
How to be a hero

It’s the second year for Class 1-A! And they have a new student name Hime! But weird things have happened ever since Hime join in. Monster keep appearing, people are disappearing off the streets, a new drug lord takes over the street. Now it’s up to them and their new friend to save the day. But what is Hime hiding? Is she connected to the disappearance?

cicigonzalez1996 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

24: Intruder part 3

*Warning, this chapter might be inappropriate to some readers. Readers have been advise to stop reading this chapter if they are uncomfortable about abuse, trauma and rape. Please don't read this if you are uncomfortable, please skip and read the next chapter.*

He saw the gun that Andrea place for emergency only. He didn't want to do it. He couldn't do it. Sora is one of them. But this is going no where. Spinner cries out in pain as he felt the metal strings digged further into his leg, the blood was seeping out of his now wounded leg. His mind was racing terribly as he wasn't sure to ever use the emergency gun Andrea got them. A part of him kept screaming to shoot her somewhere non-lethal to get her to back off or stun her enough to let go but another part of him begged not to as she was one of them, a part of their family!

He didn't want to hurt her but the strings were beginning to tighten even more now on his leg, as if they were either going to cut off the blood circulation in it or to the point it was going to be tore off! He needed to stop her quickly!

'Shit! What the hell do I do?! Where the fuck is Dabi already! Or yet even Andrea?!'

He felt her pulled him back again as he felt a horrible stinging sensation ran up his spine as he lets out a bloodcurdling screaming as he realizes she had stabbed him once again but at the upper part of his thigh. The blood was flowing freely as she dug her blade more into his thigh, he thrashed about as he scream to get away from her but he was held firmly but her metal strings. He can't wait any longer for anyone to come and save him as it was now or never as he had to kick her back with his bad leg again enough time to grab something out of the pantry and found some baking powder to only throw some in her face, making her stumble back to try and wipe it off. This gave him enough time scrambled away from her and reach for the gun as it was already loaded and pointed at her.

The moment he does he froze, he can see her struggling to wipe away the powder from her face but he couldn't bring himself to do it, and what if he miss? He wasn't sure as he gasped as he noticed the gun clicked but nothing came out.

'Shit it's jam!?'

He watches back and forth to actually get it from unjamming and back her to keep her at bay as she got some of the power from her face and stared at him angrily, 'Fuck! Come on, come on!'

She angrily walks towards him with her string shooting out at him, wrapping around his arm tightly. He cries out as the metal digged in his flesh as he tries to still unjam the gun, "S-Sora please! You have to snap out of it!" She ignored his pleads as he had to pull his string arm towards him, as he knew he was to unjamming it.

He had to kick the table towards her to block her off but it was no use as she jumps over it as he had no other choice but to throw more stuff at her, 'Shit, shit! Please—got it!'

Once he had it unjammed, he looked up to see her trying to wipe her eyes as one of the stuff he threw at her was some of the dish soap as he pointed the gun at her once more, he has to take the chance—even if it hurts them both in the end.

"I'm sorry Sora...." He grits his teeth and eyes widen as she soon dodged towards him quickly with her knife in the air as he the only thing he remembered was pulling trigger and the sound of a bang rang out...

Spinner groan at the loud gun sound. He can hear his ear ring from the loud bang. He saw four feet across from him. He look up to see Tomura and the intruder. 36 clap at him.

"Wow! Bravo! I-I never thought you have guts to shoot your own friend." He sound happy. He leans over to him, "Unfortunately for you! You miss."

Spinner felt a sharp stab on his leg. He scream out from the pain.

"SHIIIT! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?" he growl at 36. He smile at him wickedly at Spinner.

"To send a message." He leans to his ear, "I want her to feel the same pain that your feeling!" He laughs. He gets up and look down at Spinner.

"Kill him!" He told Tomura. Tomura took his gloves off. Spinner grunt in fear. He felt the pain shooting in his leg.

"Tomura. Don't! Wake up!" Spinner try to move away. He close his eyes, preparing for the worst. Tomura was stab by red fearhers. The windows from the kitchen was also crash to the window.

Spinner see a feather stab Tomura's shoulder. Then blue flames start to spread between him, Tomura and Sora, pushing them away. Tomura growl in pain, yelling.

"GAAAAAAAH, What the freaking hell!" He looks around. Finally snapped out of it. "Where the fuck am I?"

