
Chapter 34: At that moment Marcus understood Sanji’s shattered dream.

[You thought I was dropping but it is I Chapter 34-SAMA!!!]

After the whole Black Adam attack, the duo was hospitalized. They were healed after a few days, but they stayed as Marcus had said that it was not just their bodies that were injured. Invincible saw that Rachel would sometime tremble when the news was talking about Black Adam. He did not like seeing her like that. It reminded him of when he met her and all the time she cried after getting a goodnight of sleep. He had already made up his mind to beat the hell out of her father, who to this day, she still never revealed. He already knew what to do after they leave the hospital.

What Invincible didn't know was the real reason behind Raven's tremble. She was not afraid of Black Adam but herself. When Black Adam had knock her out, she lost control of herself and partially went a demon. It healed her but she was planning to kill Black Adam after torturing him, at least that was her train of thought at that moment. She could still remember her thoughts at that time, and she was afraid of what would happen if Invincible had not beaten Black Adam to the point of surprising her.


When she woke up her skin had turned red, and she grew two more eyes. All four eyes were yellow. She floated towards Black Adam as she could sense his magic. When She arrived, she saw a bloodied Black Adam, whose eyes had the fear of God printed on them. She also saw an enraged Invincible. This surprised her as no matter what happened she never saw him this angry, angry enough to kill. Her confusion grew when she realizes a transparent spherical thing was shrinking. As it was shrinking, she could feel the power it contained and was shocked that she did not notice it before. All these series of confusion and shock made her forget the rage she felt towards Black Adam. She momentarily felt happy that he was this angry because she got hurt.

When the bubble was small enough to only contain Black Adam's head, she realizes it was going to kill him. She looked at her teammate and realize he had made up his mind. She dashed towards him and managed to calm him down.


When they were still in the hospital, the League would drop by to see them. It was a hospital that only Vought personnel could access thus they had Marcus' permission to be here. Marcus thought that Invincible did not need to wait until they save Superboy to meet the team. When they came, they could only meet Invincible as Rachel had just left to meditate.

The ones that had come to visit Invincible were Bruce, Barry, Arthur with their protégé, and Clark. As they entered the room, Wally A.K.A Kid Flash was the first to greet Invincible.

Kid Flash: Hey Invincible! I know this is sudden, but could I get an autograph?

Wally was not a fan of Invincible if anything he was the opposite as he was jealous of all the girls to fawn over his posters. This did not stop him from looking at the big picture, of flirting, his autograph could be a girl's magnet, an ice breaker or worst he could sell it for a quick buck.

Invincible: Hm. Okay!

Wally ran to get a paper and pen for Invincible to sign. It only took a minute for that to happen. Wally's eyes almost turned into stars. The rest of the heroes, old and young, looked at Wally, knowing what his true goal was out of the autograph.

Superman: Are you alright? From what I heard that fight was quite brutal. Black Adam is a league-level threat after all.

Invincible: Yeah, I'm good. I heal fast after all plus Marcus said he was proud of me.

Batman: Really?

Invincible: Yeah, he said that he expected that I could handle Black Adam without getting injured. I did something he thought would never be achieved as the bar was already low. I was as he said incomp- I forgot the word. NISHISHISHI!

Robin: Do you mean incompetent?

Invincible pointed at Robin.

Invincible: Yep, that's the word.

A short blond-haired Atlantean with dark skin spoke. He was Aqualad, Aquaman's sidekick.

Aqualad: I might be overstepping my boundaries, but it looks to me that he was insulting you while being mad at you.

Invincible: That can't be right. If he was mad at me, why did he finally accept my request to get my own Devil Fruit?

Invincible acted as Batman hoped. He learned his lesson. The risks of taking things from Marcus outweigh the benefits but he still needed information and out of everyone from Vought, Invincible was the most likely to accidentally spill information. That was the reason he came along with Superman. He brought Barry and Arthur along with their protégé as they could gather information without knowing. Yes, he had bugged them.

Bruce knew that Observation Haki was more than just a dodging skill. A few of his masters had told him that some people with a talent for it can even sense other emotions like an empath. Marcus had lived for millions of years; Bruce did not ignore the fact that with training Marcus could have reached that level with hard work if he did not have the talent for it to begin with.

