
Chapter 01: Where am i?

On the sea where is nothing but water far and wide and the coast in the distance, you see a small boat on which a young man is lying. He has a tall stature with approx. 2.00m, blond shoulder-length hair. His name is Argon, 16 years old and recently became an orphan.

'My parents died in an accident two months ago when on the way back from a dinner party they were involved in an accident by a drunk driver and died on the way to the hospital. I couldn't be there when you took your last breaths. My father was a passionate fisherman and i often went fishing with him at sea. My mother was a history teacher in school and loved to read. I miss them so much what should I do now that i am all alone and have no one else?'

When argon is in thought, the water around him became very restless. It slowly but steadily moved away from the coast and out to sea. However, argon doesn't notice and keeps reading his favorite manga One Piece. On the horizon you can see that the water level is rising and a giant tsumani is moving towards the protagonist. When it suddenly gets darker, argon asks himself 'why is it suddenly dark, the sky was actually clear.' The moment he turns around and sees the huge wave coming towards him, he has only a few seconds left until he is swallowed up by it.

"oh f***********ck!" he jumps up and turns on the motor and wanted to drive ahead of the wave, but he knows very well that there is no way around it. He will drown today. Shortly after he set off and hoped to somehow manage to get out of the situation alive, the wave already caught him and pulled him to the seabed. While he is still desperately trying to get to the surface, he slowly loses consciousness. What he doesn't see is the little light that grows beneath him as he gets closer and closer to the bottom of the sea, consuming him.

The next moment one sees argon washed up on an island. he barely manages to cough up the water and after a few minutes he has calmed down and is able to look at his surroundings. However, the location is unknown to him and he wonders. 'where am I? f*ck it was close. But how can i be washed up on a shore when there was nothing around?' while he was in his thought he notice that a little way away from him is a young woman, around 16 years old with long black hair and reading a book in her hand. Since he doesn't know this place, he goes to inquire.

As he got closer to her he asked himself 'hmm... she looks familiar somehow.' Then he asks her "excuse me, please can you tell me where we are? I got hit by a huge wave and was then washed up here, but unfortunately I don't know where I am here."

Then she replies with an annoyed and cold look "we are on yugen island and if you continue along this path you will eventually reach the port." After she has described the way to him she devotes herself to her book again. However, argon has never heard of yugen island, so he asks her "thank you, but where exactly is yugen island i have never heard of this place?"

Again she looks at him annoyed closes her book, "this happens sometimes in west blue there are some unknown islands and some of them can disappear from one day to another", she says deep in thought. 'That can't be right? Am I dead and is this all just a dream? She says it's west blue and she looks so familiar... but that can't be, right?!'

"Would you introduce yourself? My name is Argon", he says very excited and stretches out his hand. She breathes out annoyed, but responds to his gesture and takes his handshake, "i am robin."

(A/N: Hello there that is my first novel and i hope i can find some people who like my story. English is not my first language so please have merci. Please comment if u have something to criticize!)