36 look at him in a bit of anger, "You weren't supposed to be awake! Your tramua was supposed to lock you in!" He seem frustrated. Tomura reach his hand out to kill 36. He dodge from his hand quickly. His body seem to slide to the living room. Where red fearhers aim at him. But he used his plate quirk for defense. He look over to see Dabi and Hawks who's barley standing. His bandage seem to bleed out more.

"Who the hell are you?" Both Dabi and 36 union together as they glare at each other.

"Uuugh, took you long enough!" Spinner groan. Dabi look at Spinner who seem beat out and badly wonded.

"You look like shit."

"No worse then that guy over there."

"Eh! I've seen better days!" Hawks remark. He slowly gets up, holding his wond with his hand. Griping the pain. "I'm guessing he's not a friend, huh?" He ask them.

36 glare at them with rage. He look over at Tomura who was confused about how he woke up from his trauma. "Tch, it doesn't matter how you woke up. I still got a trump card!" He snapped his finger. Sora wrap her metal wires around Tomura's body, tightly.

"Shit!" He look towards her. She was still under his control Tomura couldn't move. He can feel his skin being cut by her quirk.

"Anyone move, I'll have your friend here kill him."

Dabi look at 36 with a wicked grin. "And that should stop me how?"


"Heh, you need a better leverage than that!" Dabi's flames hit straight at Sora. It send her flying out of the house. Hawks cut the wires off of Tomura's body with his feathers. The hell, he attack his comrade with out hesitation! Shit! 36 look a bit nervous and laugh, "Hehehe, well this have been fun buuuuut, I got to go!"

"Like hell your not!" Tomura sound angry. "Controlling my dam body! Oooh your not leaving alive!" 36 smiles wearily at him. He kick the broken coffee table up at him. Dabi set his flames to attack him. 36 quickly made himself small.

"Dam it! Where did he go?" Tomura howl in anger!" Everyone look around. Dabi couldn't have kill him. They seen a small black bat flying around the room. It was trying to escape. Hawks aim his red feathers at the bat. The bat move swiftly away from the feathers but they were moving too fast. The feather managed to cut it. 36 turn himself back to normal. Tomura punch him right under his chin. He kick his leg backwards where he scream from hearing his bone pop. Tomura was ready to kill him.

"IF YOU KILL ME THEN THAT MAID AND YOU WILL DIE!" He screamed as he backs away from them.

Tomura suddenly stops himself, his hand inches away from his face and glares down at 36. "What?"

"The maid! I injected the both of you with my quirk: It's call Moon Howler!" He explained quickly. "It allows you to see the most dramatic events that had happened in your life—your trauma! Either it was in the past or now, it'll act like it was happening to you all over again—like your living in your worse nightmare!"

"The fuck!? That doesn't explain why they ATTACK me! They couldn't even hear me!" Spinner groans as he holds his leg.

"That's the thing, it's like your trapped in your own nightmare loop hole! My poison would put a person in a trance like to make them only see, hear and feel their trauma! To them, they think your their trauma—Aaah!" 36 was suddenly pulled forward by Tomura by the front of his shirt as he holds his hand inches away from his eyes, "Tell us what the fuck do we do to stop the poison!"

"I-I..I—" 36 stuttered as Dabi walked over to where they were standing, "You might want to start talking—I believe a little fire won't hurt."

"Are you crazy?! Even if I did told you, the poison is already spreading! The body itself is going to go through the process like that of an autumn crocus!"

"Autumn crocus?"

"Yes! My quirk acts like it! Depending on the amount dosages that's been injected into the body; you'll suffer serve burning of the mouth and throat, vomiting, diarrhea, liver and kidney problems, blood disorders, nerve problems, shock, organ failure, and death! I wouldn't be shock if she's foaming at the mouth already!"

"Fuck it lets roast him." Dabi set his flame in hand as 36 struggles from Tomura's grip, "Wait! Wait! I'm telling you I'm not sure!? Death will soon follow within the first 24 to 48 hours!"

"Spit it out already! I'm already feeling like I'm dying as it already is." Tomura growls.

"You look like your dying and still talking shit." Hawks groans as Tomura looked at him, "You shut it! Start talking!"

"L-like I said, it's not easy! Because there's not much of a cure!" 36 spat as they all looked at him.

"WHAT?!" The two glare at him. Ready to kill him. 36 hold up his hands in defense.