He was using himself as a decoy. Bruce knew that they would expect him to be suspicious. They might even refuse his interaction with Invincible, but they were less likely to suspect their protégé. He had seen multiple times, that a lot of villains underestimate their protégé only to lose. Right now, he wanted more information about the ones who left Vought as well as more information on Devil Fruit. Kid Flash's immature nature would allow him to ask, without getting suspected, what are Devil Fruits. The best part was that Bruce had nothing to do, to make him ask that question. As Kid Flash was about to act as Bruce had predicted, they all heard a lazy voice from the entrance of the hospital room. It was Aokiji.

Aokiji: That's because you almost destroyed half the world along with Black Eve in that fit of rage. Seriously, that was why I was against you borrowing Newgate's Devil Fruit.

The old heroes along with Robin and Aqualad were shocked, but Kid Flash barely listen to what Aokiji said. He had a question he wanted to ask.

Kid Flash: Wait, what's a Devil Fruit?

Aokiji: Sorry kid, can't tell you any more than that.

Kid Flash: Oh com'on, can't you loosen up a little?

Aokiji: No.

It was the first time everyone had seen Aokiji being serious. The reason for that was very simple. Aokiji knew that it was neither of the four that left nor their subordinates that released the knowledge of Devil Fruit.

Reverse Flash: IT WAS ME BARRY!

Author: Wrong place and time my guy.

Reverse Flash: *Peace sign and fades out*

He had volunteered to be the head of research on where the source of the information came from. It was the first time Marcus had seen Aokiji work with a passion thus he did not question it. Aokiji knew his hunt would never end because he was the one that leaked the existence of Devil Fruit. One day, he was drinking in a bar and met a beautiful lady. He drank too much and talked about the source of his Devil Fruit.

The girl just had to tell anyone she knew about this, luckily for Aokiji, she was too drunk to remember him. He could not tell Marcus since the time he went out with that girl was during the time he was supposed to work. He started giving his work to Harley once Marcus gave her the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami. She had enough stamina to do both their work as well as what she would call "reward time".

Invincible: Well Devil Fruit are a fruit that tastes really bad from what I have heard people say.

Invincible saw that every one that came to see him was curious about the Devil Fruit thus he decided to tell them. Aokiji did not stop him as the more Invincible talked about Devil Fruit the more Marcus might think that it was Invincible that leaked the information without realizing it. He had found his way out of the predicament he was having.

Robin: If it tastes bad, why would people eat it then?

Robin had worked with Batman long enough to know when fishing for information. Once the topic of Devil Fruit came up, he realized that his mentor was trying to acquire more information thus he decided to prove himself at this moment.

Invincible: That's because the one that eats it gains its power like Newgate that ate the Quake-Quake Devil Fruit. He became a tremor man.

Kid Flash: HA! He ate a fruit that taste bad only for him to be able to tremble?!

Invincible: No. He can cause an earthquake with his power and from what Marcus said if he is at sea, he can cause a tsunami with ease.

The slight mock in Wally's voice disappeared. The sidekicks were speechless but not the mentors as they had been briefed by the dark knight about the possibility of Invincible having the power to cause an earthquake. Batman had even theorized that if it was done at sea, a tsunami might be formed.

Flash: Can we come back to what you said about the kid almost destroying half the world along with Black E-Adam in that fit of rage?

Aokiji: Well, the power he put in that last attack would have caused the mother of all Tsunamis to be formed along with the reactivation of dozens of volcanoes. It could have led to a mini apocalypse.

Aquaman: And you let a kid have that power?!

Aokiji: He was borrowing it plus it was one of the very few powers he- hold on why am I even explaining this? I have zero obligation to justify myself. Oy Kid, catch!

Aokiji threw an electronic tablet at Invincible, who caught it.

Invincible: What's that?

Aokiji: It's the list of Devil Fruit available, pick one and eat it.

Aokiji did not even wait for Invincible to respond. He turned around to face the heroes while Invincible was scrolling the list. Aokiji threw something at Batman, who caught it only to see that it was a USB key.

