

Happy Harbor, Connecticut. Mount Justice:

The Young Justice team is in the middle of a partner training session. At the moment, Robin and Aqualad are facing off against the team's trainer, Black Canary. Artemis, Kid Flash, Miss Martian, and Superboy line the border of the lighted platform. They're watching as their two leaders hold their own against one of their mentors. Everyone on this team has their partners -- some their family members -- as role models. She is Superboy's only mentor. He's grateful for someone to teach him how to fight, but he doesn't have anyone to help him with his powers. Superman was supposed to, but Superboy has given up on him by this point.

When Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash rescued him from CADMUS, he thought he could finally have a normal life. He had a second chance. Instead, Superboy was disappointed and confronted with the fact that he was still just a clone, a weapon. He wants to prove that his purpose is no longer to kill and replace Superman. No matter what he did, though, Superman either avoided him or looked at him like he shouldn't have been there. Superboy was sad and angry at first, but now he's just accepted the depressing situation. At least he has his team to call a family, no matter how strange.

In the present, Superboy is silently watching the sparring match, mentally rooting for his friends to win. He knows Black Canary will most likely still win, but he can always hope. His hopes lose as the woman throws Aqualad and Robin from the platform in succession, an out-of-bounds defeat.

The two boys groan in disappointment and slight pain. Kid Flash hands Artemis ten dollars as a part of their bet held before the match began. Superboy notices that they've been doing that ever since they met each other, always trying to outdo one another. He doesn't know whether to be intrigued or concerned.

Superboy's attention goes back to the center of the grid, where Black Canary is giving them her feedback.

"Not bad, you're both improving. Robin, you're putting too much focus into head-on attacks. Don't forget to go on the defensive. Aqualad, don't be afraid of close encounters or using your strength to the max. Your enemies won't go easy on you as I do." She finishes.

"That was going easy?" Robin asks the smart-alec he is. Black Canary smirks. The other can't tell if she's playing along with the joke or being creepy.

Whatever was going to happen next is lost as a call comes in from Batman. Everyone listens as he speaks, expecting a new mission from the Dark Knight.

"There's an emergency at one of LexCorp's satellite labs. One of their experimental devices is causing chaos in the downtown Metropolis Area. There's no time to explain everything. Just get here and help control the situation outside. Make sure no one gets killed." The transmission cuts off in a burst of static. From the background noise on the other side, Batman's right. It doesn't sound good. What he was going to say after that isn't essential. The Young Justice team knows what to do by now.

Black Canary sets the coordinates that the transmission came from for the Zeta tube as the young heroes run toward it. They waste no time. In a flash of light, they're on their way to whatever warzone Metropolis has become this time.