"Okay, okay . T-there might be. M-maybe!"

"Well is there or isn't!" Dabi growl at him.

36 chuckel, "Why? Worried about the maid? Is she your girlfriend or something?"

"That's it!" Dabi was ready to burn him but Tomura stop.

"Don't be stupid,leather face. If he knows something. We need him."

"Tsk." Dabi eye 36, ready to BBQ him at any given moment as Tomura turns and glares at him dangerously.

"If I was you, you better start taking—or believe me, you'll be missing a part of you at any given moment."

36 look at them with wide eyes. "Okay, okay, jeeze! I like you better when you're under my control." He told Tomura. "I have the cure in my pouch. It's tied to my belt. You see a long silver tube." He told them.

"Check it." Tomura says without taking his eyes off him as Dabi still glared at 36 while taking the pouch off him, "You better not be lying. If I don't see shit in this pouch—your becoming a roasted bat and feed to the wild mutts outside." Dabi says with a slight sneer grin while looking at him, his aqua blue eyes glowing almost.

"Sounds kinky!" He laughs but Tomura squeeze his neck. He gag from the tight squeeze, "Gaah! I .. don't suppose you want me to say tighter, daddy?" He joke but he can see that Tomura wants to kill him.

Dabi set his hand aflame and holds it close to his face, the heat from it alone was licking against his skin as he can feel the burning sensation bubble against his cheek, "You were saying?"

"Uh! I said nothing!" He told them. Waiting for one of them to reach down the patch.

Dabi looks at the pouch for a moment before opening it.

"you see that big push pin on that metal tube?"

Dabi grunts at him as if saying yes.

"if you push it, a needle will come out." 36 told them. He look at them with a soft grin once Dabi press on it all the way. "Oooh wait. Or was it a designator to the bomb." He smile at them. He quickly rush towards the window where a big boom exploded the living room. The explosion seem mild to the living room. The furniture were around the room. Picture frames were broken. The couch destroyed. Even the floor board now have a whole with flames coming out in the middle.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!" Both Tomura and Dabi roared in pure anger—they knew this shit was too damn easy! It's never easy to get what they want, even if playing nice isn't going to change a difference. Dabi growls darkly as he set both his hands on fire, now he was definitely going to kill him and he can tell Tomura was just as pissed.

"cough, cough, you guys okay?" Spinner moved a piece of what used to be the couch off of him. He groan in pain from his arms and legs.

Hawks cough from the smoke that was coming from the basement, "Hey something is burning down there!" He say. Trying to move away from it but his side was just bleeding more.

"Oh! Shit!" Spinner cough. He can smell the harsh chemicals burning. "Get out of house now!"

"Fuck!" With that both Tomura and Dabi helped Spinner up and told hawks to open the door as he had to kick it open as they immediately stumbled out of there as they heard an explosion erupted behind them. The four of them, all jump out through the front door. The explosion push them by a hard force. They land on the ground.

"Shit, the doc is not going to be happy about this." Spinner groan. He flip himself over to lay on his back.

"I think the wound open even more!" Hawks felt dizzy and lightheaded from the lose of blood.

"I'm going to kill that baster!" Tomura growl. They all look up to hear a laughter mocking them.

"Fools, you honestly think I would give you the cure. Ha! There isn't a cure! Have fun dying,🎶Tom-ura-kun🎶. If it makes you feel any better. You won't be dying alone." He laughs. "Oh and lizard man! If I were you, I would be running. Hehe, that maid is only going to see you as a target. She'll finish you once your dead. Hehehe, have fun! Send my regards to Dr. Williams!" He fly's away. Spinner gets up, yelling at 36 with insults. Dabi threw his flames at 36 where he lands on the ground.

"Aaaah! It burns! it burns so much... Hahahah!" He laughs as the blue flames was slowly dying out. "Just kidding!"

"The hell!" Dabi look annoyed. Spinner yelps when metal strings grab a hold of him. He fell over only to feel his body being drag.

"Shiiiiiit!" He yelled. Sora pull him close to her. Hawks gets up to cut off the strings but 36 threw a blue fire ball at Hawks. But he used his wings as a shield. He feathers were already burn to ash

"The heck, he can mimics attacks!" Dabi groan angerily.

"GUUUUUYS!" Spinner yelled.

"Dabi, you handle Sora. I'll deal with this idiot!" Tomura growl.