Aokiji: Marcus told me to give you this. It has a bit of information concerning the group that left Vought. You can believe what is in it or not that is your choice. Marcus wanted it to be and quote a fair fight, end quote.

Batman nodded. He was not going to refuse information if it was someone like Hal, he would have crushed the USB key, but Bruce would see what is on it and verify them.

Aokiji: Now if you would come with me, the patient needs rest.

They all understood that Aokiji did not want them to stay close to Invincible while he was picking Devil Fruit.

When they left the room, Aokiji went his separate way. Wally saw him walking away and thought it was the perfect opportunity to go inside Invincible's room. He knew that Invincible was a layback type of guy thus he would not be upset. Wally ran at a high speed. He still kept his eyes on Aokiji who still had, his back facing them. He smirked and grabbed the handle of the door, ready to open it. Simultaneously, the three mentors and two sidekicks saw a frozen Kid Flash holding the doorknob. He had a joyous expression as if he did not even realize what had happened to him.

One moment he was holding the handle the next he found himself on the ground surrounded by the three mentors and his friends. He noticed that his body was cold. After gaining his bearings, his friend Kaldur also known as Aqualad told him that Aokiji had frozen him when he was about to open the door. The mentors were about to confront Aokiji when he said that he was alive and would only need thirty minutes to defrost. They were happy to learn that, but Aokiji told them that they were now only permitted to stay at the lounge as one of them had breached their trust.

As they were discussing what to do next after reprimanding Kid Flash, they heard Aokiji shouting while he was making his way toward the front of the hospital.


The Flash came before Aokiji to stop his advance.

Flash: Need any help?

If Aokiji was a diligent employee, he would refuse but his motto was "Lazy Justice is good but Lazier Justice is perfect."

Aokiji: Not really but I won't refuse meat shiel- I mean any help.

The heroes had deadpanned expressions. Batman walked over and spoke.

Batman: What happened?

Aokiji: Gecko Moria stole a Devil Fruit that Marcus cherished. Marcus hunted him down only to find that it was a trap. Now he is fighting Moria, Akainu, Doflamingo, and Crocodile at the same time. We must hurry before it is too late.

Flash: Right! Let's hope Marcus can hold down until we arrive.

Aokiji: Hold down? Are you crazy? We're going there to stop Marcus, not to protect him.

Batman: You said that he had a heart problem, I would have thought it would be him that needed help.

Aokiji: His heart problem is that once he gets a certain amount of fighting, he starts to become a battle maniac. It is a pain in the ass to stop him when that happens. Now we've wasted enough time let's go.

As they were about to leave, Aokiji saw in his peripheral vision, Invincible hugging, Rachel before she holds his right hand. He did not pay attention to it until Invincible came to talk to him.

Invincible: Hey Aokiji, I heard you are going to see Marcus, I want to come with you, there is something I need to tell him.

Aokiji looked at Invincible before shock and fear reflected in his eyes. What he saw was Rachel standing twenty feet away still holding Invincible's right hand due to his right arm being stretched.

Aokiji: 'W-W-W-We are so dead!' Y-Y-You ate a Devil Fruit, right? What color was it?

Invincible: Yeah, I ate one, I pick a violet one that had the same color as Raven's hair since it reminded me of her. NISHISHI! Still, I want to talk to Marcus because I think my Haki is gone.

Aokiji heard what Invincible said, he then proceeded to faint.


Marcus was holding a sword that looked like Shisui in his right hand. He had just cut down what looked like a zombie. As the zombie fell onto the ground, a black mixture that looked like gas as much as it looked like a liquid, left its mouth to fly toward the sky. He was in what looked like a forest.

Marcus: Moria, I'm starting to think that you guys don't understand what I pay you for.

Moria who had blood dripping from his forehead down to his chin, like sweat, breathed heavily before speaking.

Moria: You don't pay us anymore-

Marcus: A-Allow to live for then. Though, I am surprised you would be the one to try to still my treasure. Akainu, Doflamingo, and Crocodile would rather live here while taking over in their own way for their own reason, but you have no such goal. This begs the question why would you go against me?

