the last three days already with Kirishima. Hime was surprised at first but she let be. She doesn't understand why Adam wants to be a hero out of the blue but she knows she couldn't say no to him.

"Aaah, to bad your not a student Adam!" Mei slams her head down. "Then you could have been joining with us!"

Adam: 🤩

Hime chuckles by the thought. "That would be wonderful. Unless..." Hime stood up, "Sui! Want to.."

"No way!" She rejected them.

"... Don't you want to think about it?"

"No." Asui went back on braiding Eri's hair.

Hime sigh again. She lay her head flat on the table. "Great now what?"

Everyone else were hanging out in the study tables or in the balcony outside. Mei grab one of the posters. She shoves the paper in one of the classmates faces.

"Join the club!"

"Mei! Violence doesn't solve anything!" Hime told her.

"I'm desperate right now!" Mei bark at her.

"No luck?" Izuku ask Hime. Fenrir hops on him to get attention from him.

Hime look at him with a wicked grin. She grab his hands with her golden eyes plead, "Izuku!"

Izuku widen his eyes in surprised. He only know Hime for a while now and she have never call him by his first name before.

"Do you perhaps want to join! Please! Say you well! Just at least till we have new members to join in."


"Join us Midorya!" Mei ran up to his face. "join us!"


"Join us!" Hime's voice sound tired as Mei.

"Join us!" They both plead to him.

Izuku: 😥 "I um... Got this thing. Bye!"

Mei and Hime both mope in the corner in the of the living room.

"They look really sad!" Eri told Asui.

"Nobody is that interested in support team..." Hime sound disappointed.

"Most kids just want to be hero's." Mei remind her.

"The heck is wrong with those two?" Bakugo came downstairs to get a glass of juice.

"They haven't gotten much luck of getting new members." Kirishima told him. "They got two weeks to gain new members."

"Tch, that's going to be impossible for them since the club sounds stupid!"

Hime's ear twitch when he heard him say that.

"Your wrong!" She sound pump up, "Don't say impossible without the possible!"

"You do know you have extra studies to go to between classes!" Asui remind her. Hime felt a small stab.

"Not too mention you have to study for the linece division!" Todoroki remind her. Hime felt a another stab.

"Then you have to worry the mid terms test that's coming up soon." Iida remind her. Hime felt a sharp stab in the chest again. She mope again in the corner along with Mei.

"How did I get into this mess?" Hime whine.

"...want to quit?" Mei look at her.

"No! Quiting is not optional." Hime clapped her cheeks together. "I'm sure we'll get members soon. Ahahahah!"

-11 days left to gain members -

Hime look like the walking dead as she sits down on the lunch table. Mei sat down with her. They both look dead inside.

"Jeeze, what happened to you guys?" Mina ask them.

They both look at her as if they've been through hell.

"We interviewed a few people." Hime complain.

"They didn't even want to join the freaking club at all." Mei groan. "They just thought it was a do nothing club."

"So no luck?" Mina takes a sip of her drink.

"No!" They sigh.

Adam and Kirishima came to say sat down at the table.

"Wow, you two look awful!" Kirishima pointed out.

Adam: ☹️ "Hime?"

He hovers towards Home for a hug.

"Heh, I'm fine. Adam. We only have 11 days. I'm sure someone will join. Heheh."


Out in the distance, a young girl with glasses watches Hime out in the distance. She look at her with a flustered face. Her heart beats completely fast when she flinch on the envelope in her hand. She wants to give it to Hime but doesn't know how. Shoto notice her standing behind the door way. She stare at Home for a while.

"Can I help you?" Shoto ask her.

The glasses girl turn bright red. She ran off of squealing in surprised. It even happen again during the extra studies. She stare off to watch Hime work on her kendo practice. She watched her practice alone while Shinso notice her standing in the distance in the doorway as he walks in.

"Can I help you?"

She jolt a little by surprised. She look at him with her big blue eyes.

"I-I um...," She blush bright red. She ran off to head to class. Shinso look at Hime who was practicing on her kendo. He saw how elagant and strong she look. He look down the hall to see the girl ran off. He look at Hime again who look more focused.

Mei wave at Hime as they both went separate ways to get into thier dorms. She felt tired from both training and school work. Looking for club members is not easy for them. It was becoming hard for them. Hime notice something off today. She's been feeling stalk at. She walk slowly towards her dorms. She can hear footsteps behind her. She turn to look at the person with a glare. But there was nobody there. Hime sniff the area, her fur stick up. She smelt this scent before. Hime can feel her throat tighten. Her fur was still up. She knew that he is still there. She walk off, heading towards her dorms. She grab the door knob to open. She can feel her neck hair up. She look behind her but there was nobody there. Hime went inside to great her friends. Once the door was close. Jasper appear in the door step. He grin a little as he walks off. So, you can still sense me. Huh, little Hime?