Dabi grunt at him as he ran off to help Hawks with Spinner. But both of them were stop by 36 as he got between them.

"Sorry boys, but your going to have fun with me!

Sora pull Spinner at the beach. He struggles to set himself free from Sora's quirk. Sora release him, pinning on top top him. She took out her knife. "Sorry Sora!" He told her. He grab the sand and threw it at her eye. She over her eyes. Trying to wipe it off. He punch her off of him. He quickly jog away from her. Sora his with her quirk. Spinner trip over. He try to get away but the silver strings wrap so tightly around his leg. Cutting the fabric of his pants. Sora pull him in. Still having sand in her eye. She grab his wounded leg. He kick her chest. Sora gasp by the kick. He crawl away but Sora grab his ankel.

"Dam it, Sora! Wake up!" He yelled at her. Sora's strings, wrap around his ankel. He can feel it squeezing around him. He scream loudly from the pain. He look at Sora whose still under control by the Venom. He try kicking her again but Sora dodge it. She grab his ankle. She twist it to where the bone pop. Spinner scream in pain. He yelled at the sand, screaming at the pain of feeling his ankle twisted. Sora drag him towards her. Spinner finally grab a small rock underneath the sand. He hit her in the head. Sora seem to grunt in pain. He quickly crawl away from her. He gets up slowly, hoping on one leg. He couldn't take this. Sora glare at him. Her strings kept coming at him, leaving deep cuts at him.

"Ungh!..." he collapsed to the ground as he felt his body sting. Not being able to move anymore. He trips over the ground. He struggled to get away from her. Sora hover over him. Her eyes are dark and empty. He can see a killer attention in her.

"Sora...please..open your eyes...come on! Wake up already!" Spinner says as he tries to get up but grunts as he felt the pain run up to his twisted ankle.

Sora's metal strings wrap around Spinner's neck. She hold on tight. She pin him down, punching him as she chokes him.

"Ungh...s..Sora..." he tries to hold her off but he felt his vision started to blur as he couldn't withstand her punches any longer.


Sora turn to see who it was.


Sora flew off Spinner's body. Sora landed on the sand unconscious by the hard hit from a log. Andrea gasp in shock that she did that. She turn to Spinner who was coughing but barley breathing.

"Oh gosh! Darling!" Andrea pick Spinner's heard up. Spinner was in and out of consciousness as he was more than happy that someone finally showed up!

"Fucking Damnit!" Dabi curses as he shoots his flames at 36, who had turned into a bat and flew pass his head—swatting him with his wings.


Tomura quickly took off his gloves and rush to grab 36. His swing his hand to touch him.

36 moves out the way in time before turning into a kangaroo kicks Tomura in the face before swatting him with his tail. Dabi shoots out a burst of flames as 36 turns back into a bat again and starts flying across his face, "Goddamnit! Hold still!"

36 laughed wickedly as he felt his flames touch him but let bounce back towards Dabi as Dabi quickly gets out the way.

Hawks quickly used what ever feathers he have left to move both Dabi and Tomura. He caught blood in surprised. His wound is bleeding out more from the bullet earlier.

"Dam it!" He kneel on one knee.

'Shit! This fucking bastard isn't letting up!' Dabi growls as 36 flew around them, laughing hysterically, "Is that all y'all got! And here I expected more from notorious villains, ha!"

Tomura look at 36 with a heavy glare. He see his powers already. Yet he wonders, how was it that he have more then more. Normally, people with that much amount of quirks would turn to Nomus. He seen it happen before once. So how was it he didn't became one as well.

"Who sent you?" Tomura growl.

"Hmmm, let me think—oh! That's right!" 36 flew down quickly before morphing into a wolf and bites down hard on Tomura's shoulder, ripping a piece of flesh off him before jumping away and spitting it out, "I'm not telling you, you fucking idiots!" He laughs wickedly as Dabi lets out a growl and threw a fire ball of flames at him as 36 managed to dodge them before turning into a ram and slams hard into Dabi's stomach and chest, sending him flying back and crashing into Hawks.

Tomura hold his shoulder, he groan heavily from the bite. His blood spills out. He hand enough of this. He was ready to touch the ground but he thought about it for a moment. If he destroyed the ground. The whole piece of land would crumble down. They would all perish by the cliff side. Plus, all of Andrea's research of the quirk blocker pill will be destroyed. He needs to think quick. 36 laughs hysterically as he turns back into a bat again as Dabi groans from the hit, "I'm getting sick of this shit! Fuck!"

