
How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

How is it you go about defining good and evil? A question that has plagued the mind of our protagonist ever since he was born. ............... Floid, a young man born on earth suddenly finds himself transported into a world of magic and demons after playing the mysterious game 'Rivalle'. But in this world, he is reincarnated as a demon instead of the regular hero he played as. Join Floid as he paves his own path in this new world as a demons while facing suspicion for looking just like the greatest enemy of the demons, the hero. ....... I'd like to put this here for all those who will be interested in reading. This book is not the sort of novel where the main character goes around taking all the abilities in the world for himself. Nor would it be a book where only the main character has screen time and we only focus on what he's doing as he goes around saving damsels in distress. I want to write a novel where all the characters have their personalities and trials. The readers do not have to love only the MC since all the characters have something worth relating to, they can like any of the characters. There will be powers that the MC cannot have (Ever) and people the MC cannot fight (For now). Things will happen outside of the MC's control and he might never even know about it. If things like these aren't to your liking, or if you want a book where you just watch the MC run around and spawn crazy skills mindlessly, then this book might not be for you. But if you can stay with me on this journey, I promise to write something you'll love. -D_RegalInsomniac ........... This book will be a mix of magic, kingdom building and an absurdly interesting cast of characters. Everything that they do will be perfectly explained and all questions are welcome. Just like always, I will make a discord for us all to meet and see our favorite characters soon! ........ I'm currently working hard to correct some spelling errors in some chapters, so if you see any unfixed errors, please bear with me. ........ Please note, the harem will not be beyond five members and they will all be demon girls. The main character has a distaste for human nature and so he will not have any special relationship with any of them other than occasional sex. Thank you and see you inside! ...... P.P.S. Our discord is live!! Wanna see what your favourite characters look like, or you just wanna chat with other readers? Then use the link below!: https://discord.gg/FGrRuwE2TH

D_RegalInsomniac · Fantasy
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283 Chs

The Valkyrie Lives In Valhalla

"You'll die if you ignore me too much,"

Valkyrie's heart skipped a beat as a voice whispered from in front of her! Floid! She quickly swung her sword around to try and attack him but the sword was stopped dead in its tracks by two fingers! Valkyrie's eyes widened! What the hell!?

Floid held the sword for a moment before he felt a sting on his fingers. His skill [Greater Hardening] allowed Floid to strengthen his skin to very high levels so long as he had enough mana. Floid had more than 150,000 mana points now, so he could strengthen his skin till it was almost as tough as a diamond! But still, how come I'm feeling pain? Oh, that's right. How could I forget about one of the most annoying things about the heroes? The holy blessing.

Floid let go of the sword and allowed Valkyrie to jump away from him. He completely forgot that there was a blessing that protected all the weapons of the heroes. That blessing was granted by the human god. It was a very deadly thing to use against a demon and that is why every hero was able to kill demons quickly.

Floid watched Valkyrie smile viciously when she saw the burn mark on his fingers and he ignored her as he activated his other skill [Healing]. His finger quickly started to heal up and before even a second, it was all gone. Floid then picked up a stick from the side of the road! He held it in front of him and then he motioned for her to come.

Valkyrie grit her teeth as she went mad with anger! What doe he think he is doing!? Is he trying to taunt her!? How dare he!? He actually thinks that I will lose to a stick!? Valkyrie jumped after Floid in anger and slashed at him with all her might!

Floid parried!

With a stick!

Valkyrie couldn't believe her eyes! And at that moment when she was distracted, Floid charged forward and slammed his stick into the solar plexus! Valkyrie felt all the air leave her at once and she gasped before falling to her knees! But she didn't stay like that for long as she quickly stood and slashed at him with a vengeance! This time, her slash was twice as quick as before! The hit that Floid gave her just now was damaging enough to increase her speed drastically!!

Floid dodged and then he slammed the stick into her lower back! Valkyrie was the sort of person that never bothered to use any body-strengthening magic. It would reduce the effects of her [Kinetic Rebuff] if she did! She wouldn't be able to get as much strength if she doesn't receive maximum damage! And so her body was the same as any regular human!

So, when Floid used his reinforced body to swing the stick at her back, there was a loud 'Snap!' that echoed across the road and Valkyrie suddenly fell to the ground! She couldn't feel her legs anymore! Was that her spine!?

Valkyrie frowned and immediately activated her skill [Healing]. Her bone snapped back into place with a loud 'Crack' and she charged for Floid again. She was confident that she would be stronger than hi now! Her skill was making her stronger and it would take a lot of mana for Floid to keep up with her moves! She just has to do this till he runs out of mana!