Moria: Because I want to return to paradise! I do not want to live in this hellhole. 'All I need to do is die during this battle and I will be able to go back to Jaya. Those three morons still think the plan will work RISHISHISHI!' he thought.

Marcus had told, in his Nika form (Shogeking mask), his statues that if they died, they would be brought back to Jaya. Jaya had evolved after millennia of having Gaia on it. It grew from small island to continent to finally becoming another world in a different dimension just like Olympus.

Marcus valued freedom he gave his statues the choice to go back if they wanted it though they still did not know that Marcus and Nika were the same. Doflamingo, Akainu, and Crocodile preferred this place since they could enforce their will here unlike at Jaya with Titans and Gods around the corner.

The Light had tried to recruit all four of them along with their respective subordinate. Doflamingo had accepted under the guise of partnership. Akainu and Crocodile both decline at the start the former because it did not suit his justice while the latter is out of pride. They eventually agreed under the condition they help them kill Marcus. Vandal had accepted, with this he would get powerful allies while eliminating a potential enemy. He had tried to gather information on Devil Fruit or even acquire one, but Marcus always eliminated the pawns he had sent, by now they were basically enemies, and might as well gain allies while making it official.

This was not a unanimous vote, but he overruled it. What Vandal did not realize was that Akainu and Crocodile had the same train of thought. "Might as well use you before eliminating you." They knew they could not beat Marcus on their own and he could derail their plan at any moment. Doflamingo agreed because he wanted to see chaos, something that gained the attention of Klarion. After speaking to each other, they became friends as one liked to see worlds burn while the other wanted it to be as such. Doflamingo tried to convince Moria to join them. He told him of their plan to beat Marcus to which the latter agreed not because he thought it would work but because he saw the perfect opportunity to return to Jaya without shaming himself. He had sneaked into Vought and grabbed Marcus' so-called "treasure". He even managed to fend him off for an hour.

Marcus: If that's what you want then, let me show you the way. It's right at the end of this black blade.

Marcus lunged toward Moria ready to cut his neck but as he was about to reach him, strings tided his legs. On his right, a giant fist made of magma was heading his way. On his left, giant claws made of sand were heading his way. Marcus crossed his arms. He used his sword to block the sand claw and his left hand to stop the giant magma fist. Marcus smirked.

Marcus: My My. If I remember correctly, didn't you all say you would kill each other the next time you saw each other?

Crocodile: I can kill them when I want to, but I would rather remove that smug look off your face first.

Akainu: Keep dreaming scum but for my justice to prosper you will have to die.

Doflamingo: We just have a common hatred for you after all you put us in those casts multiple times it would be a shame if we didn't return the favor FUFUFUFUFU!

Marcus: Well, it is good to dream big, I'll give you that. ZEHAHAHAHA!

As Marcus was laughing, he saw that in the future, a portal would open, and a very interesting opponent would come. He decided to turn off the future sight, for this fight he would not use his Busoshoku Haki. As it would end quickly with it.

Moria: we'll see if you're still laughing after we are done.

Only Doflamingo and Moria knew what the plan was. The real plan was not to defeat him today. They had brought cameras to show the whole world Marcus' strength. This would cause friction between Vought and public opinion. This would lead to Marcus focusing his attention on the public while the light gathered more information. That was the plan but if they managed to kill him, Vandal would not be against it. Doflamingo would not miss that chance. None of them had told him anything about Devil Fruit or Vought as they demanded Marcus to be dead before they talk. Akainu and Crocodile were hiding it better, but Vandal could see a trace of fear in their eyes when he asked them to spill the beans.

Marcus used Soru to free himself and appeared fifteen feet away from them. The sword he was wielding vanished.

Marcus: I think for old time's sake, I will fight you guys without a weapon.

Marcus had a few techniques he wanted to use again. He had used them against Typhon, but he was feeling nostalgic.

[You just want to beat them to a pulp from leaking the existence of Devil Fruit.]

Marcus: …

His anger was also a factor in that decision. Marcus started the fight with a light greeting. He used one of his original techniques. He used a combination of Rokugan and the Hasshoken to launch an attack with hands forming the mouth of a wolf. The Hasshoken is a fighting style that allows the user to control vibrations around their limbs to generate shock waves. Marcus had remembered about it after the defeat of Kronos. He had been depressed that he did not use it during the war. Gaia had caught wind of that, and the rest was history/mythology. Marcus had even taught Hasshoken to a group of people he had met during his days as a pirate.

