
How it Began: The Phoenix Down Prequel

Young adult Phoenix, Grace Willheart and Heart Venium, are arranged to be married. Amidst the silent war between Human and Phoenix, Grace grows weary of her future responsibilities. She finds aid in a dangerous place, throwing the conflict between the two species into chaos. Read the life struggle that lead to a new generation.

Pyreiella · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Uncertainty Begins

1974 - In a mountain range outside of Perth, Australia


Her eyes flickered as a strong current of doubt flooded her. Grace Willheart felt as if the room suddenly went cold as eyes moved towards her. The ceremony for picking who would marry the son of the leader, or King rather, wasn't much different than other arranged marriages in their culture but Grace wasn't ready for it. The seers and their white eyes watched her, as if they could see through her very soul. Who knew, maybe they could. Maybe they could feel the doubt, the nervousness, the fear wracking her mind and body. She had always cared for Heart, as her family was the family assigned to advising the royalty. The two, same in age, had grown up always feeling some sort of romantic tension between them. Never did she imagine, though, that she would be sitting here being handed a royal marriage necklace. The young woman nervously moved her fiery hair to one shoulder and let her shaking hands slowly push up on Heart's forearms. He was kneeling on one knee with the necklace held gently in both hands, the council of seers behind him. The Phoenician prince rose with her instruction and moved to clasp the golden chain around her neck. Their blue eyes met, even as he stood almost six inches taller than her. Once the necklace was clasped, the seers together quietly spoke something she didn't understand. Heart's right index finger lightly stroked the small red pendent now resting on her sternum. As he did so, a faint red glow shined and the two took a deep breath.

"We have to bring the wedding forward," The loud voice of Heart's father, the king, broke the silence, "I know tradition is to marry a year after the exchange to emotionally council both and train them for their duties, but the human hunters are relentless."

Heart's eyes grew sad and moved to look to the side, away from everyone. Grace watched his features shift, as he now appeared dejected rather than excited, before looking towards her soon to be father, "Sir, might I request the reason why?"

"Being from a family not of high position, I can't imagine you know much, but Miss Willheart," The king frowned, "You were also raised not to question my authority. But, I should let you know I don't expect to see myself making it through this war. I will need you two to stay strong and take on your duties, even if it's overwhelming at first."

As the seers now rose from their mats, they nodded in silence at the king. Gabriel, a seer and friend of the family turned his head to Grace and Heart, "We will push you through extensive preparations within the next week. You shall marry Prince Heart Venium at the end of your training."

"A week?!" Both Grace and Heart spoke together this time, grabbing hands and staring angrily at Gabriel.

"A week it is," The king's voice was stern as he slammed the bottom of his spear against the ground, "Heart has been assigned a new attendant. You may be on your separate ways."

With that, the King and the council of seers left. Heart and Grace only had an awkward moment before another came in. Heart turned and smiled, "Tahlia!"

Tahlia Feal, Heart's closest friend, stood, smiling calmly in return, "Hey lovebirds. I will have you know that after much convincing, my parents were able to have me assigned to take care of you, Heart."

Grace shook her head. Was this jealousy now mixing with her doubt and anger, "No, no. I should still be helping him."

"We won't have much time for each other, " Heart laughed quietly, brushing her cheek with his hand, "Save the feelings for the wedding."

Wedding. Marriage. Grace grew cold again, stepping back again. This was too fast and the two had never verbally expressed their feelings for each other. Just because the seers and elders decided their union would happen, it still didn't feel right. She had wanted a moment like she had read about in books or heard in songs. Not some ceremony announcing their engagement. Humans had the better side of the coin in this matter and it made her uneasy just thinking about it. "Heart," Grace cleared her throat, staring at Tahlia in frustration for a moment before turning her eyes back to his, "You love me, yes?"

"And here I thought that was already evident," He kept his smile, melting her heart and frustrating her more, "Or course. But I'm saving those words. Now head on back to your living space. I know they have a special dinner planned for you before they start their training."

"But I-" Grace was about to speak before Tahlia interrupted. Her eyes softened and seemed to care as she spoke, though the words would never settle right in Grace's mind, "Heart has to train, as well. And while you have to say goodbye to your... hairstyles, human clothes, and technology, we have to prepare for potential funerals, including Heart's family. Please. Just go. We will see you again soon."

The newly engaged Grace stroked her own hair, patted as the back combed bump, and frowned. She let her fingers slide to a chunk of hair she had temporarily dyed black with charcoal. They were going to mold her into someone she didn't want to be. Her eyes fell to the floor, not bothering to see Heart and Tahlia leave her in the room alone. Eventually, she composed herself and walked with a fake confidence back to the living area dedicated to her family. Her parents were always out working, and more recently with her father, training to fight, so she was still alone. Grace entered the safety of her own room and tied the curtains in place. Off came the basic grey cloth of a top she had to wear and she threw on a band shirt she had snagged while in town. It was well worn but still smelled of cigarette smoke. The redhead fell into the bed of furs, losing herself in comfort for a moment before slipping on headphones, pressing play, and letting the loud, emotional rock music drown out her thoughts.