Floid dodged once more and this time, it was her shoulder that broke. It just kept on happening over and over and over again! No matter how much faster she got! No matter much stronger she became! She couldn't catch him! Floid was just playing with her!

Valkyrie was getting frustrated! She was sure that her power was four times higher than what it was in the beginning! What is going on here!? How can he still keep up with me!? It's like he increases his strength every time I increase my own! He should have already run out of mana by now!

After fighting against Dragonnel for so many days, this was like child's play for Floid. Dragonnel insisted that the demon lord should have top-tier knowledge in swordplay and magic and he has been training Floid on how to hold and use a sword properly. And when you add that to his current swords master knowledge... This was truly child's play.

She was fast, but Floid just added more mana to his body and his feet became faster. She was strong, but Floid just added more mana to his skin and he became stronger. Her holy weapon couldn't touch him because he was too agile! No matter what Valkyrie did, she had already lost! Even as an SSS class knight, fighting someone with infinite Mana will still end with you losing!

Then something started to happen. Valkyrie's spells were no longer working. Floid broke her knee and Valkyrie quickly healed it, but she realized that it still hurt. Every time she moved there was some pain there! She immediately knew what was going on. She was running out of Mana! She has used the healing spell so many times! Her spells couldn't work without Mana! How many times has she used her spells now!? How many broken bones have I healed!? And why the hell am I the one running out of Mana!? It should take a lot of Mana for Floid to keep up with my power so why is he not the one to run out of Mana!?

Valkyrie decided that she had to run! She couldn't win here today so the best option was to run away. Maybe she can call reinforcements and then come back later!

[Rapid Strike]

Floid suddenly vanished and appeared in front of Valkyrie before she could go a single step and he slammed her across the face with his wood!

Valkyrie flew to the side before crashing into the ground! She quickly put her hand up to her jaw and noticed that he dislocated it! She snapped the jaw back into place with her hand and activated [Healing]!!

Nothing happened. She was dry out of mana! Valkyrie felt Floid put his leg on her knee and press down and a large Snap! Echoed across the road again! Her mouth hung open in pain and she tried to reach for the sword that she had let go of. She still had one trump card up her sleeve but she needed to get her sword for her to do it! But, what is this!? How is he this strong!? He wasn't this strong when he was the hero! He couldn't even beat me in a sword match back then! I was the one that trained him!

Floid recognized that he was doing it again. That tendency that he has to take fights to the extreme. Floid was always an aggressive person and something like this was exciting to him! Watching the opponent slither and crawl on the ground as you take everything away from them! Watching them as they realize they have no hope and seeing the light leave their eyes slowly! Floid felt his entire body shiver in narcissistic glee!

"Hey, Valkyrie. Do you not know who you are fighting against right now. You still have the thought that I'm the hero in your head and you are fighting while thinking that you will beat the hero. I'm not a hero and I don't think I ever truly was. Now, who was the one that planned my murder?"

Valkyrie grit her teeth as Floid pressed harder on her broken knee! She tried to reach for her sword again but she was completely out of Mana! She couldn't even move!


Another crack echoed from her other knee and she immediately shouted!

"It was the princess! She was the one that planned it! You were just too annoying with your stupid self-righteousness! If you were a bit more sensible you would have noticed that she hated you!! She was afraid that you would take the throne of her kingdom from her and she killed you! Is that what you wanted to hear?"

Floid didn't actually think that she would give up her accomplices so easily. Well, at least he now knows that they all have no love for each other. They might have fought together but that didn't make any of them friends. Floid never really liked any of them.

Floid walked past Valkyrie and took up her sword before she could reach for it. The stinging sensation burned across his palm as he held it and Valkyrie thought he would drop it immediately, but she was shocked when he didn't!

Floid increased his [Greater Hardening] skill and he could feel the burning sensation lessen till it completely disappeared. If they want to use a holy object against me then they should bring their god himself. Maybe that will be enough to make me die.

Floid put the tip of the sword on the back of Valkyrie's neck and Valkyrie sighed as she realized she would die. So this is how she goes? She didn't fear death, but she never thought that it would be the former hero that kills her! The acceptance she showed was impressive and so he decided to give her a quick death as he plunged the sword down into her neck and ruptures her windpipe!


If she had tried to shout or even beg, then Floid would have made her death even worse! Hmm. Does that make him a sadist?

[Host has completed the Quest 'Find the Japanese swordswoman and kill her'. The rewards will be distributed immediately]

The love. I really didnt expect so many people to love this book as much as they do, but I'm really glad! I'll make sure not to disappoint any of you! There'll be an extra chapter today as promised!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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