"he's toying with us. He wants us to destroy this place with our quirk. Heh, gotta say his isn't half bad."

"Don't go give him a compliment!" Hawks coughs. He look more weak and pale then ever. His side is already drench of his blood.

"Hmm,hey, raggy hobo!"

"Huh! Raggy hobo! The name's Hawks!" He sound angry but cough.

"Can you still used your quirk?"

"I still got some fight in me!" He groan.

"Good. Dabi used your flames as a diversion. Hawks I need you to get me up there with him, can you?"

"I don't got much feathers but heck with it."

"Heh. That I can do." Dabi says as he suddenly shoots a fire ball into the sky besides 36 as he dodged it. "Heh! Nice try you burnt donut! You've got to hit me harder than that!" 36 soon turns into a large crow and begins coming down on Dabi but Dabi soon smirked to himself as he begins to surround the area with his flames like that of a blue ring, 'Tch. This shit better work!'

Hawks have his left over feathers and place them on Tomura. Making them as wings. The flames soon die out. 36 eyes widen once Tomura was right infront of him.

"Heh, your mine now!" Tomura said. He used his right hand to reach. 36 dodge the touch but he didn't pay attention to his left hand.

"Oh shit?!" 36 gasped as he realized Tomura's left hand came from him as he neglected his other side.

Tomura touch his side with a hard slap like hit. The two of them fell to the ground."Ungh!!!" 36 cried out in pain.

Tomura place his hand around his neck but still hold his pinky up. "Unless you don't want me to kill you faster. I suggest you hold still!"

36 was ready to get up but he groan as the feathers pierced through his leg and risk from moving.

"I don't think so!" Hawks breathes heavily. The pain from his side have made him weak. He pass out from the blood loss.

"Aw shit." Dabi says as he goes over and help Hawks up a bit as 36 wickedly chuckles, "Servers...him right!..Ungh..."

Tomura squeeze his neck with his hands. "Shut up. You don't have that much time to live!" He warn him as he pick up his shirt to show him his have rot flesh slowly spreading. He grin down at him, "If i die, I'm taking you with me to hell!" He smile at him. 36 face pale a bit as he knew exactly what he meant.

"So!" They heard a cold woman's voice above them. Tomura look up to see Andrea carrying an unconscious Sora over her shoulder all tied up. She carry Spinner in a bridal style with one hand. He's badly beaten up and bleeding. She look down at 36 with red glowing eyes. "Your the asshole who destroyed my house!"

36 gulps harshly known he was screwed. He look at Andrea who have a metal body cover by her rugged clothes. She didn't look human without her skin. But he knew it's her. The cold glares that he's getting from her tells him other wise.

She gently place Sora and Spinner down. She hold 36 around the neck. Squeezing it tight. He gasp for air, trying to talk.

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't kill instead of Tomura's quirk."

"Gaaah, heh, hello mother!" He smirks at her.

"Mother?" Tomura glare at him. Andrea look at him confused. She brought him close to her.

"I have no children!"

"Are you sure?" He lean a bit close, "Father is very angry with you! I guess making improvements of you isn't enough!" Andrea slam him to the ground with her hand tight around his throat. He struggles to breathe but laughs.

"Go ahead! Kill me! Hehehahahaha, they don't have much long anyway!" He pointed at Tomura who was already vomiting. Even Sora vomit while unconscious.

"Neither do you!" She pointed out his body already turned to rot flesh.

"BROTHER!" a young girl's voice echo down on them. They all look up to see a girl with black bat wings. She fly down gracefully land with her toe first her skin is all stitch up with other color tone skin on her. Andrea narrow her eyes at her. "I see you got yourself in a situation." She sound cold. She look over at them till she saw Hawks unconscious.

"Brother! Did you do that? I wanted that one!" She sound angry. "He was beautiful! Now he's runied!" She stomp her feet.

"I'll get you a new aaaah!"

"Quiet lad!" Andrea look at the girl with her eyes glowing red. "If you want your brother alive. Tell us the cure!"

"Why should I care?"


"16?...." Andrea look shock. She look at the girl who glare at 36.

