
Chapter 10: To Japan

After preparing a traditional Japanese meal, Leo and Roberta sat down to enjoy breakfast together. Typically, it would be the maid's duty to cook for her master, but since Roberta lacked culinary skills, Leo often took on the task of preparing meals for both of them.

After finishing their meal, Leo swiftly completed some paperwork that had been taking Roberta a while to handle. Unlike Roberta, Leo was well-educated. In addition to his knowledge from a past life, he also held a degree in finance in his current life, which made it easy for him to understand legal terms and sign the documents.

He then went to his room and donned his typical three-piece suit. While most people might find wearing such formal attire a hassle, Leo loved appearing professional. He enjoyed normalcy, but his job required a professional appearance. What was his job, you ask? He was actually a high-ranking bodyguard with an A+ rating.

After getting ready, Leo walked into the main hall and noticed Roberta washing dishes in the kitchen.

Shaking his head, Leo approached her and hugged her from behind.

"Didn't I tell you to rest?" he whispered, kissing Roberta's cheek, causing her to blush. His hands gently caressed her abs, which were subtly outlined beneath her maid uniform. Her firm butt against Leo's manhood also made the Hispanic maid flinch.

"I-I am sorry, master. I will get some rest after washing these," Roberta replied, not resisting Leo's affectionate gestures. In truth, she allowed Leo to be close and affectionate with her from time to time. While he had the freedom to be more intimate, he never wanted to go against Roberta's wishes, regardless of the situation. If kisses and hugs could maintain the warmth in their relationship, then he saw no need to push for more.

"No, that won't do," Leo insisted, turning Roberta to face him. "You're going straight to bed to rest. I'll ask the other maids to take care of the dishes. And I won't take no for an answer."

Roberta smiled and nodded in agreement.

"And no matter what, I won't give up on you. I know you love me too, so if you could just say yes, I would never even think about talking to other women."

"That's…" Roberta lowered her head, her voice filled with hesitation. "This is not possible. I am old and dirty. My master deserves a dignified woman to stand beside him."

Leo couldn't help but shake his head at those cringe-ass lines. He knew words wouldn't work on Roberta - stubborn as ever and haunted by the shadows of her past sins. He wasn't exactly a saint himself, but Roberta clung desperately to her old life, despite the new identity and fresh start.

"We both know I don't care about that, and I've made it very clear," Leo stated, his words causing Roberta to dip her head further.

But he couldn't keep pressuring his loyal maid. Lifting her chin, he smiled. "I'll wait as long as you need, Roberta. Trust me, stubbornness runs in my family too." With that, he planted a kiss on her forehead. "Now get some rest. Take a few days off."

"Very well," Roberta replied, a genuine smile warming her face. "But will you be alright without me? Last time I wasn't around, you somehow ended up in Antarctica."

Leo nearly face-planted at the memory. Yes, he admitted, he was a bit careless, relying on Roberta for practically everything. Heck, if it weren't for his powers back in the OPM world, he might have gotten lost in some entirely different anime dimension – like a certain green-haired swordsman he knew.

"Ahem, I'll manage," Leo rolled his eyes.

"Then I shall take some time off," Roberta smiled, the expression quickly turning serious. "But Master, don't you even think about leaving the city without telling me."

"I won't," Leo sweatdropped.

With a final, deep bow, Roberta exited the hall, leaving Leo alone with his thoughts.

Leo frowned when he saw the incoming call ID. "Hello, mother..."

[Is this the way a son talks with his mother, you lil' bitch?!] A loud voice erupted from the other end, nearly deafening Leo.

"A mother also doesn't call her son a bitch."

[Shut it. Anyway, I called you to hear about your life. I heard your recent girlfriend left you.]

As much as Leo disliked someone meddling in his life, he couldn't keep news from reaching his mother. She had substantial shares in Facebook, Twitter, Tinder—you name it—and she also ran an information exchange office, dealing with both international and underworld information.

"Can you not pry into my affairs?" Leo massaged his temples. "If you just don't meddle with Roberta's case..."

[Well, you won't understand the matter for the moment. To the next topic, it seems like you need to visit Japan.]

"Wait, is father dead or something? Do I have to take over his little Yakuza factory?" Leo questioned.

[Shame on you for assuming your father's death. It is not like that. As for his Yakuza factory, you may have to deal with them.]

Leo wondered just what was going on with his family.

[Well, it is up to you, but it seems like your brother is being forced to marry a woman from a gangster family.]

"WHAT?!" Leo screamed, hearing the news. Although he lived a separate life away from his brother and father after his parents separated, it didn't mean he didn't care about his family.

[I don't know much detail since I wasn't keeping an eye on them for a while, but that's what I heard.]

Leo was confused. It seemed impossible for his mother not to know more, considering she ran the largest information parlor in the world. He was sure she was hiding something.

"Please don't tell me I have kids in Japan?" Leo asked nervously. In his life, many women had come and gone, with whom he had embarked on quite a few adventures without any precautions. And lately, he got a feeling that some may have fostered his sperms into new life. Just thinking of bearing child support or acting as father made him shiver.

[Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough!]

Suddenly, his mother started coughing.

[You seriously need some ass whooping, you crazy fucker. Bye!]

And with that, the call ended, leaving Leo even more bewildered about his upcoming trip to Japan and his tangled family affairs.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" Leo mused, increasingly troubled by how much his mother meddled in his life. His relationship with her wasn't the happy, garden-like setting it once was when he was oblivious to her intrusiveness.

Just then, another familiar number flashed on his phone.

[Hello, big brother…]

Speak of the devil, it was his brother calling.

"Speak up, little brother. I heard that you're being forced to marry a gangster's daughter?"

Those words were enough to break his little brother into tears.

[Sniff* Big brother, I don't know what to say… on top of that, that woman is a gorilla.]

"Say no more, I am coming to Japan!" Leo cut the call before his little brother could say another word. "Time to hit Japan." With a sense of resolve and urgency, he began to prepare for his journey, ready to destroy whatever was troubling his brother.


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