Marcus: Hasshoken Ogi: *wolf's bite*!!!

The image of a giant wolf came at the group of four. Doflamingo and Moria evaded while Crocodile and Akainu stood there. The attack passed through them and destroyed dozen of treat behind the logia duo.

Crocodile: What the hell was that?!!

Akainu: Do you really think an attack like that can hurt us?!!

Doflamingo: FUFUFUFU! It looks like he is going easy on us.

Akainu and Crocodile were pissed. They rushed at Marcus. In mere moments they were in front of him ready to attack.

[A/N: A lot of the original attack's description will be inspired from Onepiece. fandom]

Crocodile formed several solid blades with fan-shaped edges instead of one large blade made from sand rushing at Marcus.

Crocodile: Dezāto Rasupāda!!!

Akainu transformed his fist into pure magma before expanding and throwing it toward Marcus. It was like an oversized rocket, burning whatever lies in its path.

Akainu: Dai Funka!!!

Marcus smiled as he spoke.

Marcus: My bad, I wanted to start the fight with a light greeting but since you don't want that… I'll get a bit serious.

His right arm started to vibrate as he swept at the logia duo.

Marcus: Haoshoku-Hasshoken Ogi: *Fenris' Claws*!!!

The attacks collided. A loud explosion was heard. Akainu and Crocodile were sent flying with bruises over their body. As they landed, they looked more composed than they were before they attacked.

Crocodile: Bastard goated us into a trap!!!

Akainu: Speak for yourself!! I was taking an opening I saw.

Crocodile: That line of blood leaving your mouth begs to differ.

While they were bickering, they saw Doflamingo flying toward Marcus. Moria had disappeared all according to plan. They needed to stall for time until "It" was ready.

A bright orange thread left Doflamingo's hand and went toward Marcus aiming to cut him in half.

Doflamingo: Ōbāhīto!!!

Marcus evaded it by jumping in the air. Doflamingo sent five rainbow-color threats toward Marcus aiming to slice him, by swiping his hand toward his target with five strings coming out from his fingers.

Doflamingo: Goshikīto!!!

Marcus swiped his leg toward Doflamingo.

Marcus: Rankyaku Ogi: *Getsuga Tenshō*!!!

A slash with the form of a crescent moon hurled itself toward Doflamingo. Doflamingo managed to evade it at the last second. While he evades the attack Akainu rushed at Marcus only to be kicked back to the ground.

Marcus: Is that you got- Huh?!

He suddenly saw two figures rushing at him in the air. They were new opponents. One was formerly known as Black Adam and currently called Black Eve and the other was a dark sorcerer, a nemesis of Doctor Fate, Wotan. Marcus dodged the punch that Black Eve had sent.

Marcus: Wow, I did not expect to see you here and by the way, I think you are brave to have come out, Black Eve.

Black Eve: ARRHG!!!

[A/N: that will be all the joke I will do about Black Eve now let's get serious].

Enraged, lightning crackled around his fist which he swung again at Marcus, who kept blocking it while staying in the air through his Geppo. As Marcus had enough of him, he decided to attack for once. His right arm starts to vibrate while his hand forms the claws of a dragon identical to Sabo's technique.

Marcus: Hasshoken: *Drill Dragon's Flow*

It hits Black Adam, but he stands his ground and holds Marcus' right arm.

Black Adam: *Groan* DO IT NOW!!!

Wotan, who had been preparing some kind of magic, cast his spell which bonded Marcus' other arm and legs bringing him to the ground. Doflamingo turned part of the ground into strings which he used to wrap Marcus' legs for good measure.

Marcus: Okay, I would like to say that I only enjoy being tide up by girls and during role play-

A portal opened in front of Marcus, who was standing there immobile, Moria came out of it.

Moria: RISHISHISHI! I guess it's time to finish you off.