"It's your own fault 36. You got caught and sloppy. The cure is his blood." She told them. She look at 36 with her eyes glowing. 36 scream in pain.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! STOP 16 STOP IT!" His eyes start to cry out blood. Andrea back away as 36 kick and scream. He hold his head and rock himself back and forth from the pain. He scream louder then before but then.


36 stop moving. His body froze. Andrea scan him but his heart stop. He's dead. She kill him as if nothing. His body start to move. His mouth open with a black goop smoke like snake slither out of his mouth.

"Sss, why did you do that!" The snake talk. "I sssss like that body!"

"Yes we'll, you damage my new toy." She glare at him.

"Ssss, did no such thing. He was already broken when he got here." The snake slither around her neck.

"Well then this was fun. But I'm board!" She told them.

Andrea and Dabi we're ready to catch them But 16 and 36 (the snake) fly up before they could even get the chance.

"Shit!" Dabi yelled.

*Cough, cough* "Doctor!" Tomura's voice croak and sound harsh. He pass out before he could say anything else.

The sound of the heart monitor echo the room. The breathing machine sits next to his bed. Feeling week from his wound, he barley have the strength to move. His vision is a bit hazy. But he look to his side to see a beautiful silver hair woman with a maids outfit. She seem to check the I.V. bag above him. He blush to see how beautiful she look, almost like a doll.

"Am I in heaven? Because dam, Angel. You must be the most beautiful woman I have ever lay eyes on."

Sora look at him. She hold her hand above him and slaps him.

"GAAAAAAAH! What was that for?" Hawks groan.

"You ask if you were in heaven. So I confirmed it by slapping you." She look down at him with a cold glare. She have a few bandages on. She was fine but mentally, she isn't. She look at Hawks with a loud sigh.

"The doctor we'll see how your doing." She told him. She was going to walk out she stop. She stare at the door knob, "I um... Heard what you did. Thank you." Walk out of the room. She see Dabi coming out of the room he was staying in.


"Hmmm." She nodded.

"How's stupid doing?"

"He's very... Um... Flirty!" She groan a bit.

Dabi felt a tick on his forehead,"Really?"

"But he should be fine." She told him.

"Hmmm," he nod.

"How's um, Spinner?" She look down on the ground.

"Doc have to give him pain killers. He's trying not to sleep, knowing the doc might take advantage of him." He joke. Sora didn't say anything. She tighten her fist. She felt ashame of what happened. Spinner did his best not to hurt her but in the end, she hurt him. If the doctor haven't stop her in time. She have no idea what would have happened.

"It's not your fault!" Dabi told her. She didn't answer him. He can see that she's upset with herself. "Lizard breathe knows it's not your fault." He told her with a head pat. Sora look at his cool blue eyes. She can see that he's trying to be nice.

"It's weird that your being nice!"

"Hey!" He growl a little.

"Heh!" She let out a small laugh. "I'll check on the boss." She told him. Dabi watch her walk away.

Andrea is in the room with Tomura. She check his vitals and heart beat along with every normal test.

"When can I leave?" He groan.

"Soon. But I just want to make sure that everything is okay." She told him.

"When you check for rabies, why didn't the poison show up?"

"Not all poison can be identified. It's possible that the venom was clear. Making it hard to even identify it in time. If we haven't made the antibiotics for you and Sora. Who knows what might happen." She told him.

"That asshole knew you. Didn't he?" Tomura ask her. Andrea lightly smile at him, "Let's not worry about that. You need to rest!"

"Sora is up!" He grunt at her.

"True but she lives here."

Tomura groan at her. He watch her write on her notebook.

"Your not going to tell me. Are you?"

"Tomura. Do you remember when you first met Hime?"

"How can I forget!" He sound annoyed and angry. "The little shit left my balls sore for three days!"

"Yes well, you did scare her by breaking in to my apartment."

"Uuuugh, why are you bringing this up?"

"Remember when we made an agreement. You give me protection for me and Hime."

"Yeah what about?'

"That's all I ask for you to do. Is protect Hime. No matter what. I don't need you to do anything else but that. What ever problems I'm facing. They're my own to face them alone. You and the league do not need to be a part of it."

"Are you kidding me! After what they did!" He yelled at her. He's frustrated. Spinner almost lost his live because of 36. He could've end him. Sora could have kill him. If they have finally came too, they would have... He would have...

"I know your angry." She told him calmly. "I'm angry too. After what they've done. They're not going to get away with it." She assure him. "However, they are my problem. Not yours."

