
How not to summon a demon king

This is about a young man no older than 18 who was given a chance to continue playing his favorite game Cross Reverie as a over powered demon king. After killing the player who calls himself Diablo the true demon lord in the game they both love then was summon into a another world.

Samuel_Twitty_6198 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


After returning to the room, he locked the door.

It was already midnight. The only light sources in the dimly lit room were the candles on the wall. The only things that could be faintly seen were things like the bed, the wall, and the two of them.

Since there were no chairs, Diablo sat Rem down on the bed, then turned his attention to her she was looking down at the floor. Her little panther ears were lying flat on her head, and were trembling slightly.

Slowly reaching for Rem chin and gently rising her head to look at me. Using my thumb to caress her cheek and hold her body still from trembling.

"There is only one thing I wish to know... Why will you not get me in to this secret of your I promise you can tell me."

"...I can't say."

Even though she was this beginning to clam down , it seemed she had no intention of revealing her secret.

Diablo was hesitant. The reason he wanted to ask Rem about her circumstances was because he wanted her to know he was someone she could trust and talk to. He wanted to avoid making their relationship worse, which would also serve to make this an even bigger problem.

"Do you attend me to lend you my power while hiding things from me?"

"...That...That is true, but...I do not want to talk about it."

"Would this secret of yours happen to be something that would be harmful for me and anyway?"

Her voice sank

"...No... If I say it, then you will leave me as well..."

In the dim light, her eyes full of despair, Rem looked so despondent. It was enough for Diablo to truly feel for her and almost make him stop. She continued.

"...I have a terrible secret. If you were just a powerful Summon, then I may have been able to talk with you about it. But as it is now, you have the choice of choosing between me or Shera...and that is why I am afraid. I need the power of the Demon King Diablo...but if you learn my secret, then you may distance yourself from me."

It also seemed that there were people who distanced themselves because they knew her demon lord problem. It was enough to have hurt her emotionally to now.

If Diablo had chosen to play the role of a direct lover, then that's probably how it would have turned out.

He didn't have any magic words that could heal the pasted wounds on Rem's heart. He didn't have enough time to get her to trust him, but he as damn sure going to try all he can do to open her up.

"I understand why you don't want to say it. However, what I want to know is why Celes came to visit you. Did you think that a Demon King would hold back on you?"


Rem tried to resist, but she was already sitting down.

He managed to skillfully force down Rem onto the bed. As you'd expect of a Pantherian, she has a beautiful, small and light body. Chasing after her arms who try to escape then pining them together over her head.

Diablo's AGI (Agility) and STR (Strength) stats were far above hers. It seemed that Rem was taking off guard to be able to use her true power.

"Ku-ku-ku... It seems like I will be forced to make you tell me after all."

"Ngh... A-Are you planning...to disgrace me?"

"Oh no I just going to make you want to scream out this secret."

He had gradually lowered, his voice, and move closer to her head and began to whisper in her cute little cat ears. And slowly putting himself in a better position over her little frame. That was incredibly slow and planned every move made taking more and more of a dominant position.

—As an text book example of a single man, Diablo rarely took things slow with woman but it feel right. And now I'm making myself more comfortable with the passion. Having come to a conclusion at what Diablo's silence meant, Rem shut her eyes tight. She was trembling.

She had long, thin eyebrows, with small shoulders, surprisingly thick thighs and legs, doll-like fingers, and light-pink lips. There was also an earthy smell to her. Was it because Pantherians were Earth-type?

Not only that, but she smelled sweet, too.

Her clothes were in disarray, and because the hem of her dress-like outfit had been pulled up, her snow-white thighs were showing.

Damn. She was so cute, the feeling was overwhelming that, no matter where he ended up touching her, he would be amazing at her. Tears were glistening in the corners of her eyes. Well, he had already gone so far as to grab her and push her down.

The question was, what would he do next. He thought that maybe he would be able to make her talk by threatening her with a little passion... But now, even thinking of doing that to her was too exciting to think about.

Her black hair spilled out over the sheets, kind of making it seem like she was becoming one with the bed completely laying down. Seeing the way her skin blends with the bedsheets. Those were the kinds of pose that modeled themselves after girls posed in this way, after all.

Rem's ears were trembling, as if they were trying to hide in her hair. He reached out and bit her silky panther ears. They were thin. Not only that, but her fur was soft and smooth to the touch as well.

"Chomp… you are delicious do you mind if I take a another bit."

The feeling of sliding his fingers from the base to the edges of her ears was nothing short of absolute bliss, and the resistance her fur gave when he brushed it the opposite direction was heavenly. He relished the feeling of stroking her fur. Rem's body twisted about.


"Ooh what's wrong? How Does it feel?"

"...I-It does... C-Could you please...stop that?"