As he said that a blur rushed out of the portal and toward Marcus. As he was not using his Busoshoku Haki, he only realized it, mere moments before a pointy fist came in contact with his fast and sent him hurling towards the horizon.

Moria: Your most exploitable weakness is that you always look down on everyone. How do you like that!? A Doomsday power up by a billion shadows!!! RISHISHISHI!

Crocodile: Stop getting cocky, you bastard. He is not dead. Now's our chance to make him eat the Devil Fruit.

Marcus' Treasure was the Devil Fruit commonly known by the core members of Vought as Gomu Gomu no mi. Only Marcus knew that its true name was the Hito Hito no mi: Model Sun God NIKA!!! It had been one of his rewards for defeating Kaijirag. After Marcus had learned to create Devil Fruit on his own, he tinkered with this Devil Fruit and made it so that whoever ate it would have all their previous mastery of Haki sealed. They would have to start from scratch again. He had done so because watching Invincible was a good way to entertain himself, but he would later want to do some adventuring himself. He was planning on restarting his adventure as a pirate in space after a couple of millennia with just the strength of an average Viltrumite and beginner Haki. Marcus had told the core members of Vought about this Devil Fruit because he liked to brag about it.

What none of them knew was that Invincible had just eaten it since Marcus had ensured that only he could take that Devil Fruit away. Sadly, invincible was still a version of him thus benefiting from a loophole.

As Akainu was about to open the box that had the stolen Devil Fruit he jumps back evading a bird made of ice, dark vines, and hundreds of balls of light. Aokiji landed in front of Akainu.

Aokiji: Akainu! What have you done?! You know how he gets when someone manages to injure him!

Akainu: I know Kuzan! That's why you won't stop me from taking that Devil Fruit. You know just as much as I do that it is our best way to stop him.

Aokiji: That Fruit is not in that Box!!

Doflamingo: FUFUFU! And here I thought you were a terrible liar. You almost made me believe you-

Aokiji: I know that Devil Fruit is not in that Box since Invincible just ate it!!!!

This brought shock to the eyes of the four men. Black Adam and Wotan did not understand what it meant as none of them had informed the Light of the importance of that Devil Fruit. The first to speak was Moria.

Moria: W-W-W-We have to get out of here!!

Aokiji: Hell Nah! You are helping us stop him or we're just going to let him hunt you guys.

As they were discussing this, Kizaru walked up to Aokiji and tapped his shoulder.

Aokiji: What?

Kizaru: Is that the boss or am I seeing things?

Aokiji looked up and saw Marcus, in the air, with red hair.


Marcus had his right leg facing upward. There was a one hundred- and eight-degree angle between his legs. He started to roll forward. He was spinning gaining momentum by the second while approaching them. They knew better than to try to block it. They all evaded his attack or at the very least intended to. Marcus had sped up at the last moment.

Marcus: Haoshoku-Hasshoken Ogi: *Advent of Armageddon*!!!

As he hit the ground, shockwaves coated with Haki were sent toward everyone. It created an explosion. Aokiji barely managed to avoid most of the damage, but he was still pushed back to the ground. It took a few seconds for him to regain his bearings, only for him to look up and see a bloodied Akainu being held by the back of his neck by Marcus.

Aokiji noticed that Marcus had blood flowing out of his closed eyes. He guessed that they must have been damaged by Doomsday.

Marcus: ZEHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry looks like I got a little carried with that last attack.

Aokiji was relieved that Marcus seems to have retained his mind even if his hair had turned red. He always became a battle maniac when his hair became red. Marcus had told him that it was because it had been too long since he had a proper fight.

Unfortunately for Aokiji, his relief was cut short.

Marcus: by the way, Aokiji. I think I was hit in the head too hard because…

The next part was said in a dark voice.

Marcus: I heard you say that Invincible ate my fruit!

Aokiji looked at Marcus who had opened his eye, revealing how damaged they were. He then tried to look for help only to realize that Kizaru and Green Bull were on the ground faking being knocked out. Doflamingo, Crocodile, and Moria along with the two members of the Light were the only ones that were truly unconscious. Akainu was barely conscious but Marcus' grip was stopping him from moving.

Marcus: that must have been some hit right Aokiji?!

Aokiji: Eto~