"They made it my problem!"

"Tomura!" She look at him with a calm cold expression. She then let out a calm smile. "It's not your problem. Okay. Just focus on getting better and protect Hime. Okay."

Tomura didn't say anything. He can see that Andrea is putting on a fake smile. He didn't say anything more to. He knows she won't say anything else to him. Sora knock on the door."Come in, love!" Andrea call out to her. Sora walk in with a tray of food.

"I figured your hungry." She said.she walk towards them to place the tray down on a small table. "It's curry. Enjoy." She avoided eyes with them. Andrea sigh at this once Sora close the door.

"What's up with her?"

"She's..." Andrea sighs heavily, "let's just say. She's going through it."

"Going through it...?" Tomura raises and eyebrow as Andrea turns to him.

"Think about it. We already know what the past can do to a person, plus the fact the mind was manipulated by a form of toxin that can cloud the minds vision and cause such strong hallucinations into making the person think they are reliving their past is enough to make them feel guilt and regret—" she pauses for a minute and continues to check his vitals or so before speaking again, "we might look like we're fine after not just reliving the experiences once but twice and blinded by of attacking someone else who we mistook for what we "can see". You see what I mean?" Andrea look at him.

Tomura says nothing, he quickly catches on what she meant was he looks at the curry Sora had brought him. As he thought it more he knew that when they were under the "influence" of poison, Spinner was trying his best to keep from hurting his comrades—as for Sora and Tomura, they couldn't tell from friend or foe and that was taking a turmoil on Sora the most. Those basters are going to pay.

Sora sat in her room, staring blankly at the ceiling. It felt as if everything was slowly spiraling out of place, spiraling into a dark void that she thought she crawled out of but was soon force back into the many shadow faces that haunted her; two in particular. Her mother and stepfather.

She can still feel the callous of the beatings she endured from him but she numbed herself of the memory—only to fall into a trap of delusions and hysteria.

'...how...could I let myself fall into such a trap like this....I really thought I was fighting him, that MONSTER...when I wasn't just hurting myself—but Spinner... he suffer! Shit! Shit! Shit! I'm like him. I'm just like him!' She lays down on her bed. Covering her face with her arms. Her tears flow down but she shut her cry's of guilt.

She let her mind cut off from the thought of seeing Spinner so brutally beaten by her. She tried to close the clip but the reel of his bloody, unconscious and broken body was still playing in her mind like an old fashion film.

She let her mind play ugly tricks on her as she soon felt a small tear escape, the warm feeling of it running down her cheek as she could only remember her mother's words still echoing in her head, even after all the years the shadow of her face and voice rang out.

She kept quiet to make her mom happy and her twin happy. She never told her brothers because she knew they have things to worry about. Sora however couldn't take it. There were days that she couldn't get up from his beating. One night he cross the line with her. Her and her twin shared a room. He came in to her room. Sora heard whimpers next to her. When she open her eyes. She saw him touching her sister. Something inside Sora snapped. Her anger towards him boil up to her limit. She cut off his head with her quirk. Her sister scream by the sight of blood. When her mom came in to check. She saw the horror of her husband death.

When the cops came, they arrest Sora for murder. She cry and cry to her mother. Explaining to her what happened. But she didn't want to hear it.

"Mama! Mama! Please! Help me!" Sora pull to talk to her mother. Her mother glare at her. She slap her across the face. Sora widen her eyes in shock.

"He warn me about your behavior. How you stop going to school. How you keep hurting yourself. I gave you your space but you..."

"He hurt Luna! He was ..."

"STOP TALKING SUCH FILTH!" she slap her again. She sigh heavily, "I wish I never have you."

Sora widen her eyes in shock. She look at her mother who gave her a cold stare. "Don't ever considere me as your mother. Your not my daughter." She growl at her. Sora felt her heart broken. She look at her Twin who cry and reach out to her.

"Sora! Sora!"

"Luna!" She call out to her. Her sister cry to her but their mother pull her in to the house.



Luna kept crying as she see her other half going to jail. Sora felt broken. Hated. She was lock up in the Soviet Union jail house.

Sora heard the knock on her door, "Sora." The doctor call out to her. "I know we cannot say anything to make you feel better but believe me when I say, we don't blame you." She told her. Sora didn't say anything to her. She sigh behind the door.