She was just barely managing to hold onto her cool personality. It seemed like her ears were quite a sensitive spot I loved to see what her tail like. Diablo smiled.

"Then you should tell me.. Tell me your little secret kitty."

"No.. no w.. way!?"

"So you can't say it... Then there no way I can hold my hand."

Gently grasping her tail, he began rubbing it slowly getting closer to her back. Rem's body twitched in response.

"Hyan...!? Ah...ah...! You...can't...!"

"I know your tail would make you feel good but tell me which is better, is it?"

He made his attack by tracing circles around her fur, just barely on the verge of touching it. Taking a bite out of her ear, grabbing her tail tighter and blowing air on her neck. Rem kept twitching.

"Fuwahh!? Nghhh... That's too...ngh...kuh... Hnng... It...tickles... no wait that good.."

Her calm and collected attitude was no more. Her expression having been broken down, she was gasping in a higher-pitched voice than. Wrapped Her tail around Diablo forearms and arching her back.

"Now, how about the base of your ears?"

This time he would try scratching behind the base of her ears. He made sure to use the tips of his fingers to ease, his way up her spine in a way that wouldn't hurt her. Rem kept twitching, her body seeming like it was jumping in shock as her slender white fingers grasped the bed.

"Hah! Ah! Mmmph! N-no more...ngh... Not, there... Ah! If you scratch there... A-Ahhhhh...!! Not behind my eaaaars!!"

"Are you going to tell me your secret kitty?"

"...I... I will, not..."

"Aren't you a stubborn one. Then, how about if I do this!"

Taking one ear in both his hands, he used all ten fingers to stimulate the base of her ear. Scratch scratch bite scratch bite scratch bite scratch...


Rem's back muscles tightened, raising her hips into Diablo body that was over Rem. Her hair completely disheveled, she tried to escape by moving to the edge of the bed. He thought it would be dangerous if she fell, but was afraid he would hurt her if he went to push her down to stop her thrashing around this much.

Even if God could forgive someone for putting a scratch on her beautiful skin, a Demon King would not. This should make it so she wouldn't fall off the bed. Easily pick her up and putting her between his lap and wrapping his around her.

"W.. what going on!"

Since he was hanging over her, his lips were incredibly close to her ears. Was it because he had been breathing on her? Her reaction then had seemed incredibly honest. He tried blowing in her ears.



"I know you don't know me very well but I truly wish to now you and take care of you. I can tell that this secret is an huge burden on you, it has been for a long time all I wish is to take some of that weight away."

"Nn..no I can't tell you, you would leave me if I didn't."

Rem's breathing was ragged, and her face was crimson red. Tears poured from the corners of her eyes; her body slumped into his arms, and she gripped Diablo forearms with her fingertips.

"You can't ~~you can't leave me too pl..please."

Suddenly Diablo's hold on Rem gets tighter and her trembling starts to stop within his grasp. His body lowers and breath stands at a stand still, then a release of breath that took his troubles away.

"There is nothing in this world that could make me leave you I'll be here for you."

Dragging his hand in front of them, And closing his eyes then blank out. with a few unconscious thoughts of his some freeze cold air gatherers on his palm. A delicate looking frozen heart with veins of light coursing, it's way through the plumbing heart. Bring it back towards Rem and placing it over her hands. Tilting his hand, and suddenly a chain, connecting to the ice heart sliding into her hands.

"Ww..what i..is this."

"Haheha it's for you a model of my heart so you know I can't not lie to you, I will always be with you with this. Rem, just leave it all to me. No matter what your circumstances may be, I will accept it all."

Rem kept trembling over and over in his arms.

As her screams continued, it was almost shocking how someone as small as herself was able to make screams that loud.


After the loudest scream from her yet, Rem collapsed as her strength left her. In the end, her voice was hoarse from her screams. Even the sound of her breathing had quieted, causing him to worry.

"...U...uhu... *hic*"

Rem let out a sob. Great I made her cry! Diablo propped himself up with his elbows.


"Uhu... *hic*... Oo, hng... *hic*"

The area around Rem's eyes was completely red.

Transparent tears dripped down and stained her cheeks.

—Oh shit, I may have overdone it a little.

"Are you ok would you like me to go are something?"

"...N...o... I'm...happy...really happy..."


Did the gift do it for her!?

"...U...ngh... Because...you said you would accept me...n-no matter my circumstances..." she said, her voice mixed with her sobs.

"Hm? Oh, b-but of course!" It has a be the gift right!?

He did feel like he had blurted out something like that in the heat of the moment. After making the heart he did know what to do after. What was he going to do if he didn't already know he secret.

Rem's breathing calmed down. Looking at her she definitely need some water supply or something around here he could have grabbed some water for her. He would have to buy some from the counter at the bar if he wanted any. Are I could just make it like I did for the heart that should be simple in comparison.

