
Where am I?

Where am I?

"As soon as I recall myself, I remember saying these words again."

A dream? No it feels too cold...


...Wait why am I dreaming this again...?

"I stand up and didn't fell asleep like last time."

"I never notice but..."

The flowers are endless wherever you look at.

"My eyes shines like the pot of gold is right it front of me. So beautiful that I take my chance and touch them."


I can't move?...

I can walk but why does it feel like I'm not moving...?

"It's like..."

"The tree is pulling me back...."


...That gave me the chills...

"So I sit down beside the tree, waiting to wake up."

This feels too real for a dream...

The grass, the light, and the wind is too calming for me...

"I look at the horizon the flowers sure is endless."

A nice paradise within the eyes while being hold back with a rope around your neck...


"I wake up."

*toot toot*

I need to get ready for school.

~End of Part 2~

I tried my best ╥﹏╥).... even if my best wasn't good enough...

Anienocreators' thoughts