Though it wasn't something you could normally do in-game, he is able to expand upon how he used his elemental magic in this world. If he just imagined the basics of how a dehumidifier worked, he should be able to extract moisture from the air itself.

He decided to give it a shot doing it on purpose. Diablo opened the palm of his hand, imagining a small figure made of ice forming in it. Even if the shape was simple, it would do fine. He thought of something that he was always using, a cup, as well as gathering water molecules from the air. This would be the basics of the basics of magic.

""Ice" and "Water"."

A flash of light came from Diablo's hand, and in it appeared a cup made of ice with water inside.

He already had experience with a spell like this, so he just tried to remember what he did subconsciously. Rem's eyes widened.

"What's...this again?"

"A cup with water. The cup is made of ice, so it might be slippery."

Supporting her back, he helped sit her upright and handed her the cup.

"...It's cold..."

"Don't drink it all at once kitty. Take it slow."

Holding the ice cup in both hands, she sated her thirst. If he was able to make glass or other kinds of ceramics, that would be a big help in living here. I wonder if that would be Earth-type magic?

He would have to remember that for later to try out. When he had the time, he would give that a try as well. Rem exhaled deeply.


"Are you done already?"

She nodded in response. When she did, he made the cup and the water vanish. By the time he noticed, he was sitting next to her on the bed, arms supporting her. Almost like how two lovers would hold each other.

Rem turned her gaze toward him, I wonder if this is what it feels like when a kitten stares at you. She seemed frightened, but also as if she was hoping for something. Diablo did not rush her Rem opened her mouth.

"...Inside of my body...is sealed the soul of the Demon Lord, Krebskulm."

Diablo nodded. "Hm! I see."

Rem's eyes were the ones to widen in surprise.

"...What? Is that all? Doesn't that repulse you? Doesn't that make you afraid? A-Are you not...going to hate me...?"

"The soul of the Demon Lord Krebskulm? Repulsive? Scary? I am the Demon King Diablo, you know some little Demon lord can't scare me."

"...Then, that means..."

"Celes said that she wanted to protect you. From that, I believe it would be reasonable to think Krebskulm will be released upon your death, or if you are taken away by the Fallen, they will release it somehow. Not only that, but as of now you are unaware of a method to remove it from yourself. If you did, she would surround you with the armies of this world, then draw out Krebskulm to defeat him. As of now, the only person that knows about this should be Celes. Of course, it seems like no one in this town has any idea, and that goes the same for the underlings from the Mage's Association, too. I would think that someone such as that crazy bodyguard from earlier would never address someone who carried the soul of a Demon Lord in them as 'Lady.' As far as they are concerned, they only know you as a very accomplished Summoner. How's that? Did I get anything wrong?"

Her eyes widened.

"...Th-That's correct... The soul will be released when I die."

"Then I will ask: did your mother carry the soul of the Demon Lord Krebskulm as well?"


Rem nodded.

—So that means the soul of Krebskulm is hereditary. From mother to daughter if you think about it's a lot like the Uzumaki and the nine tail fox. If this was the anime, Takuma would be waiting to take care of this by that fallen girl right.

Well now that I'm here I could just bring her out maybe using the [Demon King's Ring of Authority] or should I just bring her out and still with plot. But really not only that, but as an Adventurer, she was severely lacking in power.

"Hmph... Seems like even God can defy expectations. Forcing everything on this girl and then disappearing... Very well. I will take out the soul of the Demon Lord Krebskulm for you. As for pulling it out of you, some research will be required to find a method."

Besides what Celes already understood, she should be researching a bunch of other things as well. He would make sure to ask her about it the next time he saw her. Maybe I can use that as a excuse to get up and close to her.

It looked like he had been right going this way to make her tell me the secret. This information was sure to be the key for the story quest that would lead me to many more woman.

"Hm? What's the matter, Rem?"


Tears were pouring from her face even harder than before.

"...Th-This is...the first time...someone didn't...leave... Wahhhh!"

—That's right. Rem had been worried that I would leave her once she told me her secret. I wondered just how may people have leave her after that secret come out. If I see just one of them I would kill them for leaving her.

"Hmph... You underestimate me! For Diablo, the Demon King of all world... I am not so weak as to leave you over a thing like that."

Rem gave a sob and tried to say something, but he couldn't make it out. Eventually, just like a kid, she tired herself out from crying and fell asleep.

Since she was already on top of the bed, he made sure to cover her with a blanket.

She had always been on edge up until now, but this was the first time she had an expression of relief on her face. Diablo heaved a sigh.

"But man, I really did make her scream, huh... And as she was crying, too. I'm pretty sure the other rooms must have heard that... Wonder what they're gonna think of me. Man... Oh well, I am the greatest Demon king, after all. I guess it'll be fine."

He should go and tell Shera that they were finished up here. I guess I should also go and apologize to the receptionist as well.